Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu both sat down at the table in the living room as soon as they arrived home. Ichimatsu wasn't in the mood to face his brothers, even if they were asleep. They would most likely wake up then ask him what he had been doing.
"But I wasn't doing anything wrong!" Ichimatsu fussed at himself, "It was all just a dream. A stupid dream that will never come true. I haven't tried to hurt myself in a very long time now..."
Jyushimatsu curled up on the floor, yawning loudly, then fell fast asleep.
"If I even do try to hurt myself...Jyushimatsu is here...isn't he? Probably not. I need to stop lying to myself...And I don't need him to worry about me either. I want everyone to be happy...like they're supposed to be. I don't deserve to be happy. I deserve to be left alone in this world. I don't need people to care about me. I don't need anything. I just deserve to rot in the alleyway where nobody would ever find me. That's what I deserve..."
Ichimatsu felt sick as he continued to think about these things. He truly wanted to be happy again one day, but he couldn't see anything good enough to ever happen that would make him happy.
"I have to get a job though...a freaking job..." Ichimatsu spat in his thoughts. "I don't see how it will help me though...the more people I'm around, the more I just want to curl up in a ball and die. I hate people. I hate them being around me. I want to be left alone...like I'm supposed to be. That's how it's supposed to be. I'm a loner...and loners don't need love, care, a place to stay, food, or anything that brings the slightest bit of joy..."
Ichimatsu laid his head down on the table and sighed. He covered his head with his hands, trying to block out the sound of the thunder and rain. It was reminding him of the night everything had gone wrong.
Just the way the single droplets of rain gently tapped on the window made him want to retch.
"It's like you're repeating time, isn't it, Ichimatsu?" That stupid voice hissed inside his mind. "Your brothers are far away from you, and here you are alone. This is your chance..."
"My chance to do what?!" Ichimatsu screamed at himself. "There ARE NO CHANCES for me in this world. No good or bad ones. I DON'T HAVE A CHANCE."
"Don't you just LOVE the feeling of being isolated from everyone, Ichimatsu? Don't you LOVE that sickening pit of loneliness in your stomach? The feeling of wanting to vomit?" the voice seemed to taunt. "You're all alone. Nobody cares. Nobody is there for you. You're a hopeless piece of trash. You can't kill yourself either. You're too pitiful to do that. You're a failure to your brothers. In the past, you were enjoyable to be around. Now look at yourself. What a screwup you've been to your life!"
"LEAVE ME ALONE...." Ichimatsu screamed in his mind. He shivered, trying his hardest to fight away the thoughts. But the more he tried, the weaker he began to feel. It's like something was continuously holding him back. He could progress forward, but only for two seconds.
His hands and feet grew entirely numb. His head grew heavier and heavier as a headache began to pound and pound tirelessly on his forehead. The sickening feeling in his stomach began to rise up to his throat.
Jumping to his feet, Ichimatsu ran to the bathroom, and vomited as soon as he reached the toilet. He retched and retched, trying to get the sickening feeling out of his system. But, of course, it wouldn't leave.
Ichimatsu grabbed each side of the toilet, throwing up even more. It left a terrible taste of his dinner from hours ago in his mouth. Along with an acidic taste that made him want to rip his tongue out so he wouldn't taste it.
Thunder clapped in the sky as he threw up some more.
"You idiot!" Ichimatsu yelled at himself, "You knew you wouldn't be able to keep down that much food! You've never eaten that much in years!"
Ichimatsu felt blood rushing to his head as he hung limply over the toilet.
"I can't do this...can't...do...this..." he thought as vomit began to pour out of his mouth again. "I just can't stop..."
A awful stench began to fill the air, and Ichimatsu quickly flushed the toilet. He turned around, hoping his brothers wouldn't awaken to such a normal sound.
Thunder clapped loudly in the sky again. Ichimatsu let out a slight sigh of relief as he panted.
"I-I'm scared, Choro...." Ichimatsu heard what sounded like Todomatsu whisper.
"Go back to sleep, Totty," Choromatsu replied.
"B-but...I have to go to t-the b-bathroom..." Todomatsu whimpered.
"Great. Just great." Ichimatsu spat, standing up shakily, hoping he wouldn't vomit again. He ran out of the bathroom, avoiding washing his hands.
"Hey, Ichimatsu?" Choromatsu mumbled sleepily, "Is that you?"
"Shoot...they saw me..." Ichimatsu cursed under his breath.
Todomatsu closed the bathroom door, then let out a shriek. "It smells in here!"
"Of course it does, Totty. It's a bathroom," Choromatsu replied, sighing as he sat down by the bathroom door irritatedly.
Ichimatsu let out a slight sigh of relief as he sat back down at the table, watching Jyushimatsu snore in peace.
"I wonder if he's dreaming about Homura-chan..." Ichimatsu wondered, slightly smiling as he watched Jyushimatsu. "I can only hope Jyushimatsu is at peace...life hasn't been kind to him lately..."
"Hey, Ichimatsu," Choromatsu said, suddenly in the doorway. "So Jyushimatsu finally found you?"
"Y-yeah..." Ichimatsu mumbled, laying his head on the table as he listened to the rain crash down on the roof of the house. It was pouring now. A nice, calming storm that could easily keep Jyushimatsu asleep.
"How are you?" Choromatsu asked, coming in the room, sitting down at the table with him.
"I'm fine..." Ichimatsu lied.
"CHORO?!?!?!" Todomatsu shrieked like a little girl, "WHERE ARE YOU?"
"I better go," Choromatsu said, standing back up and leaving the room. "But, why don't you go to bed now? It's literally four A.M., Ichimatsu."
Ichimatsu couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. It was already almost morning.
"Another day already..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "I have to look for a job then..."
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