Ichimatsu snapped his eyes open, shivering in the cold. All of the cats around him had left. Most likely to find food.
"What time is it even...?" Ichimatsu thought, trying to forget everything he had just felt and seen in his dream.
Ichimatsu glanced up at the sky. The moon shone brightly, casting a small bit of light down on his head. It was a full moon.
"Was that why my dream was so terrifying?" Ichimatsu thought, shuddering at the thought of being cornered by his brothers.
"That'll never happen..." Ichimatsu tried to remind himself, but deep down, he knew it was more possible than impossible.
Ichimatsu then realized that his hoodie was soaking wet, and so were parts of the street.
"It must have rained..." he thought as he stood up, brushing his pants off.
He couldn't help but worry if his brothers had looked for him. But then again, they were probably used to him not being around.
A gust of wind blew through the alleyway, causing Ichimatsu to shiver insanely.
"I'll catch a cold if I stay out here much longer..." Ichimatsu mumbled, walking stiffly away from the two trash cans.
"Ichimatsu nii-san?" Jyushimatsu yelled, "Where are you!?"
"Crap..." Ichimatsu spat under his breath. "I hope he hasn't been out here long...he'll get sick..."
"Ichimatsu!!" Jyushimatsu cheered, running towards his brother in joy. "I found you!"
Jyushimatsu collided into his brother, sending both of the to the ground. He began to laugh, his mouth wide open.
"They said I wouldn't find you, but I did, nii-san! I found you!"
"That's nice..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "But can we go home now...I'm freezing..."
"Yes! But you're really wet, Ichimatsu! Did you fall asleep out here in the rain?" Jyushimatsu asked as they both stood up.
"Yeah..." Ichimatsu mumbled, walking with his hooded brother down the empty streets. He couldn't help but wonder if someone was watching them, thinking of calling the police because of how suspicious they looked. Just two men wearing hoodies, walking slowly down the street in the middle of the night. How could that not look suspicious?
"Did you have any dreams?" Jyushimatsu asked randomly as the continued to walk.
"Mmm..." Ichimatsu mumbled for yes.
"What was it like?" Jyushimatsu asked.
"I don't think you'd understand..." Ichimatsu murmured.
"Nii-san, tell me!" Jyushimatsu laughed.
"But it's not anything that would interest you..." Ichimatsu said.
"How do you know, Ichi?" Jyushimatsu smiled as they stopped and sat down in the park.
"'re not like me," Ichimatsu muttered, putting his head in his hands.
"Nii-san? Is something wrong?" Jyushimatsu asked, panic filling his voice.
"I'm fine, Jyushimatsu," Ichimatsu slightly laughed in pain.
"No, nii-san, you're not fine! I can tell," Jyushimatsu said, poking his brother.
"I dreamt that someone caught me doing dorm thing very terrible, Jyushimatsu. And it felt so real...and now I'm scared that it really will happen. I can't do this anymore..." Ichimatsu spat.
"It's okay," Jyushimatsu said, hugging his brother. "You just have to work hard now to make sure it doesn't happen!"
"He basically already knows what I was doing in my dream, doesn't he...?" Ichimatsu thought in vain, when suddenly, the sky lit up in lightning.
"It's about to storm..." Ichimatsu mumbled. "We should be getting home, Jyushimatsu..."
Ichimatsu stood up and began to walk away towards their home. Worry filled his stomach as his mind reminded him of all that had happened the past day.
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