Don't Go
Jyushimatsu chased after Ichimatsu, watching dark ghastly hands jerk him down the streets.
The five birds flew after Ichimatsu tweeting wildly, trying to make the hands go away.
"Stop!" Jyushimatsu yelled, running after Ichimatsu.
The hands pulled him further down the street, one hand wrapped around Ichimatsu's neck.
"One more step, boy, and your brother will be dead!" a voice hissed, and one of the hands's fingers pointed at Jyushimatsu.
"No..." Jyushimatsu panted, trying to not show how scared he was. "Back off!" he yelled.
Jyushimatsu took a step forwards, and the hand wrapped itself more tightly around Ichimatsu's neck.
"I warned you..." the voice cackled. "But you never listen, do you? You foolish piece of garbage! You're no different from trash number one here, are you?"
The second hand wrapped around Ichimatsu's neck as well.
"Don't take another step, and Trash will be saved," the voice hissed.
Jyushimatsu's heart began to beat wildly.
"What would you do to him?" he yelled anxiously.
"That is none of your concern, foolish little boy..." the voice spat. "What do you wish more to see? Your brother in your arms dead, or alive in mine?"
Jyushimatsu felt like someone had just stabbed him in the chest. He knew he wanted to see his brother alive more than anything...
"I thought so!" the voice laughed wickedly.
The hands wrapped around Ichimatsu's neck tighter and tighter until he couldn't breath. Ichimatsu let out a scream, then went completely silent.
The hands threw his body to the ground and disappeared.
"Ichimatsu!" Jyushimatsu cried, running towards his brother.
He rolled his brother over onto his back and stared at his face. He was smiling.
"He died...smiling?" Jyushimatsu whispered, tears falling down his cheeks and onto Ichi's purple hoodie.
The five birds all stopped around Ichimatsu's dead body, still tweeting loudly.
Then, one by one, each one hopped on top of where Ichimatsu's heart was. The birds vanished, their feathers all that remained of them.
"Wh-what...?" Ichimatsu mumbled, rubbing his head. "Jyushimatsu why are you're supposed to be happy..."
"Ichimatsu!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed, hugging his brother tightly. "I thought you were gone! But you're back! You really are back! I missed you so much, Ichimatsu! Please, promise to never EVER leave again! Please..."
Ichimatsu sighed and hugged Jyushimatsu back, gently rubbing his head.
" I won't promise...but I'll try..." Ichimatsu replied.
Jyushimatsu broke away from his hug and stared at his brother, his moist eyes sparkling with happiness. He opened up his mouth and let out a small laugh.
Ichimatsu couldn't help but smile.
"Nii-san! You're smiling!" Jyushimatsu exclaimed.
Ichimatsu quickly looked down, avoiding his brother's happy gaze.
"" he laughed nervously.
Jyushimatsu awoke.
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