Chapter Six
I dropped into my bed and sent a text to the group chat.
Darcy- I can come!
Daddy- that's awesome!
Daddy- omg Jonty did you change my name again??
Daddy- this is Tennyson, Darcy
Jon the bomb- it's a good name, right?
The sarcastic nerd- oh my god Jonty we need to change it
The boy with a crush- Jonty, wth not to this
Allyally- hahaha omg
Darcy- are you guys okay?😂
The poet- yeah
The poet- what name is this?
The poet- was that you June?
The sarcastic nerd- well Tennyson was a poet
The poet- whatever
Allyally- we'll see you then Darcy!
I laughed and closed the chat.
I took a sip of water and took my laptop out my bag, opening it and getting up Zoom and Gmail. I clicked on the link in an email from Sammy.
Please wait, the host will let you in soon.
I stared at the screen for a couple seconds until,
I laughed as Ben pushed Sammy, seventeen and full of energy, aside. "We talked to her just the other day, idiot. Hi Darcy!"
Sammy shoved her head back into the screen. "So how was your first day of school? Did you make friends? What were the teachers like?"
"Hi guys!" I said. "Ben, your makeup skills are getting so good!"
The slim sixteen-year-old smiled at me shyly, the dark eyeliner enhancing his blue eyes and making his shaggy blond hair stand out even more. "Dad still doesn't like it."
"Well, I think it's lovely," I said.
"I NEED INFORMATION, DARCY!" said Sammy impatiently.
"Is Sydney there?" I asked.
"Ugh," grumbled Sammy. "He's here somewhere on his phone. I got him to come over so he could say hi to you. SYDNEEEEEEEEEEEY!" she yelled.
"Eh?" came a voice from outside of my view. "What?"
"IT'S DARCY!" called Sammy.
"Oh!" The sleepy face of the eighteen-year-old with narcolepsy topped with a shock of purple dyed fringe popped into the screen with a bemused smile. "Hey, Darcy."
"Hi Sydney," I giggled. "I can't be long guys, because I'm going to a friend's house for a movie night, but I wanted to talk to you."
"A FRIEND!" screeched Sammy. "Who are they? What are they like?"
I grinned. "A group of friends, actually," I said. "Ally, Lola, June, Jonty, and Tennyson."
"You said Tennyson differently!" Said Sammy excitedly. "Ooooooooh you like him!"
"What- I didn't say him differently!" I protested, laughing.
"You did," said Ben.
"Uh huh, you did," mumbled Sydney, texting rapidly.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes. "He is super cute."
"AHHHHHHH!" squealed Sammy. "Oh wait- does he have any cute friends? Does he??"
"You'll have to see for yourself," I joked.
"Is that an invitation to visit?" said Sydney, lifting his eyes from his phone screen and raising an eyebrow at me.
I tried to hide my frown. "Maybe." I said. I didn't know though. I just- I wanted to keep my new life and my old life separate, you know? "Maybe someday."
"How was school?" asked Ben.
I told them the same things I'd told Mum. "The teacher of the music class was great!"
"Did he like your music?" Sammy said.
"I didn't show him any of my own music..."
"You should've!" exclaimed Sammy.
"But I think he liked my playing," I said.
"Of course he did," smiled Ben.
"Yeah," said Sydney. "You're really good, Darcy."
I blushed. "Thanks."
I talked to them for a little while longer, telling them about our catching of Gail cheating on Jonty, and talking about how Ben could come out to his homophobic parents. I wished I could keep talking forever. I missed those guys so much.
"Darcy!" Mum called. "Your friends are here!"
"I thought they were coming at five!" I yelled back.
"Well obviously they didn't!" Mum yelled. "You say goodbye to Sammy, I'll have a quick talk to them. And say hi to Sammy and Ben for me! Oh, and Sydney if he's awake!"
"I will!" I yelled.
"Well," I said.
They all looked at me with smiling faces.
"Have fUuUuUun!" sang Sammy.
"Ugh!" I buried my face in my hands for a moment. "Bye guys."
"Goodbye Darcy!" they all said.
"I love you so much," I said. "And I miss you."
"We miss you too," said Sammy, putting an arm around Ben, who was wiping his eyes.
"We love you heaps," said Sydney. "See you soon."
"Bye Darcy!" said Ben.
"Seeya!" I waved until bloop! the meeting was ended.
AAAAAH I'm so sorry this is sooo late omg.
It's kinda a filler chapter and it's not that great 😢 so I'm really sorry that it's so late.
I hope you all liked it! Please vote, follow and share, and comment! Your comments give me life lol.
Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out soon 😬
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