who even invented eggnog? i hate eggnog ─ lupat
title : who even invented eggnog?
i hate eggnog
oc / pairing : lucy turner and
patsy marsh (lupat)
trigger warnings : alcohol and vomiting!
DAY SIX : " i hate eggnog. "
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THANK GOD THE BATHROOM HAD BARELY BEEN IN use. The music blaring from the bar made most people unaware of what was going on. His hair being pulled back, his fingertips on the smooth surface like he's trying to hold on for dear life. Heavy breathing could only be heard between the two of them, one of them hunched over. If you had walked into the bathroom, you would've assumed a couple had been doing the devil's tango.
Until you hear the contents of one's stomach fall into the toilet.
Lucy had been vomiting for the last ten minutes. The thick liquid spiked with alcohol just kept coming up. Once he thought he was done ralphing it up, more escaped from him. The sick feeling made him almost dizzy. Behind him was Patsy, making sure that Lucy's bleached blonde hair didn't fall in the toilet, his nose scrunched up.
"Oh, gross," Patsy mumbled.
Lucy slightly picked his head. It doesn't go far, afraid that he might let out another cup's worth of eggnog in the toilet. He didn't know what led him to drink it in the first place, other than Patsy's very convincing words. Because he mixed in the rum pretty well with the usual pasteurized milk and eggs.
"It's your fault, by the way," is the first thing that came from Lucy's lips after the vomit that just came out.
Patsy looked at him like he was insane. "How is it me fault?" he asked, "all I did was make the damn thing!"
"Exactly," Lucy mumbled.
Before he could get another word out, Lucy dipped his head closer to the toilet before throwing up more of the contents. He could hear the disgusted noise that Patsy was making behind him, as if he were about to puke, which honestly didn't make Lucy's puking any better.
Lucy grumbled. His stomach ached, his head hurt. "God, I thought hangovers were supposed to wait until the morning," he said to Patsy.
"I don't think this is a hangover, me love," Patsy said back, "you simply can't hold your eggnog well."
"Well with it being milk and eggs, I don't think anyone could hold it well," Lucy murmured.
Patsy shook his head. "Everyone here has drank the eggnog and you're the only one here throwing it back up! And then you pull me in so I can witness it!"
"You came in here willingly. To, 'prevent my beautiful hair from getting dingy'."
"Oh, bullocks!" Patsy said back, "I didn't say that!"
"Those were your words, Miss Patsy," Lucy told him.
"Well, it is very beautiful. Would hate for it to get ruined because you decided to drink me eggnog," Patsy replied, currently messing with it.
Lucy playfully rolled his eyes. When he felt as though the vomiting was finally over, he reached for the toilet paper. He rolled off a generous amount before wiping his mouth off. He then threw the toilet paper in the toilet before flushing it. He didn't even know if he should leave, yet. The worst thing is to leave the bathroom and then have the need to throw up again.
Patsy still holds onto his hair. He's playing with it now. The feel of it makes Lucy lean back on his chest. He didn't even have the energy to stand back up. He felt pretty weak. He didn't even know vomiting could make him so tired. Patsy could see that as clear as day.
"You okay?" Patsy asked, his voice gentle.
Lucy nodded. "Yeah," he answered, "for now, anyway. I still feel sick, though."
"Then go home," Patsy told him, "I'll handle the party from here."
"And leave you to run it alone? No way!" Lucy replied back.
"Luce," Patsy started, "as much as I would love to have you helping me with those big strong arms of yours, I don't want you throwing up on me floor."
Lucy laughed at this. "Good point. I don't wanna ruin your beautiful floor," he said.
Patsy helped Lucy up from the bathroom floor. He opened the door of the bathroom stall, letting Lucy out first before he went out, locking the stall door behind him. He made sure to wrap his arm around Lucy to keep him stable.
When they finally walk out of the bathroom, Chris is the first one to notice. She noticed not only that, but Lucy's exhaustion from vomiting.
"Holy shit," she said, "Is he okay?"
"He had a little too much eggnog, that's all, dear," Patsy explained to her.
"Damn. I had no idea eggnog could do that," she told him.
"Who even invited eggnog?" Lucy asked, "I hate eggnog. Why does it exist?"
"Probably because some bitch was weird enough to make an alcoholic drink with dairy products," Chris snickered.
"I'm gonna take him back up to the apartment, you think you can watch things for a few?" Patsy asked.
Chris gave a nod. "Sure!"
"Thanks, love," Patsy replied back, before turning to Lucy, "c'mon. Let's take you upstairs."
Having an apartment above the bar was really convenient. Not only for times like these, but just being close to the bar in general. Though, it was like Lucy struggled to walk. Between the tiredness washing over him, a stomach ache and a headache, this was going to be more painful than he thought.
They finally get to the apartment. Even for their own living space Patsy had the ideal design for it. He set down Lucy on the green corduroy couch that Lucy had bought while in one of his manic episodes. Once he laid down on it, comfort washed over him.
"You're gonna be okay up here alone?" Patsy asked.
"I'll be fine," Lucy answered, "the only thing I'll probably be doing is sleeping anyway."
Although Lucy had been reassuring that he would be okay, Patsy wouldn't feel right leaving him alone, especially when he could've possibly been sick with a hangover. Not to mention that the possibility of Lucy vomiting again was still at play.
Patsy eventually reached for the phone and dialed a number before putting the phone up to his ear. It rang for a couple of moments before someone finally picked up. "Judas Prance, this is Chris speaking."
"Chris, darling!" Patsy said through the phone.
"Miss Patsy? Why are you calling me from upstairs?"
"There's been a change of plans, dear," Patsy told her, "I think I'm just gonna stay with Lucy, he's looking a bit sickly."
"Oh! Okay," Chris said back, "I'll tell Rob and Link to cover the bar."
"You're the best," Patsy replied, before hanging up.
The first thing that Patsy does is go into their shared bedroom. He quickly came back, a blanket in his arms, and he covered Lucy with it. Lucy looked back up at Patsy, a bit confused.
"You're not going back down there," Lucy said to him, "why?"
"You don't feel good, Luce, I'm not leaving you alone like this," Patsy told him.
"Ah, ah. Don't," Patsy replied. Lucy immediately shut his mouth afterward, "Don't argue with me on this. Okay? Are we clear?"
Lucy gave a small, but weak smile. "Crystal," he said back.
"Good," Patsy said, before giving a gentle kiss to the other's forehead, "now, do you need anything? Glass of water, food──"
"Just you," Lucy told him, "you, and probably spoke of those stupid Christmas movies that are probably playing on TV right about now."
Patsy smiled back at him. "Thought you hated those?"
"I do," Lucy said back to him with a quiet chuckle, "but I don't wanna make you bored because I'm sick to my stomach."
"Well this is not about me, this is about helping you feel better," Patsy replied.
He noticed Lucy's eyes closing up on him. All he could do right now was play with his hair. To Lucy, it was quite relaxing to him. So much, that he was out like a light in an instant. Patsy noticed this. Chuckling at the sight, he gives one last kiss to his forehead.
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