nsfw alphabet ─ angelo rossi
title : nsfw alphabet
oc / pairing : angelo rossi
trigger warnings : obviously nsfw stuff
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
── needs it. it doesn't even necessarily have
to be a cuddly and what not . just like ... stay
with him after . watch a movie with him .
literally it makes him feel not fucked up .
clearly aftercare is a foreign concept to him
so just stay with him . surprisingly , it
doesn't take much to make him happy .
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
── this may seem a little peculiar but angie
likes his nose? it's very distinct, he's got the
traditional italian nose . a lot of people make
fun of it, but it's a part of him and it's apart
of his ancestry and a reminder that no one
can take that away from him . so it's not
even for sexual reasons it's for identity
reasons .
── as for sam ... does his hair count? the
whole reason he fell for him was because ,
well , angie has a thing for blondes . always
has . that's never changed . but , if it doesn't
count , then his hands . guitarist's hands ,
calloused and shit. he doesn't mind it and it
definitely is kind of a weakness .
unfortunate for angie , playing guitar just
makes sam hotter i fear . and it shows that
he plays it a lot . that's sam's art. that's his
craft, and that's what makes it hot.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
── he doesn't honestly care but ... also very
much of a clean freak like he's immediately changing the bed sheets . but he doesn't care if you cum inside of him or not . he
also swallows but literally only because he
doesn't want it all over the floor .
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
── draws nsfw art . angie always has a
sketchbook with him and he draws anything
that comes to mind , usually to vent , get
things off his mind , or just creative outlet .
anything . so there's definitely some sexually
explicit things in there and that is one of the
reason why he won't allow anyone in his
sketchbook . it's for his eyes only .
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
── he's not a virgin . he knows what he's
doing so much better than he did when he
lost his virginity to raphael . and honestly
with him it just happened . it was
unexpected , but angie was down to do it .
everyone at school was already doing it so
why not ? but he wished that he would've
waited a little bit longer . he was only
fifteen when it happened .
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
── cowboy . honestly any position where
he's able to ride sam . honestly they're
fighting for the dominance . being a power
bottom and being with sam might be a
little bit difficult .
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
── he's more serious in the moment .
doesn't mind a little bit of laughter but he
doesn't thing sex is made for that . he's
not too serious but not too goofy either .
he's kind of just ... straight to the point
almost .
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
── he trims . he likes to keep himself neat .
he's always well groomed and likes to keep
himself neat . he's obsessed with keeping
himself clean . and the carpet matches the
drapes .
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
── him and sam aren't probably romantic .
though , angie is a little bit of a secret
romantic , finding the beauty in everything
and all that good stuff , with him and sam
he doesn't think that would necessarily work
for them . does he want it to ? well , yeah .
but that's gonna be a little bit of a secret for
now .
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
── rarely . not because he's uncomfortable ,
he's just doing a lot . band practices ,
colorguard captain , working . and he also
has a twin sister who doesn't like knocking .
so , he was just rather not .
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
── angie has a few . would he admit them?
probably not , but he does . the first and
foremost is hair pulling . just give if a little
tug . he's already like putty . and it may have
been the reason why he grew out the mullet
in the first place . but he'll just say that he
likes the mullet on him .
── there's also being choked ? obviously if
you know how to do it right , then he's
totally game honestly . but like , if you don't ,
then don't . that's simple enough . if you
wanna be choked ? that's fine , too . he
knows how to do it properly .
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
── his car . that thing is his pride and joy
i'm TELLING you . but , don't get it twisted .
he'll make it a point to drive somewhere
abandoned and have sex there . it's mostly
due to sam not being seen reasons , but
also ... angie's not a big fan of the whole
riskiness . so he drives somewhere that he
definitely knows no one can see them .
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
── he would be lying to himself if he said it
wasn't fighting with sam . because it is .
that's basically their foundation almost .
they were enemies , they got into fights a
lot . there's something about sam with a
nosebleed . that roughed up look . it's
kind of hot to him . and not just fighting
with him in particular , just him being
fiercely protective . it's a definite turn on .
── another thing is him playing guitar . yes ,
yes , i know , basic as hell , but hear him out .
it's not just his thing with hands . it's sam's
craft . music is art . anything involving art is
hot . at least to angie .
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
── other than the usual cnc and age play ,
there's also just roleplaying in general ? now ,
although he's in musical theatre , that's so
much different . but he doesn't think acting
like someone else during sex is attractive .
like be yourself , you're at the most
vulnerable anyway . you wouldn't be doing it
if you didn't trust them .
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
── prefers giving over receiving . there isn't
really much to say about this , he's always
preferred giving it . i mentioned this before ,
but he swallows , but it's literally just because
he doesn't want to get cum on the floor .
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
── rough , but not too fast , you know ?
does like to take his time with it , but likes
it a bit rough rather than sensual . it just
doesn't do it for him . things between he
and sam are pretty fast paced anyway (or
at least that's what i think) , mainly because
they're pretty much hatefucking . but he
would rather go a bit slow , but still a bit
rough .
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
── absolutely not . he hates that shit more
than anything in the world . what's even the
point of you're not gonna take your time
and enjoy it ? you're supposed to feel good
anyway , that's what it's about (at least to
him) . quickies just make him feel used up
afterward . and that's the shittiest feeling
in the whole world .
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
── experimenting? sure . he is a little bit
picky though . for public risks? no , but
anything else , he's game to try at least
once . unless it doesn't sound too appealing ,
he won't try it . he will let you know what he
will and will not do .
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
── it honestly depends . he could go for
two rounds , but literally it just depends on
the speed that they take it . it's why he
doesn't like to go too fast paced or do
quickies . like two full rounds are enough if
they're at the right speed .
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
── doesn't have any , but is very curious ?
he clearly wants to try them , but every
time he goes to an adult store he just
leaves because he feels a little bit
intimidated almost . like he just doesn't
know where to start and he finds that a
little embarrassing . why ? he doesn't know .
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
── he's a little shit . he definitely likes to
tease . he's kind of unfair . and unfortunately
he has a soft spot for sam so he doesn't
tease for too long . mainly for him , and a
bit of selfish purposes admittedly . he's the
type to do something on purpose just to
see sam heated . what can he say ? it's not .
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
── he's not loud , but he's very much not
quiet . moans and groans here and there , a
little whiny . he curses a LOT . in italian or in
english ? it does not fucking matter , he
curses in both languages .
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
── has got a pair of handcuffs that he stole
off officer callahan one time . the cuffs are
usually, almost always used as a fashion
accessory , being cuffed onto his belt loops .
all he has to do is take them and handcuff
sam . but that is only if he's into that . (he
also has the key , too . it's on a chain and he
wears it) .
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
── he's skinny , so most likely his dick is
gonna be skinny , too . average. he's also
uncircumcised .
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
── sexually , it's moderate . but boy ,
romantically ? he's a yearner , even if he
doesn't like to admit it . maybe it's because
his love life is always so complicated . he just
wishes that it weren't . he saw his parents
be romantic with each other . his father was
the standard , and he was the ultimate
standard on how a partner should be
treated . his dad absolutely loved his mom .
he just wishes someone would love him
just as his dad loved his mom .
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
── angie is a diagnosed insomniac . he's not
going to bed . not even after sex . if he
does , and if he has a nightmare , it's over .
his sleep schedule has always been shit .
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