how did you think for even a second that this was okay?! ─ judancy
title : how did you think for even a
second that this was okay?!
oc / pairing : jude holloway and
nancy wheeler (judancy)
trigger warnings : blood
DAY TWENTY - FOUR : " how did you
think for even a second that this was
okay ? "
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HOLIDAY PARTIES WEREN'T JUDE'S CUP OF TEA . IN FACT , it wasn't Nancy's cup of tea either. The two of them would rather ditch the whole thing and get out. But, that wasn't happening, considering that it was Tommy H's big holiday Christmas party and almost everyone from their graduating class was going to be there. At this point, Jude and Nancy had been dating. The news spread halfway across the graduating class already. Maybe even the whole class. Jude didn't know, and Jude didn't care to know.
But, since he was Nancy, he didn't have an issue. Well, that was, until a couple hours of the night passed by. Tommy H couldn't quite keep himself away, despite him already dating Carol. And he kept going with his attempts, right in front of him. None of it was okay, and that especially wasn't okay.
There was an instance where Jude lost Nancy for a moment. It was crowded in the house, and it was practically a maze, which didn't make it any better. He travelled through the house in hopes of finding her. And he did, but not without an obstacle. The obstacle? Tommy H, who was trying to make more advanced moves.
Jude drank out of his red solo cup before tossing it to the nearest garbage can. He then walked up to the two. Nancy clearly looked uncomfortable and pissed off at the situation that was happening. He hated that she looked that way, especially when they were supposed to be having fun.
"Dude," Jude grumbled, "lay off. Clearly she isn't comfortable."
"C'mon, man," Tommy said. He's slurring his words, clearly drunk. "she was flirting back anyways."
"In your dreams, Tommy," Nancy sneered, "you've been following me all night. It's weird."
When Tommy tried to get closer, Jude put a hand in front of him, preventing it. "Back off, man."
"Dude, what's your problem?"
"My problem?" Jude said, "is you. Making advances when clearly she isn't interested."
Tommy was getting fed up. Jude saw his face shift from calm to upset in a matter of moments. " 'Isn't interested.' Yeah, sure, as if she isn't the town slut."
"What did you just say?"
Nancy realized what was about to go down. She grabbed his arm, linking hers with his. "Judas, c'mon. It's not worth it," she muttered.
"I said, 'that she's the town slut'," Tommy repeated, enunciating every syllable.
And that was all it took to piss off Jude. All he saw was red, and he didn't think about anything else. He punched Tommy. Straight to the jaw. Jude's eyes widened, and so did Nancy's. Part of her knew something like that was going to happen.
"Son of a bitch──"
Before Jude could move, Tommy basically lunged at him. Nancy moved when Jude fell to the ground. He gets a punch to his nose. It doesn't take long for Jude to feel the warmth trickling down his nose to his lips. It doesn't stop him from sending another punch Tommy's way.
Nancy broke up the fight before it could get worse. "Jude! Judas! It's not worth it, okay? It's not. C'mon ..."
Jude would've kept going if it hadn't been for Nancy. He stood up, the back of his hand wiping the blood off his nose before he walked away. This was when both of them decided that it was time to leave the party. It wasn't all that fun anyways.
They decided to go back to her house. No one was there. Mike was at Will's, Jo with the Johnstons, and her parents took Holly to some Christmas festival that Nancy could care less about. She was just happy they had the house to themselves.
There they were, in Nancy's bedroom. She's on Jude's lap, wiping off the excess blood that's sort of dripping from his nose. With his nose being sore from the punch, it stung, sharply inhaling at the pain that he felt.
"Sorry," Nancy mumbled.
"Don't apologize, I've felt worse," Jude said back.
There was silence between them. One that made Jude a little bit uncomfortable, especially what happened. He's almost shocked that Nancy didn't go into lecturing him right away. But, he would prefer that rather than the silence.
"Let it out, Curly-fry," he said, "I know you want to."
"It's just that ..." Nancy started, "how did you think for even a second that this was okay?!"
"What are you──"
"I get if we were like ... Outside or something, but at the party? Judas, come on," Nancy interrupted, "this is gonna go around town and you know it!"
"And what if my parents find out? Your mom finds out about this. We aren't even supposed to be──"
"You think I'm just gonna let Tommy talk about you like that?" Jude asked her, "just let it slide? No way! I am not letting anyone disrespect my girl like that!"
Nancy looked at him in surprise. If she hadn't been interrupted, she wouldn't have caught what he said. And honestly, she still barely caught it.
"I wasn't gonna let it sli──"
"No," Nancy said back to him, "the other thing."
"I'm not letting anyone disrespect my girl like that." He says in a slight whisper. There's another silence, and Jude looked up at her, fond look in his eyes. "You're my girl, Nance."
Nancy's eyes softened. She didn't expect that to come out of his mouth. But, she didn't mind it. It sounded so good coming from him. Her lips curl into a small smile. "Really?"
"Yeah," Jude said back, "You're my girl, and I'm not gonna let anyone disrespect you."
Nancy leaned down, kissing his lips. She almost forgot about the blood that had trickled down to Jude's lips. The metallic taste for some reason tastes sweeter than anything she could imagine. She pulled away, nose still touching his. A chuckle escapes Jude's lips.
"You've got my blood on your lips," he said.
Nancy shrugged. "Might as well share," she replied, "you've always looked good with a nosebleed, though."
Jude raised his eyebrows in amusement. "Oh yeah?"
"Mhm," Nancy hummed in response, running her hand through his hair, "you always look good after a fight. That doesn't mean that you should get into them all the time."
"But you secretly like it," Jude said back with a smirk.
Nancy rolled her eyes in response. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
"Oh, you totally do."
"Whatever," Nancy snickered.
Jude leaned in, kissing her once again. It's small and quick. But, Nancy leaned in for a longer kiss. The same metallic sweetness that she tasted before didn't go away. Jude couldn't help but to smile under the kiss.
He pulled away. His smirk showed amusement. "Oh yeah, you definitely like it."
Nancy playfully punched him. "Oh, shut up," she said back, rolling her eyes.
"What are you gonna do about it, princess?" Jude teased.
Nancy gave a slight shrug. "Oh, you know. A few things," she said, before gently pushing him back on the bed, "my parents aren't around. Siblings are gone. They're not gonna be here for a while."
Jude slightly sat up, his arms basically propping him up. "And people still think you're a goody-goody," he said, shaking his head.
"Hey now," Nancy playfully warned, "you used to be one of the people, remember?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I do remember," Jude chuckled, "but you're also a brat."
Jude took an arm, wrapping it around his girlfriend's waist. Before Nancy knew it, they switched positions. It's not the first time he's done that, but it never fails. Whenever he did that, it took her by surprise. He's now on top.
"But, you're my brat. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way," he told her, quick peppering kisses onto her neck. It made her laugh, which sent his own heart fluttering.
"You're lucky I love you, Judas," Nancy giggled.
"And you're lucky I love you, Curly-fry," Jude retorted back, leaning into what seemed to be the millionth kiss of the night."
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