help me! i can't get out! ─ sintonio
title : help me! i can't get out!
oc / pairing : sinatra stevens and
tony câmara (sintonio)
trigger warnings : none!
DAY TWENTY-ONE : " i can't get out! "
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SINATRA COULDN'T BELIEVE HE LET JANET talk him into this. Although he didn't know that it was going to happen, he should've thought about the consequences that were going to go with it. All he wanted to do was play in the snow, and honestly, maybe he shouldn't have been doing that. It was cold out, colder than the usual temperature. And with the family being from Louisiana, this snow and what they were used to, it did not work well in their favor.
"I dare you to walk on that huge snowbank!"
The snowbank that was in front of their house. And usually, he wouldn't have done such a dare. Sinatra would've done something else. But, Tony was watching, and he knew Tony. He pretty much took every dare that he gave, whether he dared himself or someone else dared him to do anything. Sinatra didn't want to seem like a wimp or a scaredy-cat, so he did it.
He can see his own breath in the air as he steadily tries to walk on the bank without falling. Sinatra tried not to look down. He didn't want to get distracted. He knew that if he did, it could turn out bad, and he didn't want that. Sinatra felt his sister's eyes on him, and honestly, that didn't calm his nerves any less.
He couldn't even see behind him. Sinatra was focused on moving forward. It was only trying to make it to the end of the bank. And he was close. He was almost to the finish line until ...
"Hey! Pa wants you to come back inside!"
Emily. She didn't know better, and frankly, Sinatra didn't know she was going to yell either. But that was all it took. That's all it took for the glittery boy to lose his balance on the snowbank, and with all the weight he had on one foot, he eventually sank into the bank, and he shrieked in the process. This immediately made Janet and Tony turn back.
All Sinatra saw was white. He couldn't see anyone. It was so cold, and it was somewhat of a tight space. He didn't have a good feeling about this, but he wanted to stay calm.
"Um ... Guys?" Sinatra called out.
"Natra!" Janet called, "how the hell──?"
"I ... I don't know! I just fell, I──" Sinatra was too busy trying to find a way out to even finish his sentence. He couldn't find a way. He couldn't even climb back up the way he came.
This was when Sinatra started to get scared. It was cold, it was deep. He felt like he was some sort of small igloo, except it wasn't so cool looking. He noticed that his leg was stuck, so even if he tried again to climb, he couldn't.
"Help me!" Sinatra whined, "i can't get out!"
Tony was the first to go to that snowbank, but he had no idea how to get him out. The snow is pretty thick, and digging him out with their hands seemed like it was impossible. But for some reason, he tried anyway. His fingers freezing to death, but to no avail.
Janet tried to help, but it wasn't doing anything. Her fingers also getting cold. Janet shook her head. "This isn't gonna work," she told Tony.
"What are we gonna do?" Tony asked her.
She thought for a moment. "There's a shovel in the garage, I'll go look for it," she said back, "that snow is probably making him claustrophobic. Keep him distracted. I'll be right back!"
Janet immediately ran away, leaving Tony in front of the snowbank. Hopefully, she'd be able to find it in the mess of the garage. He watched as she ran inside, but immediately turned when he heard Sinatra struggling.
"Chuchu," he says, it's almost soft, but loud enough to where Sinatra could hear him, "are you okay in there?"
"It's cold, Honeycomb," Sinatra said back, "It's cold, it's wet, and I'm pretty sure my fingertips are freezin' off."
"Janet went to grab the ..." Tony paused, trying to remember what Janet called it, "the shovel, okay? She's trying to find it."
"Okay ..." Sinatra trailed off. He sounded scared. It broke Tony's heart. "It's cramped in here. I can barely breathe."
Tony's eyes widened. He knew how Sinatra felt about cramped spaces. He told him the story of his mother and the obsession she had with the closet. Tony practically made it his mission to distract Sinatra from the situation that he was currently in.
"Listen to me, okay? Don't worry about the snow," he told Sinatra. Tony tried to think of something to talk about, he's snapping his fingers.
"Ah, Gravestorm! We played Glitter and Fire for the first time at practice today. I'm trying to get Sam to put it on the setlist," Tony said to him.
"Wait, really?" Sinatra asked. Tony could hear the smile on his face. Just hearing it is contagious, and it makes him smile.
"Yeah!" Tony replied, "and Diogo is doing the art for our stuff."
"Oh, that's cool," Sinatra gasped, "how is Diogo by the way? Him and Jerry. They together yet?"
Tony laughed. "He's fine. Him and Jerry, though, not together yet. He's too, uh, embarrassed to say anything."
Sinatra giggled. "Well, they'll come around eventually. They're kind of cute," he said, "i know Jerry likes him a lot."
"He told you that?" Tony asked, eyebrows raised.
"No, but I can tell," Sinatra answered.
Janet then came running back. Not only did she find one shovel, she found two. She actually tossed one of them to Tony as she came back to the snowbank. She looked out of breath, like she had to dig to find them.
"Okay, you start digging over there, I start over here," Janet told Tony.
He nodded, going to the other end. The two of them start digging, with the occasional struggle of having to break through frozen snow. But even with the struggle, the two manage to dig just fine. They make sure to move the snow elsewhere. Not exactly on the street, but not on the sidewalk either.
Sinatra noticed the sudden lack of snow. He saw a shovel, but didn't know who was on the other end, considering both of them had shovels. There's now a hole in the snowbank. Sinatra reached his arm out, signaling that there was a way out. He felt a hand grab his. It's warm compared to whoever's hand it was.
But his leg was still stuck. He didn't think it would do much, but he was eventually pulled out of there. Sinatra could barely feel his leg, so when he tried to step out, he almost fell over. If it weren't for Tony grabbing him, he would've fallen face flat onto the ground.
Sinatra looked up to see that it was Tony that helped him get out. Finally seeing his face after getting out of that snowbank made him smile.
"Olá, querido," Tony said. He returned the smile not long after, "you okay?"
"Hi," Sinatra replied back, another giggle yet again escaped his lips. He then gave a nod, "yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."
He leaned in, giving Tony a gentle kiss to his lips. Sinatra wrapped his arms around him. "My hero."
Tony chuckled. "Well, I had a little help."
"Yes! He did have a little help in fact!" Janet said, before walking over, "and he's the one getting all the affection!"
Sinatra laughed. "Oh, come on, you crybaby, yet get a hug, too, I guess."
Janet came over to Tony and her brother. Sinatra hugged her, and she hugged back. "That's rich, coming from you. The crybaby of the house," she snickered.
Sinatra playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, "now come on, before Pa starts to worry about why we're not in there yet. Though, Emily probably already told him."
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SINATRA KNEW IT, AND JANET knew it, too. Now, the group, including Emily, had been sitting around the coffee table. Each of them has their own mug of hot chocolate. Sinatra immediately changed into something different after they had gotten into the house, considering that the clothes he had on before were wet and cold from the snow.
"I know," Sinatra replied, before taking a sip from his mug, "but ... I wanted to."
"You never do anything like that," Emily told him, "you usually just skip your turn of truth and dare. Why not then?"
Janet snickered. "He probably wanted to impress Tony."
Sinatra said nothing. He only drank from the hot chocolate mug. It was the only thing saving him from having to speak at the moment. When Janet realized that Sinatra wasn't going to say anything, her expression changed. Eyes wide, almost shocked.
"You totally were!" Janet gasped, "you wanted to impress your boyfriend!"
This made Emily choke while she was trying to drink from her mug, and Sinatra's face burned bright red. He frowned afterward.
"So? You would've done the same if it were Nell!" Sinatra said back.
Tony turned to him. "You were trying to impress me."
"No," Sinatra said immediately, but then he felt bad for lying, "yes. I was── I ... You're not afraid to do dares. If I skipped that one, I would've looked like a total wimp!"
"A wimp?" Tony asked, "Chuchu, you're no wimp. You're actually really brave."
Sinatra's eyes softened. "You think?"
"Yeah!" Tony answered, "with the vecna stuff, and then Jason and Donnie ... You didn't let that change you. You're a ... different kind of brave."
It didn't take long for Sinatra to give him a kiss to his cheek. "You're brave, too, you know."
Sinatra saw Tony's face heat up, which made him giggle. He took another sip from his hot chocolate. He turned, and he saw playful scrunches of the nose by both of his sisters.
"Oh my god, get a room," Janet snickered.
Sinatra looked at her. "If you would stop invading the room, maybe you wouldn't get grossed out."
This made Emily laugh. Janet playfully rolled her eyes. "Touché, little bro," she said back, "touché."
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