Chapter 2
The drive into the city was busy. There were people everywhere trying to get to shopping centers and all that crazy shit.
"How much longeeeeeerrrrrr" Lily whined from the passenger seat.
"Oh my god, Li! We are nearly there!" I say as we are pulling into the airport. Once we park our car in the safe parking and give the desk person our keys, we head towards the gate we are leaving from. It smells like human in here but I can occasionally smell a wolf or two. I slowly looked around the large airport foyer to try to spot the luggage checker peoples. I finally found them and dragged the practically bouncing Lily along behind me. We got our bags checked by this really nice human and she took our bags to put onto our flight. That's when we headed towards the door where our flight to Canada was going to be. Lily could not shut up, she was talking about all the different things that she was going to do and drag me along to as well. She was so excited and it was great to see her like this.
'I'm glad she's happy too, and yes I'm not dead. I have just been taking a long nap.'
"Yes, I know Clara. I missed you."
'Yeah yeah, when can we go for a run?! It's been so long since I've been let out.'
"I know and I'm really sorry. I'll go for a run when we get there and in my spare time, I promise"
'Ok.' Clara sighed and went back to her spot in my head. I looked around again and turned towards the gate where we would board the plane and saw people heading in.
"You ready Li?" I said and grabbed her arm. She dragged me along with her, her smile wide and her eyes bright as we walk through the gate after showing the flight attendant our ticket. There were 5 wolves on this flight, including Lily. I don't count if that's a question you were thinking.
'I don't like this Rose. Something smells off' Clara whispered, I could practically see her crouching low and trying to spot a threat.
"What's up? We are about to get on a flight, and yes I know you hate flights but we are not getting out of this one. We need this holiday"
"That's not what I mean- You know what, never mind." Clara whispered and moved back into the depths of my mind. I rolled my eyes and got to my seat on the plane. I hate flights too, but I'll never admit it. Lily turned to me in her seat and smiled. I missed this side of her. I got out my phone and started playing games while waiting for the plane to take off. The seatbelt sign came on and once everyone was on the plane and the doors were shut it was time for takeoff. The flight attendants gave their safety briefing and all the things to go in an emergency, but I zoned out and put my earbuds in for the whole flight. Lily had borrowed one of the plane's ipads to watch a movie, and luckily she brought her earbuds. I must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know Lily is shaking me and whisper yelling at me to wake up and that the flight was about to land! I jolted awake, the sleep I had was one that was much needed, but I still couldn't believe I fell asleep. The plane landed with a loud THUD and I gave out a little squeak.
"Oh, sorry Rose, I forgot that you hated this landing part" She said with a slight giggle. I gave her a death glare and waited in my seat for the plane to stop moving. Once the seatbelt sign went off I jumped up, grabbed Lily and our stuff, and left. We were the first ones off the plane into the very very cold airport. One of the flight attendants greets us at the exit and we walk down the hall to get our bags. Our's were also the first ones to be able to get picked up, strange? We grabbed them and headed towards the doors. A big guy, probably about 6'6 (I'm 5'2) spotted us from afar and came up to us.
"Hello, I believe you girls are the girls Cody told us about? We are from the Howlers Pack and are aware that you guys have never travelled before? Here, let me take your bags." This guy grabbed our bags before we could even reply and got us to follow him. Well, here we go. This should be fun.
Thank you to whoever is reading this! I hope you are enjoying it so far :)
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