Chapter 1
"Lily! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" I yelled from across the hallway. I heard stomps coming from Lily's room and then the door slam open.
"I'm coming geez!" She called back. It has been 7 years. It is my birthday in a couple of days and I'll be turning 23. Lily is 12. I was 16 when my parents went missing. I was 16 when Lily had a forced shift right in front of me when we were attacked. I had shifted and carried her away from anyone. I was lucky and had a part-time job back then, so I had enough to buy food, clothing, and small stays at hotels. We had been running from place to place, trying not to get caught by any nearby packs. That was until I got a job from a very wealthy artist and managed to pay for a house and schooling for Lily. We were finally becoming happier again.
"Come on Li! Grab your muffins and get in the car, I'm going to be late for work too!" I yelled as I watched Lily run down the hallway with her bag on her back and all dressed up in nice clothes. We hopped in the car and I drove to drop Lily off.
"What's the occasion?" I asked her as I watched at the road, occasionally glancing over at her.
"Nothing, my friends just bet that I couldn't look nice." She responded, looking down at her hands.
"Well, they don't sound like very good friends if they bet that you can't look nice. You always look good, If I was a lesbian and not your sister I'd try to date you." I say, smile, and give her a wink as she looks at me in horror but burst out laughing.
"Thanks, Ro (Pronounced Roe)" I smiled and focused back on the road.
"Quick, jump out or I'm gonna be late for work!" I yelled as Lily jumped out and grabbed her bag.
"Thanks, Rose! I'll be going back with one of my friends so don't worry about picking me up! Love you bye!" And with that, she closed the door before I could ask her anything. I sped off and made it to work with 2 minutes to spare. Work today was alright. I work at an art company, creating art and then selling the products that I used to create it. I love my job, but being forced to create something new every single day was starting to make my brain hurt as I couldn't figure out what to make the next day. I smiled once I finished a picture of a moon over a lake and looked up at the time to see it was nearly the end of my shift.
"Wow Rose! That looks amazing! How on earth did you learn to paint so well?" My boss Cody calls from across the store as he walks up to my painting.
"Self-taught I guess. I never painted before I was hired here." I laughed and smiled at Cody.
"Well, it looks great! By the way, have you found your mate yet? Surely you have? Aren't you like 20 something and you are still a single pringle?" Yes, Cody and I have a great friendship, but no I still haven't. Clara whimpered inside my head at the thought of still not finding my mate.
"No, not yet, but believe me when I say that you will be the first to know about it when I do." He nodded sadly and then trotted back to the spot he was before and continued to restock shelves.
"I'm knocking off Cody! See you tomorrow!!" I yell as I pick up my bag from behind the counter and start walking out the door.
"Wait! Rose! Here!!" He called, running back over to me, and handed me an envelope, "Open it with Lily, I think you both deserve this" He winks and then heads back, again. I laugh under my breath and roll my eyes, walking out to my car. I got in and started the engine. The drive home was silent and Lily doesn't finish school for another hour. But then I remembered that I apparently don't have to pick her up. I text her, knowing she won't get it until after school.
"Hey Li, You are welcome to go to a friend's house tonight, but remember to be back by 6 for dinner, please! No, you aren't staying over for dinner at their place, make sure to come home please I need to talk with you" I put the phone down and turn on the tv. I fall asleep while watching the news and wake up to the sound of a door slamming. I get up off the couch and groggily walk to the kitchen.
"Hey Lily, what are you doing home so early?" I ask, sitting on one of the island bench stools while opening my mouth wide open in a yawn.
"My friend called me a freak because of what happened to mum and dad. They told me that it was my fault that they were missing. I hadn't even told them that mum and dad went missing! All I had told them was that I lived with you! With my older sister!" At this point she had burst out crying. I stood up and walked over to her, opening my arms and welcoming a hug. She took the offer and cried into my shoulder (I got my mums height so I'm short whereas Lily got dads tall figure so she was nearly as tall as me).
"Hey, it's ok. Cody gave me something to open with you, would you like to open it now or later?" I asked, holding her tight.
"Now? try and get my mind off those bitches." I was taken aback by her sudden use of language but I couldn't blame her. I nodded and pulled the envelope out of my bag and started gently opening the top. When it was completely open I help it open for Lily to see, but myself not to. Shhe gasped and I took that moment to look inside the envelope too. I gasped too and looked at the plane tickets to Canada.
"Cody! What the fuck!?" I almost yelled, He didn't have to do that. I look at the date on the tickets and they were for tomorrow night. I growled slightly when seeing that and realised that he chose to give them to me today so that I couldn't return them. That sneaky bastard.
"Well. I guess we are going to Canada for a couple weeks. I was going to suggest no school tomorrow but I mean, I don't have to anymore. Go and start packing your things, we leave tomorrow at lunch to get a head start on all the city traffic." I stated. We live out in a bushy area, no city in sight, so it would take us a good hour to 2 hours to get there depending on traffic. Lily nodded, her face lighting up and running to her room. She's always wanted to go to Canada. I put the song playlist on that we both like over a speaker and I hear her belting out the words like there's no tomorrow. I'm glad she's now in a better mood. I walk outside into the cold winter air and grab my phone, dialing Cody's number.
"Hello?" I hear him answer the phone in a tone that I could tell he was smiling.
"Hi Cody, you sneaky bitch. How could you do that?! You didn't have to waste money on a couple plane tickets to Canada!" I yelled into the phone. He burst out laughing.
"I knew this was going to be your reaction. I called one of the local packs in the area you are staying in. When you land there will be a couple guys waiting for you. Go with them and they'll make you feel welcome. And hey, you never know, you might find your mate since you barely ever travel!" He sounded so excieted. Oh poor sweet Cody. Cody found his mate when he was in highschool. He never stops talking about him. And yes, Cody is gay, hence why we get along so well.
"Coooddyyyyyyyyyy" I whined. He just laughed at me.
"Roooooooossseeeeee! I don't care what you say, please just go on this trip and have a good time. I'll get Freddy to take your shifts while you are away. Now go find your mate missy!" He replied and hung up before I could complain any longer. I growled lowly before walking back inside to a laughing and happy Lily. I haven't seen her like this since before our parents disappeared. I smiled and grabbed one of my bags. It's not a huge bag but it has enough room for my clothes, my laptop and a couple books (Yes I'm a bit of a bookworm as well as an artist). Lily was having the time of her life and she packed all her stuff within an hour. Damn that girl is excited.
Thank you to anyone who reads this! I have only got 3 views so far but I'm hoping it gets better soon and I hope you enjoy it.
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