Natsu will be OOC for this oneshot
Loke always knew he had a very slim chance of getting with Lucy. He had lots of competition. Natsu, Gray, Sting. There were plenty of people who could take her from him. Not only that, but Lucy always rejected his advances, turning him away.
But he never thought his heart would shatter like glass.
[Loke's POV]
It was honestly a normal day to begin with. It was getting close to Christmas, so everyone in Fairy Tail was super excited. I found it funny as people went around, buying gifts for others. Every year, we hosted a Secret Santa for people to buy gifts for fellow guild mates. And even though I am a Celestial Spirit, I was involved. Obviously, I don't know who got me, but I got Gray.
Deep down I was disappointed since it wasn't Lucy, but I could figure something out for Gray. We were pretty close friends after all.
And I came here of my own accord, scaring Lucy by accident. I felt bad about that. I appeared out of nowhere behind her and said hi to Gray. She yelled out and almost fell over if I hadn't caught her. She got a little flustered, so it was adorable, but got up and pushed herself away from me.
She then went and sat by Natsu, who was sitting at the bar with Happy, about 5-8 seats away. Natsu was the one I was the most jealous of. I was plenty jealous of Sting as well, and I was the tiniest bit jealous of Gray, but Natsu really got on my nerves.
With how much time Lucy spent with him. Laughing, talking, going on missions. He was my biggest threat. I glared a little as I turned away from them. "Tch..."
"Loke? What is it, man?" Gray asked, setting his ice water down on the bar as he looked at me. I sighed and looked away from Gray.
"It's nothing, promise. Just trying to figure out what I should get for Secret Santa." I said, looking back at him with a smile. Luckily, he seemed to believe me.
"Oh. Yeah. I got Juvia and I'm trying to figure something out." He stated.
"Well, get her a piece of jewelry or something like that. I'm sure she's like it." I said.
Gray smiled. "Loke, that's brilliant! Thanks man!" He said, giving me a high five.
I laughed a little as we high fived each other. "Not a problem! Anything for a friend." I said. He smiled at me and ran out of the guild, possibly going to find that piece of jewelry for Juvia.
"So Loke. Who did you get?" Mirajane asked as she took Gray's glass and set it in the sink. She then began wiping down the counter.
"I got Gray. Trying to figure something out." I said as I sat at the bar so I could speak to the white haired girl without having to stand.
"Well, what about a new jacket? He may not keep his clothes on very often, but a new jacket would be nice." Mirajane said with a slight giggle.
"That's a really good idea, Mira. I like it! Thanks a bunch." I said with a smile.
Mirajane smiled as well. "Of course, Loke! But, I bet you wouldn't have had to ask for help if it had been Lucy you'd gotten." She said with a mischievous smirk and a wink. This caused me to blush pink.
"Mira. Keep it down." I said, looking around to see if anyone heard. It appeared no one had, so I let out a breath of relief. Little did I know, someone had heard Mira, but he kept speaking in his conversation. Not a saying a thing.
Mirajane giggled. "Sorry. I forgot how embarrassed you get." She said.
"Yeah. I want to confess to her properly, don't get me wrong. It's just....hard to say anything." I said, crossing my arms on the bar, resting my chin on them.
"It's alright Loke. I'm sure you'll figure it out. But you better figure it out soon, or else she's going to be gone." Mirajane said.
I nodded. "I know. I'm trying..." I muttered before sighing. "Well, I'm off to buy that jacket. Take care, Mira." I said. I stood up and stuck my hands in the pockets of my pants as I began walking out.
"Bye Loke! Have a good night!" She called, waving to me. I smiled as I walked, realizing that Lucy and Natsu had already left. I frowned, knowing they probably left together. But I pushed that thought aside, going to a clothing store to find a perfect jacket for Gray.
[2 weeks later; Christmas Night; Loke's POV]
The guild had been decorated beautifully for Christmas. There were Christmas lights hanging all over the place, blinking like Fairies. Everyone who didn't have loved ones to spend time with was in the guild hall, laughing and talking. There were presents for everyone underneath a large Christmas tree, decorated beautifully thanks to the help of Evergreen, Erza, and Juvia.
Every now and then, people would go over to the Secret Santa gift table and grab the one that was labeled with their names. Inside every present, people had written notes, revealing their identity.
I saw Gray walk over and pick up the package that I'd wrapped for him. He sat down at one of the tables and opened it up, opening the note. I smiled as he read it to himself. Here's what it said:
Hey Gray!
Hope you have an amazing Christmas. And, even though you don't keep your clothes on often, I decided to get you a jacket. Thought it might suit you. ;)
Yours truly,
Loke ♌
I then saw him take out the grey and black jacket and smile slightly. He took of his current blue one and put the one I got him on. He then turned around and spotted me, smiling widely. He walked over and hugged me, patting me on the back.
"Thanks man! This is awesome!" He said. I smiled and hugged him back.
"It's not a problem! I had a little help from Mira though." I said as he pulled away from the hug.
"It's alright. I absolutely love it though. It's so warm and comfortable." Gray said.
"Glad you like it." I said happily.
"Merry Christmas Loke." He said, patting me on the shoulder.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Gray." I said as he walked away. I then overheard a conversation between Juvia and Gajeel.
[3rd person POV]
"Gajeel? Have you gone to get your Secret Santa present yet? From what Juvia's heard, the presents for the Dragon Slayers also include presents for their exceeds." The bluenette stated.
"Nah. Haven't gone over." He said, sitting with his exceed, Pantherlily.
"Well, come on! Juvia's going over there right now." She said, pulling him to his feet and pulling him over. Gajeel groaned a little as Lily followed behind.
"Fine, fine. Jeez..." Gajeel muttered as he glanced over the table when a neatly wrapped package with his name written neatly on it caught his eye. He picked it up and walked back to the table with Juvia, who'd already found her present, which was a small, hinged box.
"Go on, Gajeel. Open your first." Juvia insisted with a smile.
Gajeel opened up the package to see what looked like handmade gloves and a nice winter jacket. There were even a matching pair of gloves and matching jacket for Lily. Gajeel was smiling a genuine smile for once as he looked at the note. He read it aloud, so Loke was able to hear.
All the way from being their enemy in Phantom Lord to being trusted family in Fairy Tail, Juvia will always have your back and will always be here for you. Have a very Merry Christmas, Gajeel!
With lots of love,
Juvia Lockser
Gajeel turned to her after reading the note. "This is from you, huh?" He asked as he began to put the jacket and gloves on, Lily doing the same.
"Um, yes! Juvia bought the jacket for you Gajeel since she didn't have enough time to make one. But Juvia made the jacket for Lily and both pairs of gloves. It was a little hard, but she got the hang of it." She said kindly.
"These are wonderful. They're incredibly warm." Lily stated and bowed to Juvia. "Thank you, miss Juvia."
"It was really no problem! Juvia enjoyed learning how to crochet." She said happily, smiling gently at Gajeel and Lily.
Gajeel smiled as he fixed the jacket and turned to her. "Alright. Now open yours." He said, pointing to the dark blue, velvet box.
"Right!" She said, gently opening the box to reveal a necklace along with a pair of earrings. The necklace had her name on the chain and it was made out of ice. The earrings were also made of ice, and they looked like dangling water droplets. She smiled at them as she unfolded the little note. She read it aloud.
I know I don't show it much and we aren't truly together, but I do care about you very much. Over time, I've grown to care for you as a person and thought you deserved these pieces of jewelry. The only things I bought were the chain and the hooks. The other pieces are made out of ice that aren't cold to the touch, don't have sharp edges, and won't ever melt. Have a Merry Christmas, Juvia.
With lots of love,
Juvia put a hand over her mouth as she read the note. "H-hey...Gajeel? Could you put the necklace on Juvia?" She asked. He nodded and took the necklace gently in his hands and put it around her neck, clipping it.
"There. It's a really pretty necklace." Gajeel stated as Juvia began putting in the earrings.
"It really is. Now if you'll excuse Juvia, she has to go give thanks." She said, standing up. Gray was sitting with Lisanna, Elfman, and Wendy. She walked over and stood there. "U-Um...Gray~Sama? C-could Juvia speak with y-you in private...?" She asked in a stutter.
Gray looked up at her and smiled. "Yeah! Sure." He said, standing up. She led him somewhere a bit more private and looked down.
"Juvia just wanted to thank you for the jewelry. She really appreciates it." She said shyly.
Gray smiled a little wider. "It wasn't a problem, Juvia. It was fun figuring how to properly make the charms. Especially your name." He said.
This caused Juvia to blush a little. She look up at him and smiled. "Juvia still can't help but thank you, Gray~Sama. And, about what you said in the note....Is it true? Does Gray~Sama care that deeply for Juvia?" She asked gently.
Gray seemed to think for a moment and smiled at Juvia. "Well, close your eyes and I'll show you." He said. Juvia did as she was instructed, expecting something made with his ice magic. But she was wrong. He set a hand on her cheek and kissed her gently on the lips, causing her to squeak and blush dark pink. But, soon enough, her arms found their way around his neck as she kissed him back. After a moment, Gray pulled away and looked down at Juvia. "Does that answer your question?" He asked with a smile.
Juvia smiled and nodded. "Yes. It does." She said gently, keeping her arms around his neck as she hugged him, Gray hugging back.
Loke smiled at them, happy for them. Looks like he had no reason to be jealous of Gray. He must have seen Lucy more as a sister than anything. The Celestial Spirit then looked around to see other people's reactions from receiving their gifts. Wendy ran to Gajeel, hugging him. He wasn't too fond of it, but hugged back anyways. She thanked him for the scarves he'd gotten for herself and Carla.
Levy smiled at the gift both Jet and Droy got her, a book she'd been wanting to buy and hugged them both, thanking them. Evergreen blushed, as did Elfman, as they each thanked each other for their gifts since they had gotten each other. Freed thanked Alzack for the polishing equipment for his sword. Bickslow thanked Freed for the "babies" the Rune Mage got for his friend. Then Alzack thanked Bisca for the new poncho she'd gotten for him.
But the two people he did not see anymore were Lucy and Natsu. Happy was still there. He was thanking Wendy and Carla for the gifts they'd gotten for him and Natsu. Natsu got a new vest and Happy got a fish (the fish being Carla's idea).
Not seeing them made Loke suspicious and a little irritated as he looked around. He then stood up and began walking out of the guild for a walk around the guild hall. People noticed, but realized he wanted to be alone, so they left him be. He was about to keep walking when he turned the corner, seeing a sight that shattered his heart like glass.
It was Natsu, pinning Lucy to the wall as it seemed like they were both making out. Tears quickly came to the lion's eyes as he let out a quiet noise, getting the attention of both mages. Natsu looked over and smirked slightly as Lucy looked at him, shocked.
[Lucy's POV]
"Loke." I said gently. "Loke. It's not what it looks li-" I tried to explain as Loke cut me off harshly.
"Shut up! Just shut up!" He exclaimed as he turned and ran. It looked like he was going to run into the guild, but kept running. I thought he had, so I ran into the guild, Natsu following behind me.
I scanned the crowd of happy wizards and couldn't find the head of the lion spirit. "He's not here..." I said gently.
"Well good riddance anyways." Natsu said. I turned to him, angry as I slapped him. It was so loud, everyone turned to look at me and Natsu at the door.
"You vile, disgusting man! I didn't even give you consent, and you purposely did this so you could hurt him?! He happens to be one of my closest friends!" I exclaimed as he held his face in shock. In fact everyone looked at us, shocked.
"Lucy? What's going on?" Gray asked as he came over, Juvia right behind him. Some of the people farther away, like Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Lily, Freed, Bickslow, Alzack, and Bisca came over to see what was going on. Most people stayed in their seats to watch. Levy ran over, Jet And Droy right behind.
"Natsu told me he was going to give me his gift personally, saying he was my Secret Santa. That's when he forced himself on me, pinning me to the wall and making out with me. He even made it look like I was enjoying it just so he could upset Loke." I said angrily.
"You what?!" Gray exclaimed, looking angry. He grabbed Natsu by the collar of his vest roughly. "What the hell man?!" He pinned Natsu against the wall as he angrily glared at the fire mage. Several of the guys also looked like they wanted to kill Natsu. Even Bickslow had that look. Levy hugged me and even Juvia joined us in the hug.
"But, Natsu would never do that! Would he....?" Wendy asked in shock.
"Kid? Don't be in denial. I'm not surprised to be honest." Gajeel said as he spoke to Wendy.
I hugged the two bluenettes and then gasped and wiggled out of their grip. "I have to find Loke! I'll be back soon!" I said, running out of the guild.
"But Lucy! Your jacket!" Bisca called after me, but I didn't care. I just needed to find Loke. I needed to explain.
[Time skip]
I kept calling out to Loke as I walked around Magnolia, shivering and freezing my cute little butt off as I looked for him. I was walking along the sidewalk that led to my house as I saw a figure through the falling snow. And I heard quiet sobs. That's when I saw two other figure sitting in front of the first. The figures were Loke, Aries, and Virgo.
"Leo, it's OK. It wasn't bound to work out anyone. Miss Lucy always rejects you, doesn't she?" I heard Aries saying. "And everytime she does, she hurts you. Why are you still trying?"
"Because, Aries." I heard Loke's strained voice said. It was obvious he was sobbing and it made my heart break. "Because I love her. No matter what! She saved me. She let me come back to you. And Virgo. And Taurus. And Lyra. And everybody. She completely changed my world and I will always be thankful."
"Big brother..." Virgo said gently, sounding a little sad.
"I will always love her. Even if she's decided to be with...Natsu...." He said Natsu's name distastefully. "No matter what she says or does. I will always love her. Even if I'm heartbroken, like I am right now, I'll love her...."
As Loke said those words, I got a funny feeling in my stomach and my heart began pounding. I took a deep breath and began walking towards them. The female Celestial Spirits noticed me and stood up straight as I approached, but Loke didn't even glance my way.
"Ma'am." Aries said timidly as I approached.
"Princess." Virgo said calmly. "Have you come to punish me?"
I sighed and shook my head no. "No Virgo. I did not." I stated.
"Alright. And Princess? Where is your jacket? You'll freeze out here." Virgo said.
"I'm alright, Virgo. But thank you. Could you and Aries please leave? I'd like to speak to Loke...er, Leo in private." I said gently.
Virgo bowed. "Of course princess. Come on Aries." She said as she disappeared in a cloud of white smoke and Aries disappeared in a cloud of pink clouds.
Loke still didn't look at me as he sat on the sidewalk, looking down still. I sat next to him and I noticed he moved away a little. I sighed and looked down at well.
"Loke? I-" I began before he quickly turned and put up a hand, silencing me.
"You don't need to give me an explanation, Lucy. It's fine if you chose him over me. He can provide you with more than I ever could." He said with a weak smile. But what got me were the tears still falling from his red eyes.
I took one look at that upset face and my heart broke even more. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him, pulling myself close. He seemed shocked as he slowly hugged me back. "I-I'm so sorry, Loke..." I said shakily. "It wasn't what it looked like...." I added gently as tears escaped my eyes.
He pulled back from the hug and looked at me, wiping away my tears with his thumb. This gesture caused me to blush a little. "What do you mean, Lucy?" He asked me gently. By this time, Loke had stopped crying.
"Well, Natsu tricked me. He told me that he was my Secret Santa and said he wanted to give me my present personally and in private. So he took me outside. That's when he pinned me against the wall and started making out with me. He even made it look like I was enjoying it and kissing him back...That's when you came out....I'm really sorry....." I explained as I let go of him and looked down, setting my hands in my lap.
But he lifted my head back up and made me look him in the eyes. "It's alright Lucy. I never hated you in the first place. The reason I so rudely told you to shut up was because my heart felt like it shattered. I'm sorry for shouting at you." He said gently, giving me his usual smile.
I smiled back and blushed a little more as I sat with him. "Oh! I just remembered. I have something for you." I said, pulling a small box out of the pockets of my shorts. I then handed it to him with a cute smile. He took the box in his hands and looked at it.
"What's this?" He asked me and I giggled a little.
"Well, open it and find out!" I said happily.
Loke smiled at me and opened up the box to see a silver ring with a golden star on it. Inside was a note I'd written which went a little something like this:
Dear Loke,
I know I reject you a lot. And I'm sorry for that. I really do like you, I just never knew how to say it, so I'll say it on paper. Ever since we started getting a little closer, I've started to like you. You know. The night we truly started talking. The night you saved me from those men in Hosenka. What I'm trying to convey Loke, is that, well, I love you. At least I think so. I've never experienced this before. Well, I hope you like the ring. I saw it in one of the jewelry stores in another town and instantly thought of you.
I waited for his response anxiously as he silently read the note to himself. That's when a single tear fell down his face and he hugged me close. "I...I love you too, Lucy...." He said gently, causing me to blush a dark pink color.
"I have a second part to your present, you know." I stated, somehow plucking up the courage to do this.
He pulled away from the hug and looked down at me. "Oh? And what would that b-" He began before I interrupted him with my lips connecting with his. I flushed a dark red as he did as well.
He had set the box and note down, slowly putting his hands on my waist and I snaked my arms around his neck, both of us closing our eyes. He moved his hands up to the small of my back as I laced my fingers in his hair, getting a low purr from him. I pulled away from the kiss and looked up at him, flustered. He looked back at me with a smile.
"Merry Christmas, Loke...." I said gently as I smiled back up at him.
"Merry Christmas to you too, Lucy...." He said back gently, kissing me softly on the lips again. He pulled away again and we looked up at the sky, watching the snow fall to the ground. I shivered a little, regretting the fact that I didn't grab my coat from Bisca.
Loke glanced at me and noticed this. He took off the black jacket that went along with his suit and draped it over my shoulders, leaving him in his white shirt with the rolled up with his red tie.
"You don't have to Loke." I said, protesting a little.
Loke smiled at me. "It's fine. You were shivering and you need the warmth more than I do." He said. I smiled back as I pulled the jacket around me more, enjoying the warmth and the smell. I leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around me, holding me close.
This has to be the best Christmas ever. I was finally with the man I loved. What could be better than this?
[Extended ending; 3rd person POV]
Lucy and Loke walked into the guild together the next morning, holding each other's hand. Loke had spent the night with Lucy, watching over her as she slept soundly.
Mirajane saw them and smiled. "Hey, you love birds! Where did you two go last night? You never came back!" She said as she carried cups of beer and food to different tables.
"Oh! I fell asleep on Loke's shoulder and he took me home." Lucy said kindly, blushing a little.
"Aww! How cute!" Mirajane said with a giggle, getting everyone else to laugh. Everyone that was except for Natsu. Natsu sat alone at a table. Not even Happy or Lisanna sat next to him.
Loke spotted Natsu and glared growling a low growl only Lucy could hear. "Loke. Calm down alright?" She said.
He sighed and nodded. "I'm gonna speak with him." The lion spirit said as he let go of Lucy's hand. Meanwhile, the Celestial Wizard went over to Gray and Juvia, smiling and congratulating them on their relationship. They both blushed and thanked her, congratulating Lucy on her own relationship.
People kept talking, but watched as Loke passed by the tables. Everyone fell to whispering as Loke walked up to Natsu.
"Hey. Natsu." Loke said sharply. Natsu didn't look at Loke and it caused Loke to growl. "Hey! Look at me!" He ordered.
Natsu finally looked at Loke, glaring. "What do you wa-" Natsu began when Loke punched him with a fist of light, sending him into a wall. Everyone gasped as Natsu slowly stood up from the ground.
"Let's get one thing straight. Don't ever touch Lucy like that again. If I found out you have, then you'll get worse than just that weak punch I just gave you." Loke said, letting the light fade from his fist.
"That was weak?" Macao asked gently.
"Apparently." Wakaba said quietly.
"What're you talking about? I'm willing to take you on at any time!" Natsu said, summoning fire to his fists.
"Do you think I'm dumb enough to fight you right now? No. I'm not. Especially not on my own." Loke said. Erza appeared behind him, as did Gray, Cana, Levy, Juvia, Elfman, Mirajane, and Lucy. Some of the others appeared behind him as well.
"I can take you all on! Bring it!" Natsu said. That's when Erza requipped into her Purgatory Armor, Gray summoned ice, Juvia's body turned to it's water state, Mirajane and Elfman used full body take over using Satan's soul and Beast's soul, Cana pulled out some of her tarot cards, Levy got ready to summon her script magic, and Lucy summoned Virgo. Natsu looked scared as they wall did so.
"Natsu. Unless you wanted to be six feet under, I suggest you knock off this childish behavior." Erza said darkly.
"I agree with mistress Erza." Virgo said. Natsu's fire went out as he stood there.
"Fine. Whatever..." Natsu said, walking out of the guild. Everyone went back to normal, Cana putting her cards away and Lucy sending Virgo back.
"You didn't have to do that, you know." Lucy said, looking up at Loke. He just laughed a little.
"Yes I did. It was so he knew you weren't his. That you're mine." He said gently. Lucy smiled up at him and hugged him close.
"Thanks, Loke..." She said quietly as they hugged each other close.
Word count: 4,500
Longest oneshot I've written in a while. And like I stated at the beginning, Natsu definitely is OOC in this. But it was need for the oneshot to work out. Hope you all enjoyed!!
P.S. The idea for this oneshot was given to me by Lokes_Sister_Eve
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