London was shimmering in the summer like usual, people scattered around the beach on the sunny day, and people enjoying the sun outside.
Currently you were walking with Tom.
It was quite the sunny day, and Tom chose to wear his black tight jeans that fit him perfectly, and his blue dress shirt.
"Guahhh! It's so hot! I'm so hot!"
He whined out, waving the book he had in his hands around.
"Well indeed you are, second. It's the middle of summer! You chose to wear jeans and a long sleeve??!"
He just made a inward face, pushing his lips together.
"Mhmm, I guess."
He chuckled and adjusted his glasses looking down at you as you both walked down the bridge.
His hand looped into yours, he could tell you were a bit nervous as people, supposedly fans started looking at Tom, a few even snatched some pictures.
But you couldn't get mad, who wouldn't want to take a picture? In fact you probably were most likely going to be one of those girls if you never met Tom at comic con.
You looked forward, pretending they weren't there, Toms hand gave you a squeeze and you looked up at him with a smile.
His eyes glimmered in the shining sun, making them beautiful, his lips curved upward into a playful smile as his curly locks shined also.
Finally you arrived at the coffee shop, Tom insisted on waiting outside since the cafe was very busy and you both just happened to be there while a open table was not being used, so Tom decided to make sure it doesn't get taken.
A few fans saw him, and took pictures. Of course you couldn't see since you were in the coffee shop getting the coffee.
Once you came back out Tom smiled and sat down.
You gave him the biscuit you had bought as well as one for you.
"Thank you, darling."
You smiled at the nickname, you loved it when he called you that, but you decided to have some fun.
"Your welcome, my love."
You said, in a manly British voice, well you tried to do a British voice with a deep tone.
He laughed with his favourite 'eheheheh' along with the corners of his eyes wrinkling from smiling.
"Oh but I love you more, (Y/n)"
He said, trying his best to do your girl voice, but he was pretty good at American accents, but he sounded really funny with it.
"I love you more Tom."
You said in your normal voice, sticking your tongue out at him as you drank a sip of your coffee.
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