Chapter 33
You watched Thor and Loki until they were out of sight, heading for the battle. You were stuck at the jet with Banner. He was only called in for emergencies and you were assigned to backup and healing only. You understood Cap's reasoning. That didn't make you like it any better.
You paced the jet, hating sitting still when your love, your family, was in danger and fighting a battle that you were being kept on. "Jarvis, show us the battle, would you?" Bruce asked and one of the walls turned into a Jarvis screen to show the battle from wherever Jarvis had cameras setup. You watched for a moment before you returned to your anxious pacing. "Kid, I know it's worrying, but there's nothing we can do until the team calls for us," Bruce reminded you gently.
You should have been offended at being called 'kid' still, but the team had watched you grow up from when you were 15 and they started coming to you for healings after they found out about your abilities. Some habits would be hard to die. Especially when Stark continued to call you 'kid' and would continue until he came up with a better nickname.
"I know, Doctor Banner, but... I just feel so useless here. I could be out there, fighting, helping, healing Clint's latest bullet wound. Something," you grumbled, keeping with your old term of address. You'd been overly polite to the team when you'd first moved in and you'd never been exceptionally close to Bruce, so you remained polite. You were a Lady of Asgard. You were a Valkyrie. You were a trained witch and warrior. You shouldn't be left behind like a child.
Even if you had just died.
Even if you had just had a child.
You knew you were being unreasonable. You knew that you needed to stay behind, to wait until you were called. It was dangerous to go running into battle when you didn't know anything about your new abilities, or your wings.
That didn't make waiting any easier.
You fought to stop pacing and watched the battle with Bruce. You wrung your hands as you watched. The team knew how to fight. Even Clint, despite how often he was injured on missions. That didn't make you worry any less.
You analyzed the battle as you watched. Something was nagging at you. Something seemed wrong about what you were watching. The team seemed to have the upper hand, especially with Loki and Thor there. The pair fought together seamlessly. They were so used to fighting together, trained together their entire lives and had fought side by side in numerous battles throughout the centuries.
So if they were fighting so well, what was nagging at you?
You scanned the battle footage again, searching for whatever it was that was bothering you. You finally saw it. Something moved in the trees, just outside of the battle. You cursed under your breath. "Code Green, Doctor Banner. We're needed," you said when you saw the shadows move again, just out of view.
"What is it?" Bruce asked as he looked more closely at the screen.
"Reinforcements for the bad guys," You replied and drew your weapons.
Bruce nodded. "Go, I'll catch up,"
You didn't need any more prompting than that. You glanced at the screen again, gathering the team's whereabouts before you teleported to Loki's side. You didn't know why you were drawn to Loki. Loki could defend himself. You should've gone to Clint, but no, you had to get to Loki's side.
And you realized you'd arrived just in time.
"Witchling?" Loki asked when you appeared, shifting so you could protect each other, fight back to back.
Or at least he tried.
He would've succeeded better if you hadn't shoved him out of the way as a figure burst out of the trees. You threw a bolt of magic at the creature. Loki cursed and turned, joining you in the combat. "There's more of them!" You called. The things were fast and vicious and you and Loki both had trouble pinning it down. You threw magic, blades, whatever you could at them, but nothing seemed to hit them. You couldn't even get a good look at them except that they were black and fast and blurred as they moved.
You kept your wings tucked to your back as you fought. You didn't know how to use them effectively, yet.
Loki grabbed your hand. "Together, witchling," he said as your whole team was surrounded by the creatures.
You both drew your magic to the surface. Thor was drawing his lightning. "Together," you agreed. You and Loki both threw a blast of magic out at the same time, decimating the enemy while leaving the team standing.
It took a lot of power to do, but there was no other way against those creatures. Thor grabbed you both to keep you on your feet.
"Why don't you two ever start with that move?" Stark complained good naturedly when the battle was properly over.
You couldn't help laughing, giddy at the magic drain and leaning on Thor to stay on your feet. Loki growled "Clearly, it's not an easy spell," he panted, hating having to have Thor hold him on his feet. He didn't like the team seeing him weak.
"Please tell me Clint didn't get shot," you said sleepily, loopily as you laid your head on Thor's arm.
"He can wait," Nat replied kindly from your other side. You didn't remember her moving. That wasn't a good sign. "Let's get you sitting down before Thor has to carry you and Loki stabs him for it,"
Thor chuckled. "I highly doubt Loki can even summon a dagger in this state," he said fondly. Loki grumbled something very rude in Asgardian about a very uncomfortable place on Thor's person where he would be summoning a dagger. Thor just chuckled. "Let's get you two back to the jet," he said kindly and kept his arms around you to keep you on your feet as you stumbled back to the jet with the team.
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