Chapter 32
You joined the team on the jet with Loki and found empty seats to take. You took yours carefully, noting your wings with each movement. You didn't really know how to control them yet, and just kept them tucked against your back. You were going to have to find out how to use them soon.
Hela said the valkyrie would be returning to Asgard. Maybe one of them could help you learn about your wings as well as any other new abilities that you'd gained. Hopefully, they would be arriving soon. You didn't want your wings to be a liability. You didn't want to be a liability. Despite that your main function was as a healer, you were still a lady of Asgard. You needed to be able to fight, to protect yourself, your children, your family.
Not only were you a lady of Asgard, but you were also now a Valkyrie of Asgard.
It was a lot to take in.
And there was still so much to learn.
Right now, though, you had to focus on the mission at hand.
Loki took the seat beside you and made sure you were buckled in. After all this time, he was still afraid of flying. Thor knew that and took the seat on Loki's other side. Loki was always calmer flying when he had someone next to him who could fly without the need of an airplane. If the plane went down, he could grab onto Thor and survive since Thor could fly.
Soon, you would be able to fly as well. Which would make you both feel a lot better. You frowned as you noticed something, realized something. You were being drawn to Loki. That wasn't so unusual. He was your husband. Of course you were drawn to him.
But something was different now. You felt drawn to protect him. That was new. You always fought together, but you'd never felt the need to protect him. Loki could protect himself. He could take care of himself. He was a skilled warrior, far more skilled than you were. He had centuries of physical and magical training.
So why did you feel the need to protect him?
That was a thought for a later time. You realized you'd been zoning out on Cap's pre-battle speech and explanation. You'd forgotten how boring his lectures and exposition could be. Nine months away had changed so much. You tuned into his battle orders as he was giving out assignments to everyone.
You scowled when you realized that Cap had assigned you to stay out of the main fray and focus on healing. It was to be expected, but it still irked you. This was the kind of assignment you'd gotten when you'd first officially joined the team. He was treating you like a kid again, which was something you thought he'd grown out of, with all the powers and skills you'd gained. Not to mention the years. "Cap, I'm plenty capable-" you started to protest.
Cap shook his head. "Not this time. You just came back from the dead and you just gave birth a couple of months ago. You need to ease back into field work. Which means staying safe and focusing on healing," he told you firmly, though there was care and love in his voice. He'd always treated you like a daughter and that hadn't changed one bit.
You sighed and rolled your eyes, but you couldn't disagree with his logic. "Alright, Cap. Unless some emergency comes up," you finally agreed. You could stay in the reserves and focus on healing.
The jet finally landed at the battle site. You hated it, but you stayed behind with Bruce, waiting for word that you were needed. You kissed Loki before he headed out to the battle. "Be careful," you told him, more nervous than you wanted to admit. You should be protecting him, not hiding by the jet with Bruce.
Loki returned the kiss and stroked your cheek. "Always, witchling," he promised you. He gave you his usual Cheshire Cat grin before he and Thor headed off to the battle. You watched the pair go, watched their light steps and graceful strides.
They clearly thought this was great fun.
Neither of them had seen a proper battle in awhile.
Of course they thought it was great fun.
Those monsters were doomed.
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