Chapter 31
"We have been back on Midgard for less than an hour and we're already called on a mission," Loki grumbled as you headed up to the jet together.
"And we've acquired two more problems on top of that," you reminded him. He looked down at you with his eyebrow raised. You smiled at the familiar look on his face. You knew him so well after all your years together. It was so easy to be around him. He had been defensive when you'd first met, but he'd let you in because of your magic, because of who you were, he'd lowered his defenses and let you in.
You thanked all the gods every day for that. You didn't know what your life would have been without him. You never would have found out who you truly were, you wouldn't be a princess of Asgard, and wouldn't have your twins.
You owed everything to the fateful day when Loki moved into the tower. No, from the day Thor rescued you from your abusive foster parents and brought you to the tower. Brought you home to live with your found family.
"What problems are those, witchling?" Loki asked. You couldn't help noticing that he looked hot as Hel in his armor, his golden horned helm, and of course, his daggers and magic ready.
Maybe you would do something about how hot he was after the mission.
It seemed that you were finally getting some of your libido back after the pregnancy, if you were noticing how hot your husband was again. Frigga's post pregnancy healing spells and the spells to return your body to its pre-pregnancy form were fantastic and you would have to thank her for those spells. They were a lifesaver.
Else you might still be bedridden.
Especially from the part where you'd died.
"Scratch that, three problems, but one of them we already had," you mused aloud as you rode up the elevator with Loki. He stayed silent so you would continue, so you did. "One is my wings and what exactly Hela wants from me," you reminded him. He inclined his head, so you kept going. "Two is your scepter and how to find it and get it back from Hydra, because it definitely should not be in their hands," his eyes went wide at the mention of the scepter and they started to turn that unnatural blue of the mind controlled. You took his hand and sparked your magic, clearing those thoughts from his mind. "Loki? Are you with me, love?" You asked him gently. He had been under the control of the mind stone for a long time, through torture at Thanos' hands. He had been broken from the mind control when the Hulk smashed him into the floor of the tower, but there were still these rare moments where that unnatural blue came back to his eyes, where the trauma opened him up again. You always pulled him back to himself, his anchor in the real world.
"I'm here, Sig. Thanks to you, my love," he reassured you and lifted your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. He always got more formal when he was on edge and this was no exception.
His eyes were back to their usual green, so you nodded, accepting his word. You'd have to figure out a way to protect him when you got to the quest of hunting for his scepter. He needed to be able to talk about it without opening himself up to its influence.
But that was a problem for another time.
"The third problem is Narvi's obsession with Pepper's baby," you explained.
Loki nodded and sighed. "Thank the Norns we don't have to deal with that one immediately. I'm not sure what he's up to, but it doesn't seem harmful,"
You nodded your agreement and squeezed his hand. "We'll keep an eye on it," you agreed. You'd correct it if Narvi's behavior became an issue, but for now, he was just curious and interested. You wouldn't fault him for that.
"Are you sure you will be alright fighting, darling?" Loki asked you gently. He didn't want to question your skills, but he also was worried. You saw that worry in his eyes, and it wasn't just born of the memories of the control of the scepter. "I know you are perfectly capable and a brilliant warrior, but you did die rather recently and you have two wonderfully lovely new appendages..." Loki said worriedly, looking at your wings. You noticed the look in his eyes. While he was nervous about you going into battle and being injured, he also appreciated your form as a woman.
And, most especially, your wings.
He and Thor always had been obsessed with valkyrie.
Apparently, you were going to find out exactly how obsessed in the near future. That sounded like such fun.
Your expression turned serious at you looked up into his eyes. "I know you're worried, Loki," you told him gently. "But as you said, I am a fully trained warrior both in physical combat and magical combat. I'm also a fully trained healer. I'm not going to sit on the sidelines when I can help, but I will promise that I will be smart and I will stay by your side if it makes you feel better,"
Loki considered your words and leaned in to kiss your forehead. "Alright, darling," he relented. "But please be careful. I can't stand the thought of seeing you hurt again..." he trailed off and you knew he didn't mean hurt, but meant dying in his arms. You saw the haunted look in his eyes. He definitely couldn't handle that again. You didn't blame him, nor would you negate his feelings.
"I know. We'll be alright. Together," you told him and leaned up to kiss him. His lips were cool against yours as usual and you felt him relax with that gentle contact.
"Can't you two stop being adorable and couple-y for five minutes?" Stark asked when the elevator doors opened.
There was only one reaction that was appropriate in that situation. You and Loki both raised your hands to flip him off in the same movement.
Some things around the tower really never changed.
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