Chapter 30
You looked up as Vision came back into the room. You'd barely noticed that he'd gotten up to get a soda for Wanda. He had learned to take a human form over the past couple of years and you couldn't tell anymore just from looking at him that he wasn't human. Instead of the red metallic face, he had pale skin and blonde hair. He looked to be the same age as Wanda, which you knew he had done on purpose to spend more time with her. He handed Wanda her soda and leaned down to kiss her softly. Yep, he definitely wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.
You had been on Asgard when Vision had been created, so you didn't know all the specifics of how he'd been made, but you knew the basics. Somehow, Jarvis, one of the iron legion bots, and Wanda's magic had all combined to create Vision. You never found out the details, but Loki had when Wanda told him about the incident later. She was not only Loki's protege, but also practically his little sister. The pair were close, but you weren't jealous. Loki wouldn't stray and clearly didn't think about her that way, nor she him, especially since she was with Vision. You weren't quite sure how that worked, to be honest, since Vision was technically a magically alive robot, but you weren't about to question it.
Vision took his seat next to Wanda. Vali got curious about him and teleported to his lap. Surprise registered on his face for a moment before he moved to hold her more securely. "Hello," he told her politely. She grinned up at him and you felt the magic in the air as the pair started talking telepathically. You'd forgotten Vision had magic too, not as pure as Wanda's, but he did nonetheless. You smiled at the pair and watched as Vision dropped his human form for her, showing who and what he really was.
Vali giggled in delight and dropped her own illusion, showing the whole room her Jotun form. You pinched the bridge of your nose. Of course she decided to show everyone her other form. She didn't care what she looked like one way or the other. At least no one was too shocked at the blue baby, given who her father is.
The twins were a handful already. You knew they were going to be, but just seeing their mischief and magical abilities drew that point home more than anything else could. At least Narvi tended not to stray from your side. That made him more manageable. Vali was a daddy's girl and tended to stay at Loki's side. You loved both of your children equally, though you knew that they had chosen favorites, chosen the parent they understood better. You knew they loved you both equally and you knew Loki knew it as well.
The entire team looked to the elevator as it dinged. You weren't expecting anyone else as they were all here already and you weren't the only one who automatically reached for a weapon to defend yourself from whoever was coming to the tower. Vision passed Vali to Wanda and stood. You cuddled Narvi closer and Loki shifted to a more defensive stance, though he didn't actually stand. It was amazing how the team could go from normal friendly conversation to Avengers in battle mode in such a short time with so little movement. The only one who had really moved was Vision, and yet everyone was on alert and ready to defend the tower.
Tony stood next and you all nearly sighed in relief when you realized that it was just Pepper. He rushed over her to greet her with a kiss, his arm around her to support her. "I know what you're doing," she scolded him as he was helping her out of her heels.
You couldn't help laughing as he was treating her just as you'd been treated on Asgard. She was nearly as big as you'd been. She must've gotten pregnant shortly after you had.
"You shouldn't be wearing heels, Pep," Tony fretted and led her into the room, to come sit down with you.
Narvi watched her with interest and tugged on your shirt for your attention. /Mama? Who?/ he asked.
"That's your Aunt Pepper," you told him warmly as you got up to take him over to meet her.
/Baby?/ he asked, remembering the earlier conversation. The twins didn't have a lot of words yet, but they could get their meaning across to you and Loki.
You nodded "Yes, she has a baby in her belly. Just like you were just in Mama's belly," your babies were too damn smart and this was a conversation you seriously didn't want to have with him yet, so you hope that was enough of an answer.
Pepper looked up at you from where Tony had settled her on a couch. "Is he-?"
"Talking telepathically? Yep. This is Narvi. Vali is currently enamored with Vision," you told her and gestured to your still Jotun daughter. "He's a bit fascinated with the fact that you're pregnant," you added a bit apologetically as you handed Narvi over to her.
She smiled fondly at him and cuddled him in her arms. "That's no trouble. He's a sweetheart,"
"That he is," you agreed while Narvi pressed a hand to her stomach, his eyes glowing green.
What was your wayward magical child up to?
/Narvi?/ you asked him gently, keeping the concern off of your face and out of your telepathic voice. You didn't want to scare him, but you did want to know what he was up to.
/Baby!/ He replied happily with a giggle in your mind that you rarely heard from him. Ah. He was communicating with the baby telepathically. Well, that wouldn't hurt Pepper's baby or Narvi, so you let it be.
Before you could get back to figuring out how to find Loki's scepter, the alarm in the tower started blaring. You all glared at it with various curse words from around Midgard and Asgard.
"Some things never change around here," You commented as the team was gearing up. Loki gestured to Vali who teleported back to him, her hands over her ears. Narvi looked up at you with tears in his eyes. You looked down at him and gave him a soft smile. "Mama has to go work. You and Vali stay here with Aunt Pepper and keep her and the baby safe," you told them as your own armor shimmered into place. Loki set Vali down next to Pepper.
/We stay!/ Vali agreed.
/Protect!/ Narvi added. You had a feeling his comment was mostly directed toward Pepper's baby, for whatever reason that was about.
They both looked adorable and innocent, but you knew they were capable of protecting Pepper if anything happened and more than capable of protecting themselves. "Be good and listen to Aunt Pepper," you told them both firmly.
Loki repeated your order to make sure there was no confusion before you both headed up to the jet with the rest of the team.
Some things really never changed.
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