Chapter 1
Years after you and Loki got married and you were spending your time between Midgard helping the team and Asgard living in and occasionally ruling the realm. Loki was being groomed to be named official heir, though he continued to deny it. Even though you ruled Asgard on your own a couple months every year. He still thought Thor was going to be named heir, even though he never had to rule Asgard like you and Loki did. You let your husband have his delusions. They made him happy.
"Sig?" Loki asked groggily, his arm tightening around you as you tried to get out of the bed you shared on Midgard. It had been a long night, he'd gotten back late from a mission he'd been on. You'd stayed behind since you were without your powers and promised Loki not to leave the nice safe tower. He'd trusted you here with Stark's protections and the repulser watch you took to wearing when you were without your powers.
But that was neither here nor there.
"Go back to sleep, love. I'll be home soon," you told him, pressing a kiss to his forehead and stroking his hair to soothe him back to sleep.
Your words had the opposite effect as his eyes snapped open and his grip tightened around you. "Sig, it's four in the morning, where could you possibly need to go out of the tower at four in the morning?" He asked, still tired, but paying attention now. He knew you well enough to know you didn't go wandering around the city at 4am for no good reason.
"The drug store," you said a little sheepishly. There was an item there that you desperately needed.
Loki gave you a look and pulled you back against his side to go back to sleep. "The drug store will still be open at a reasonable hour of the morning, witchling," he told you quite logically, if sleepily. You didn't blame him for wanting to go back to bed, but your task was urgent. You huffed and pushed your way out of Loki's arms. He woke properly at that, knowing for sure now that something was wrong. "Darling? What is it? What do you need from the store that can't wait until morning?" He asked, sitting up in the bed and giving you his proper attention. He knew something was wrong. You wouldn't be so insistent to leave the tower at 4am otherwise.
You looked up into his eyes so you could watch his reaction to your words and your phrased your response carefully. He would know what you meant without you having to spell it out for him. You weren't sure how he would take the news, even the possibility, and he was so good at hiding his feelings. You had to watch him carefully.
Your voice was soft and small and scared when you finally spoke.
"It's been four days and my powers haven't returned,"
You hadn't been trying. But the facts remained. You hadn't bled this month and you were still without your powers. All indications were that you were pregnant. Or something else was wrong.
Loki looked shocked for a moment, his surprise clearly written on his face for you to see. He hadn't been expecting this any more than you had. You also realized exactly how comfortable he was with you that he let down his guard this much. He was usually so reserved about letting people see his emotions. Though you were usually the exception.
Loki's expression changed from shock to excitement and joy. He knew what it meant when a witch's powers didn't come back after three days. His mother was the strongest healer in the realm and his wife the second strongest. He knew enough healing craft of his own to know what it meant. Hel, he still made the best healing tea for moontime discomfort that you'd ever had. And you'd tried the one from the professional
Loki knew what it meant and he lit up in absolute delight. "Really?" He asked excitedly.
You nodded. "Yes, ergo the need to go to the drug store, since your mother isn't here to confirm and this isn't your magical specialty," you reminded him. He nearly jumped from the bed and you laughed as you followed him out of bed and after he summoned clothes for the pair of you, down the street to the drug store.
Three minutes was supposedly no time at all.
You found out it was an eternity.
Peeing on the stick was supposed to be the hard part, but no~ sitting on the cold bathroom floor with your hand in Loki's for three minutes while you both fought to leave the stick alone and not pace was the real hard part.
Why was three minutes so long????
Loki wrapped his arm around your shoulders and kissed the top of your head. "Don't fret, darling. No matter the answer, everything will be alright," he reassured you gently. You couldn't help but love him more in moments like this. He always knew what to say and do to make you feel better.
Even when you were both sitting together on the cold tiled floor of your bathroom waiting the the eternity that was three minutes to end.
Seriously, how did three minutes take so long?
"It'll be alright, witchling," Loki promised you again when he caught you freaking out and staring at the countdown on your phone again.
"But-" Loki's fingers were under your chin before you could fret anymore, tilting your head up so you had to face him, to look at him. He leaned down and kissed you, his fingers moving, cupping your cheek, then wrapping around behind your head and twining in your hair, holding you in the kiss as he kissed you deeply and well. His lips were soft on yours and as always, he tasted of mint and a crisp winter's day.
He distracted you with a very thorough kiss until the alarm on your phone chimed.
He broke the kiss, and even though you'd been married for years, his kisses still had the effect of dazing you and making your heart flutter. You gave him a happy dazed smile and you saw his proud smile in return. He loved the effect he had on you.
Your phone dinged again to remind you of the three minute timer. You jumped to your feet to check the test results. And you found you couldn't. Loki gracefully got to his feet next to you and saw your hand hovering above the test, unable to turn it over. His hand went around yours as he stood behind you. "Together, darling. Just like everything else," he reassured you, his voice gentle and soothing. You nodded and together you flipped over the test to read the results.
You couldn't comprehend the word on the stick for a long moment.
It didn't make sense.
But the single word there finally got through your shocked brain.
You were pregnant.
You turned to Loki and saw the same shock in his eyes, before it turned to joy. His arms wrapped around you and he kissed you deeply.
"I'm going to be a father," he told you brightly, so full of excitement and joy, hugging you to him before he pressed a kiss to your hair.
With Loki this happy, surely the pregnancy and thought of being a mother couldn't be that scary.
You let Loki's joy infect you. Of course you were excited for the child. That didn't mean you weren't nervous at the prospect.
Like everything else, you'd face it together.
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