Chapter two: oddities
Daaaad! I'm gonna be late!!!!" The now 17 year old girl screamed through the small ,suburban house. "Luna, we have plenty of time ,calm down" The man slowly trudged down the stairs to the main floor. Luna, now starting her first day of senior year wanted to save herself from the embarrassment of walking in late, but her father had other ideas. " Why do we have to take a picture?!?! I need to leave." The young girl sighed as she stood next to her car putting on a fake smile for the picture."can I leave now?" The man nodded as she got into the drivers seat ready to start her seemingly boring life at a school she completely hated. She turned up the radio and sped away, hoping she could make the day go by faster.
Finding her assigned parking spot she entered the prison like school. It was a light grey color, with some blue details. First she passed the gym and walked to the covered front of the schools doors,already propped open for students arrival. Heading to her first class, literature, with one of the more interesting teachers, Ms.Hall, although she seemed nice at first glance, she was quite rude. Threatening to throw things at students, and being racist towards white people could sometimes make anyone's day a little more eventful. The day started off like normal, fixing a couple sentences on the board, and then watching a movie the class had started the day before. Then things started to get odd, lights flickering more frequently than normal, and the sound to the movie going in and out at random points. Passing it off as the under-budgeted schools lack of funding, Luna continued to watch YouTube videos for the rest of class.
The more time went by the slower it seemed to get. Attending art, her next class, seemed like torture as her hands cramped up from the colored pencil drawing she had to do. After art came the real fun, lunch. Everyone's favorite part of the day, especially with a more laid back class, like chorus, afterwards. The hour long break between classes also seemed quite unusually long, the cars outside of the school seemed to go slower, and the flickering lights seemed to follow her around the school. Although it passed slowly chorus came and went, and it was time for the last class of the day, Economics, a class everyone had to take to graduate. The teacher seemed happier today, which meant more notes than normal. Luna took note of the oddly cold temperature of the room, Mr.Albright normally kept the temperatures at an even 70, but today it felt more like 50, way below the normal temperatures of the other classrooms as well. Now the oddities had caught her attention, she kept recounting her steps in her head to see when this all began, not wanting to get called on ,and not be paying attention, she forcefully removed the thoughts, and payed attention. The thoughts still in the back of her head, waiting.
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