Would You Go On A Date? With Me?
You gave Blaze a lot of treats for a job well done and put him away in his nice warm stall. You then headed back to the tower.
Good job out there Cowgirl." Tony congratulated you when you walked out of the elevator. He was sitting at the bar with a drink in his hand raised to you. You blushed and rolled your eyes.
"Thanks Stark, But I'm not a Cowgirl." You told Tony trying to make it clear you where no Cowgirl.
Tony just laughed, "of corse you're a Cowgirl! We all just saw you ride a horse. That makes you a Cowgirl to me."
"First off, anyone can ride a horse. They just need to know how. Secondly, I was not born a Cowgirl so I do not have the title. Thirdly, Cowgirls work with cows, I do not. And last but not least I can ride any style of riding there is, Western, English, side-saddle. You name it I've ridden in it. Most hard core Cowgirls only ride Western." You listed off all the reasons you were no Cowgirl trying to make him see reason. You couldn't have that nickname your cousin would give you the hardest time about it when she found out. She was a real Cowgirl, with cows and all.
"Then what do you call yourself?" Tony asked your teasingly.
"An equestrian." You answered happily. "They are people that work with horses and only horses. They're the people you see show jumping, doing cross country or dressage. They do anything with horses."
"Right Cowgirl." Tony said teasingly, "whatever you say." You knew you were never going to convince Tony to call you something else and if you continued to fight the new nickname. Tony would only end up liking it more. So you gave up.
"I'm going to go take a shower." You told him but loud enough so everyone could hear, you were done with the teasing right now. "I need to get rid of the horse smell. I may love horses but even I do not like the smell." You heard Loki chuckle at your comment. You turned on your heals and left the room, Loki watching you leave with admiration. A little mortal girl with a big bubbly personality.
Loki was in his room reading some Midgardian dating books when he heard a loud pound on his door. He knew right away it was his brother, only Thor knocked that loud. Loki rolled his eyes and huffed, annoyed with being interrupted, but answered the door anyway.
"What do you want brother." Loki asked annoyed with Thor already. He had a stupid grin on his face, Loki did not like that look.
"I have some suggestions for you brother." Thor said cheerfully hoping Loki would hear him out.
"And why would I value your advice?" Loki asked dryly but with a hint of teasing. "You never have anything of importance to say."
"I did suggest you become closer with Lady (y/n)." Thor said making his brother see some reason to listen to him. "And that seems to be going quite well." Loki huffed and rolled his eyes but let Thor in. He had a feeling Thor's advice was going to be about you and if he was honest with himself he wanted any advice anyone would give him about you. Though he would never admit that.
"And what do you wish to inform me about?" Loki asked coldly, raising his head up trying to look unimpressed.
"I would like to suggest you court Lady (y/n)." Thor exclaimed switching from him happy carefree self to older brother giving advice.
"And why has this come to your attention?" Loki already was planing on courting you, that's why he was reading up on Midgardian dating customs. He just didn't know why his oaf of a brother was bringing it up. Had he heard something?
"Lady (y/n) is a very pretty maiden." Thor explained casually, "she is also smart, caring, funny, and adventurous. If you do not act fast brother she will be courted by another man." Thor's voice was now full of warning then he turnd caring again, "I've known you since we were children. I know you have feelings for her. Please," Thor begged his brother, "don't let her slip through your figures just because you are to prideful to admit your own emotions."
"What do you think I'm doing in here?" Loki asked Thor coldly.
Thor looked over at the book on Loki's night stand he was reading. "Um... reading?" Thor asked confused. Loki huffed and rolled his eyes.
"I am studying Midgardian customs of courting." Loki explained in a huff, "courting is called dating here in Midgard, It has a different customs here than courting dose back on Asgard. Lady (y/n) is Midgardian I want to make the right impression on her."
"I see." Thor said happily, amused that Loki was doing all he could to show you that he liked you.
You got up early the next morning because Tony wanted you to meet someone today. He told you he wanted you to meet a kid named Peter Parker a few days a go. Peter was coming to the tower to hang out with you today and he was getting here early. Too early in your opinion. Tony wanted you to hang out with kids more your age and not just the adults. Even though you technically were an adult. Peter was like... Tony's apprentice? That was the closest example you could think of of their relationship.
Peter came to the tower with his best friend Ned, which threw you off because by your understanding Peter was the only one coming. Tony let them both in and with in a few minutes all three of you were playing 'Super Smash Bros.' You weren't necessarily good at the game but it was fun. All three of you where laughing and just generally having a good time. These boys could definitely become your friends.
While you were playing and laughing you felt uncomfortable for some reason, like someone was watching you. You turned around to see a very shocked almost disappointed Loki. Your eyes lit up in excitement, you set your controller down then you jumped over the back of the couch.
"Loki!" You greeted him with a warm happy smile and hugged him around his thin waist. Even though you weren't necessarily short he was a lot taller than you. He hugged you back tightly, almost possessively but relaxed a little when you where in his arms.
"What are you doing up this early love?" Loki asked you with care in his voice and a bit of teasing, "you never are awake this hour."
"Tony wanted me to hang out with Peter and Ned today." You told him cheerfully, gesturing to the boys on the couch. The two boys timidly smiled and waved to Loki.
"I see." Loki said giving the boys a cold emotionless stare with an equally cold voice. He did not like having you around these boys especially with what Thor had just said.
"Do you want to play with us?" You asked Loki, you knew he didn't care much for socializing but you really wanted him to hang around, and maybe open up to more people other then you. He deserved to have more friends than just you.
Loki looked over the two boys with and ice cold calculating expression. Peter and Ned shifted uncomfortably under Loki's watchful eye not liking having the god of mischief's full attention. He then turned back to you and gave you a warm smile, the smile he would never give anyone else. "I may not want to play, but I would be honored if I can keep you company." Loki said respectfully.
"That would be great!" You said cheerfully and dragged Loki over to the couch. You sat down in your spot next to Peter and Loki settled himself comfortably next to you on your other side. He summoned a book for himself to read while you played, he also summoned you a blanket, knowing even if you weren't cold you just enjoyed having a blanket. You accepted the blanket graciously and returned to your game you were playing before.
You played with Peter and Ned for a long while but you were tired from all the excitement of yesterday's adventures. Your reactions slowed, and you kept hiding yawns behind your blanket Loki gave you, you even started to lean your head on Loki's shoulder dozing off at times. Loki didn't seam to mind though, he actually like that you trusted him so much, that you were comfortable falling asleep on him. You didn't sleep to well last night from all the adrenaline your first mission gave you, keeping you up all night. Now your need for sleep was catching up to you.
"Alright. It's (y/n)'s to pick the battle filed." Ned said excitedly flipping through the options as you hid another yawn behind your blanket, "what one do you want to do?" After a few seconds without answering the question Peter turned to you.
"(Y/n)?" He asked you, "did you hear the question?"
"No! Sorry, what?" You asked trying your best not to look tired.
"You're good." Peter assured you. "It's your turn to pick the battle field."
"Oh... ok." You said happily, you went through the options then picked your favorite one, "this one." You decided.
As you played with the boys, hiding your yawns behind your blanket Loki kept giving you knowing looks. He knew you were tired to the bone but wouldn't show it anyone, trying to keep the people around you happy even if it was burning you out.
The time finally came when the boys had to go home. You were sad they had to go, you had a lot of fun with them, but you were also glad for them to go home because you were tired.
You walked them to the elevator and said your goodbyes, you also came up with another time to hang out with them outside of the tower. They left and you headed back to Loki still on the couch watching your interaction.
"That was fun day." You told Loki tiredly sitting down next to him. He chuckled and pulled you close into his arms. You didn't fight him or struggle against him, instead you happily let him hold you to his side as you snuggled up to him more comfortably.
"I'm glad you had fun." Loki said his silky honey smooth voice rumbling in his chest as he spoke. "But you need to rest little one. You had a big day yesterday."
"How come I'm so tired and your not." You asked Loki wrapping your arms around his thin waist. "We had the same day yesterday."
"That's because I'm an Asgardian and you, little one, are human." Loki said gently combing his fingers through your hair gently, soothingly. "I require less sleep then you, and I have also been trained and seen combat for hundreds of years. Yesterday's mission was an easy battle for me."
"Hmm," you tiredly hummed in agreement snuggling in more closely to Loki. You were drifting off into a much needed sleep when your mind thought of something. You pushed off of Loki gently sitting up from him. Loki looked at you confused as to why you would do that. "This morning you came down and you looked distracted?" You asked Loki cocking your head to the side like a curious puppy. "You seemed like you wanted to ask me something?"
Loki let the question hang in the air for a bit gathering up his words, you let him have time to think not wanting to rush him. "I did have something to ask you." Loki finally admitted his words carful.
After a few seconds of silence you coaxed him on gently, "what did you want to ask me?"
Loki took a few more seconds to answer, shifting uncomfortably in his seat. You looked at him with your big puppy dog eyes you've mastered when using them on Thor. "I was wondering," Loki said timidly, almost scared, "if you would like to... go on a ...date... with me?" He looked at you with scared hopeful eyes. He was terrified of rejection but seeing you today have so much fun with Peter and Ned he knew he had to ask you out. And fast if he wanted a chance.
You stared at Loki, shocked at just what had come out of his mouth. Loki! The Loki! God of Mischief, Lord of lies! Wanted to go on a date with you! Sure you had developed quite a crush on the god, but you never though you of all people would be his type. Now he was asking you on a date.
But what if it didn't work out? What if you two break up? He was your best friend in the tower and one of your best friends ever. You didn't want to lose the friendship you two shared just because it didn't work out.
Loki miss took your long silence for a no. "It's ok if you don't want to." He said trying to keep the heart break of rejection out of his voice. "I understand if..."
No." You cut Loki off, "it's not that. I would love to go in a date with you. It's just... I'm human. Mortal. I don't see why you would want to go on a date with me." You told Loki truthfully, "I'm just me."
"Well," Loki said with care and love in his voice, "just you got you here. Didn't it?" You nodded your head yes sheepishly, not looking at Loki. "Being just you got me to become your friend. Being just you got me to become interested in you romantically." Loki paused putting his finger under your chin forcing you gently to look up at him. "Being just You is enough." You looked into your eyes, truth dripping off of his tongue.
"Are you sure." You asked Loki hesitantly, you didn't see how you, just you, was enough for anyone. You had a really hard time with friends and an even harder time with love. Hardly anything came easy to you and you where just as average as they come. Average grades in school, average physical abilities, average looks, average everything.
"I'm sure." Loki said lovingly.
"But if it doesn't work out will we still be friends?" You asked Loki scared of his answer. He looked at you with warmth and love in his eyes.
"Of course love. Listen if it doesn't work out the worst that will happen is you just had a fun day with your friend. That's all. I promise not to hate you if it doesn't work out." You relaxed at that and cuddled back into the side of Loki content with his answers.
"Ok," you answered him happily wrapped in his arms, "I will go on a date with you. It will be fun."
Loki kissed the top of your head as you fell asleep over the moon you would go on a date with him. "Yes," he agreed with you, "it will be fun." His voice was caring and happy. And with that you fell asleep in the safety of Loki's arms.
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