You and Loki embraced for what felt like forever before you looked up at him again. "I should probably go collect the explosives I put out." You told him all to calmly. That got Loki's full attention real fast.
"You put out explosives!?" Loki asked you concerned as to why you would need them.
"Yeah." You told him stepping out of his grasp to go over to the door. "I went back to my parents house to go get them. I thought maybe you could use them to release your anger. You know, use your magic to explode them to release the anger you were feeling in a safe way. But now they are more of a safety hazard than anything."
"I will send some servants to go collect them." Loki told you stepping between you and the door. He was still a little concerned as to why you brought explosives with you, but he was more concerned about keeping you safe form your extremely dangerous activities. You were the perfect definition of 'young and dumb.' Thinking more about if it's going to be fun rather than if it was dangerous. For you fun and dangerous usually ended up to be the same thing.
"I set them out Loki." You told him all too logically. "I should be the one to clean them up."
"Mother told you to take it easy. Did she not?" Loki asked you already knowing the answer. He knew his mother would tell you to take it easy after getting thrown around like a rag doll.
"Yes." You grumbled. You had been raised to clean up after yourself. Having servants go clean up your mess just didn't feel right. "Are you sure it's ok?" You asked Loki. "I didn't want to give anyone any trouble. I know everyone is working overtime to get the palace ready for the Ball."
"I'm sure the servants won't mind." Loki told you finally figuring out what was bothering you. "They will most likely appreciate the outing. With them being cooped up in the palace for weeks on end getting everything ready."
"If you're sure." You told Loki hesitantly. Not wanting to cause trouble while you were here. Or at least not wanting to cause any more trouble while you were here.
"I'm sure." Loki assured you kindly kissing the top of your head. "Now I do believe I should take you to mother. I want to make sure your ok."
"I'm fine." You tried to reassure Loki, though he was having none of that. He was determined to make it up to you. His way of doing that was to be extra overprotective of you.
That was going to be so much fun... not.
Loki held out his arm for you to take, like he always did.
You sighed, giving him the look, but he never lowered his arm. So you placed your hand in the crook of his arm. You saw the pain in his eyes when he saw the bandages on your right forearm. The regret that he had hurt you.
"I'm sorry." Loki told you quietly as he looked over your arm.
"I forgave you Loki." You told him calmly, truthfully. "It's in the past now."
As the two of you made it down the hall you were stopped by a loud thunderous yell.
"Loki!" Thor boomed as he walked briskly over to the two of you.
You were the first to stop and turn, still having ahold of Loki's arm. You looked back at Thor confused as to what all the yelling was about.
Thor stomped over to you and grabbed you by the back of your collar pulling you into his side and away from Loki. Thor, like the team, had adopted you, and he wasn't about to let his brother hurt you again.
"What the heck!?" You asked Thor as you squirmed, trying to get out of his iron like grasp. You couldn't.
"How dare you harm the lady you claim to love." Thor snarled are his brother. "Do you have no honor brother?"
This wasn't good. The queen had kept Loki's outburst a secret for a reason. Most likely so Odin wouldn't hear of it and decide to lock Loki away again. Thor, though he usually meant well, wasn't the best about thinking over how to handle things. Yelling at his brother in the middle of a hallway was not the best way to go about dealing with this.
"Thor." You said, trying to get his attention. You had to stop him before someone walked by. If that happened the whole palace would be talking about what happened.
"I thought you changed brother." Thor continued, still holding you to his side, completely ignoring you. "I know you were not in the proper mind set, but to harm her the way you did.... it is unforgivable."
Loki looked down at you nestled on his brothers side, his eyes full of pain and regent. While you looked up at the both of them with absolute annoyance. Just because you were a little human did not mean they had the right to ignore you.
"Thor." You tired again, but with no luck in getting through to him.
"What do you have to say for yourself brother?" Thor asked Loki, like you didn't even exist. This got you mad.
"Thor!" You yelled and at the same time stomped on his foot.
Thor yelped in pain, though you didn't really hurt him. You just startled him. He dropped his arms from around you in surprise that a little human had just stomped on his foot. You stepped away from him standing between him and Loki.
"Just because I am human dose not mean you can just ignore me." You told Thor firmly as he starred at you in shock. "And I have already forgiven Loki you numbskull. He didn't mean to hurt me. Now can you please stop yelling about it before someone else walks by. Your mother is saying I was attacked by a bandit for a reason. I am going to trust whatever reason that may be. So from now on if anyone asks I was attacked by a bandit and Loki killed him for the offense. Got it?" You asked the brothers to make sure you were heard.
You were used to scolding things that were much bigger and much more powerful that you were. This wasn't anything new.
"But (y/n)..." Thor tried again, concerned over your safety.
"I love Loki Thor." You practically snarled at him. "I have forgiven him. What else is there for us to do?"
Thor starred at you dumbfounded, his jaw practically hitting the floor. "You love him?" Thor asked you not sure he heard you right.
"Yes. Now can we all put this behind us?" You asked the brothers, your temper growing short. Why couldn't they just take your word for what it was?
"Your lady will be fine dear." Frigga told Loki kindly when the two of you finally made it to her suit. You and Loki sat across from Frigga on the nice comfortable couches you sat on the first day you meet her. "She will have to take it easy for a while, but she will be fine."
"If you are sure mother." Loki told her, though he didn't sound like he fully believed Frigga. Yes, he knew she knew what she was talking about, but this whole ordeal had gotten him so raddled up. All he wanted was certainty that you were ok. He couldn't have that unless she saw that you were being taken care of.
"If it would make you feel better I could look her over again." Frigga told her son kindly. She wasn't denying that you were fine, but she would look you over again while Loki watched. She knew her son, so she knew Loki would not stop fretting until he saw you were fine for himself.
"If it's no trouble?" Loki asked her, but you could hear the relief in his voice. If his mother looked you over again he could finally believe that you would be fine.
"Not at all dear." Frigga told him warmly. She then turned to you. "If you don't mind."
"Not at all." You answered happily, trying to do everyone that you were just fine. If Loki hadn't been so worked up you would have denied. You hated getting fretted over. You had looked out for yourself for so long that you hated feeling weak.
Frigga sat you down in a different chair, one that she could easily look you over in, all while Loki could see for himself that you would be ok. She looked over all your injuries, starting with your slight concussion. As she worked she as you and Loki light hearted questions. You answered all of them happily and as she worked you could finally finally see Loki relax.
"Let me show you this dear." Frigga called to Loki when she got to the nasty cut on your forearm. Loki came over with out question to see what his mother wanted to show him. "I know your lady can take care of this herself. But I know you would feel better if you did it." Frigga told him. She knew Loki had a positive streak, he very much believed in the saying, if you want something down right you better do it yourself. You could have fought, you could have insisted that you could take care of yourself, that you weren't just some weak pathetic mortal. But Frigga was right. Loki would feel better if he was the one to take care of you. If you showed him that you trusted him to take care of you.
Frigga started to unwrap your bandages, explaining to Loki how to take care of your cut. Once it was all the way unwrapped you could finally see the damage. It didn't look too bad to you, just one cut that was about three inches long. You noticed that instead of stitches your cut was being held together by some sort of clear healing salve. Frigga summoned a clean, damp cloth and started cleaning your cut, removing all the old healing slave and making sure there was no dirt near the cut.
You winced a little as she worked, your cut beginning to sting. At least she wasn't going to use needles.
"I know dear." Frigga told you calmly. "It stings, but this will make it heal faster."
You nodded to her. You could handled a little discomfort.
When she was done with the cleaning she re-bandaged your arm, telling Loki to do that once a day.
"You two should go get ready for supper." Frigga told the both of you. "Your lady is healed enough to attend," she told Loki knowing he would worry about that.
"Thank you mother." Loki told her standing up kissing her cheek. He then turned his attention to you. "Are you ready?" He asked.
You nodded, taking his outstretched arm. You thanked Frigga before heading off to go get ready for supper.
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