The Perfect Date
"That is for me to know and you to find out." Loki replied with a devilish good looking smirk playing on his face, enjoying your shocked expression at his denial of giving you the answer he knew you wanted.
He knew the question had been bothering you all day, he knew that was all you could think about, and now he was still keeping it a secret from you. Did he not know you were a teenager, and that teenagers had endless amounts of questions? Right now your only question was, where are we going? But from the look on his face you knew he knew what he was doing.
You let your shocked look stay on your face a little longer then you would have liked but then gave Loki a smirk, finding a way for him to give you the answer you wanted to hear. "I have to know where we are going." You told Loki sweetly trying your best to look innocent and sweet.
"Is that so?" Loki said teasingly never losing his smirk, "and why, my dear, do you have to know that?"
"Because out of the two of us here I'm the only one who knows how to drive a car." You reasoned to him dangling Tony's car keys out in front of him a sweet smile playing on your lips. You thought you had this argument in the bag. Surly Loki couldn't drive, he was thousands of years old and from another planet, no way he knew how to drive. That's why you were so surprised when Loki reached out and grabbed the car keys from you with lightning fast reflexes, like a snake striking down its prey.
"Oh but love there was one thing you didn't account for when you were trying to convince me to tell you my secret." Loki said smoothly looking between you and the car keys that were now clutched in his hand. You didn't answer his question but instead looked at the him even more confused then you were before, so Loki continued, "I do in fact, know how to drive."
"When did you learn how to drive?" You asked him still not quite believing he actually knew how to but instead telling you he did so he could keep his surprise a surprise.
"It is amazing what you can learn without someone knowing to surprise them when they are always out gallivanting in the woods riding horses." Loki told still smirking down at you. That dang sexy smirk, what you wouldn't do to wipe it off his face. You huffed not liking that you had to wait longer to find out what the evening had in store for you.
"I don't galavant." You grumbled like the stubborn teenager you were.
Loki laughed and took your hand leading you to the car. He opened the door for you like a gentleman, when you got in he shut the door gently then walked around to the other side and got into the drivers seat. You guessed if he was going to be treating you nicely all evening you could in fact wait a couple more minutes to find out what you were doing. Loki started the engine and carefully drove out of the garage.
You watched out the window excitedly trying to figure out where Loki was taking you. But, unlike almost every superhero who lived in the tower, you didn't know New York like the back of your hand, and you got turned around easily, you were really bad at directions. But that didn't keep you from trying to figure out where you were going.
Loki drove cautiously not completely used to driving yet, but he kept steeling glances at you and chuckling to himself. To him you looked so adorable, bright eyed and so excited about this date that you couldn't sit still in you seat. You kept looking around outside excitedly then back at Loki with a huge grin on your face that no matter how hard you tried you couldn't wipe off. Your leg bounced up and down the heal of your foot hitting the car floor over and over, your spine was ramrod straight and your shoulders back. Which to most people was uncomfortable but to you sitting like that was second nature thanks to years of horseback riding.
Loki pulled up to a nice fancy looking restaurant getting out of the car going around and opening up your door for you. He offered you his hand to help you up and even though you didn't need it you took it gratefully. You then rested your hand in the crook of Loki's arm as he lead you into the restaurant. Loki handed the keys to a valet and after the valet got all the information he needed thanked the two of you and you proceeded into the restaurant.
It was a nice fancy restaurant, but not too fancy as to not make you feel uncomfortable in the clothes you were wearing. There was a big chandler hanging in the entry way on a high vaulted ceiling. The floor looked like it was made out of marble, but you didn't believe it was real. There were two benches lining the entry way for people to sit and wait for their number to be called to get seated.
Loki walked right up to the hostess who was standing right behind her computer at he desk. She looked up at you and Loki when you approached her, you could tell she thought Loki was hot but that thought quickly vanished from her mind being completely professional.
"Reservations for Stark." Loki said regally keeping his back straight and his chin up no emotion shown on his face, like he was giving a maid or servant an order back home.
"Of corse." The hostess replied with a professional smile grabbing two menus off the table top, "we have been expecting you. This way." She lead you and Loki through the restaurant, the smells of the delicious food made your stomach growl and that's when you realized you had hardly anything eaten all day. How could you eat when there were more pressing matters weighing on you mind. The pressing matter bing, 'I wonder what Loki has in store for tonight's date?'
Loki must have heard your stomach because he smirked down at you giving you a knowing look. You blushed from embarrassment remembering that Asgardians had super human hearing. Though it still surprised you that he heard it at all with the soft buzzing sound of conversations filling the restaurant as people sat and ate.
The hostess stopped at a table for two sitting right next to a massive painting of an olive vineyard. Loki pulled out your chair for you then pushed it in as you sat down. When Loki was seated comfortably across from you the hostess gave you both the menus and left you be after informing you that a waiter will come shortly to take your orders.
You opened the menu to see what this restaurant served. "Italian?" You asked Loki cocking your eyebrow up.
"Yes, Tony said you liked Italian food. He also helped me choose this place for our outing. Fancy but not too fancy for what else I have planned for tonight." Loki explained studying your face to see what you were thinking.
You gave Loki a bright smile, "I love Italian food!" You exclaimed happily, though you were wondering how Tony of all people found that out. "And we have more things to do?"
"Oh course." Loki said like it was obvious. You smiled at him truly happy feeling like you were worth something, Loki did put this much effort into your date.
You and Loki ordered your food, it was delicious. The two of you made small talk, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Loki used one of Tony's credit cards to pay for the food and before you knew it you and Loki were in the car once again going to whatever Loki had planed for next.
Loki pulled up to one of the entrances to Station Park, and like last time, Loki opened the door for you to get out. When you got out and Loki shut the car door. It drove off by itself, probably to go find a parking space. Loki held out his arm and you gave him a smile resting your hand in the crook of his arm. Loki led you to a place in the park were a lot of people were gathering. There were stands set up and tables and chairs everywhere, blankets littered the ground as well. The place looked like it was set up for some kinda festival.
You gave a confused look, he hated being around humans or as he called them Midgardians, he claimed they were beneath him but you really thought he just felt bad about the battle of New York. You never faulted him for it but instead tried to work around it without him noticing. Loki smirked down at you and continued to lead you to some kind of stand. He greeted the man behind the stand politely and gave him two tickets. The man took the tickets then stamped yours and Loki's hands with a stamp.
As you and Loki walked through the crowds you tuned to him really confused now, "what are these for?" You asked Loki holing up your stamped hand.
"You will find out soon." Loki replied and continued to keep leading you to where ever he was going. You knew Loki would give zero explanation until you got to where ever it was he was taking you, so you continued to let him lead you around.
Loki finally stoped at a makeshift gate, you and Loki showed the person manning the gate your stamps and he let you in. Loki lead you to a nice little picnic blanket somewhat removed from the main group of people. On the way to the blanket you noticed a few other blankets with couples on them as well doing some kind of arts and crafts. When you stopped at your blanket your realized what all the other couples were doing and the brightest smile shown on your face.
There on the blanket were two floating lanterns you and Loki were going to decorate. That's when you realized that all of the people back at the fair were doing the same thing and you were all going to make floating lanterns and let them go, filling the night sky.
"Loki," you breathed like you couldn't believe he would do this for you, you had always wanted to go to a floating lantern festival but never had gotten the chance. "This is amazing." You wrapped your arms around Loki's thins waist burying your head into his chest. "Thank you." That was all you could say, you were at a lost for words, at the moment you were just so very grateful you had Loki in your life. No one had ever put in so much effort before to make you so happy.
Loki hugged you back kissing the top of your hair. "Your welcome love. I'm glad you are enjoying this outing, I know how much you've wanted to do something like this, you tell me every time you and Morgan are watching 'Tangled.'"
You hugged him even tighter, "thank you." You reaped again. After you finally released Loki from your over appreciative hug the two of you sat down on the blanket decorating your lanterns. You painted a horse on yours to absolutely no ones surprise, but you also painted Loki's helmet on the other side. You could tell Loki appreciated the thought and you could have sworn you saw him blush a little.
Loki painted two snakes tangled together biting their own tails on his. He told you it was his symbol that he had for decades. On the other side of his lantern he painted a lucky horse shoe, he told you he paired a lucky horse shoe because he was the luckiest person in the world to come across you. You blushed at that giving Loki a quick kiss on the cheek.
You noticed everyone starting to stand up and pull out lighters to light the lanterns. Loki stood up offering you a hand and you graciously took it allowing him to pull you to your feet. Loki used magic to float his and your lanterns into your hands, which surprised you a little. Loki didn't really use magic often.
"We are to light our lanterns and let them go precisely at ten." Loki informed you with kindness in his voice.
You bounced on the balls of your feet unable to contain your excitement, "I can't wait." You told him and even you could hear the giddiness in your voice. He chuckled thinking you looked so adorable, your positive energy infectious that he couldn't help but be excited for it as well. "But," You said looking around for a lighter, "we have nothing to light our lanterns with."
"I think I can fix that." Loki informed you, he held out his hand and a small flame ignited in the palm of his hand.
"Wow." You breathed amazed by Loki's magic. Sure you had seen Loki use magic before but that was only a hand full of times when you were out on your first mission. But seeing this little warm flame dance in the palm of Loki's hand made it seam so real.
Loki watched you watch the fire, eyes filled with wonder and amazement, it made his heart swell. Most of his young life Loki was told to hide his magic, that it would be best for his future, and that Asgardians wanted a warrior as a king not a sorcerer. So Loki kept his magic hidden inside of him trying to become a warrior like his brother, Thor, but that wasn't who he was meant to be. Loki at times still thought hiding and not using his magic would make him more likable, but seeing you so thrilled over this one simple little spell, it made like feel important and admired. He loved you for it.
"Dose it hurt?" You asked Loki after a few seconds of admiring the flame.
"Not at all." Loki told you gently. "It is almost ten love shall we light our lanterns?"
You nodded mentally kicking your self for forgetting that was why he was doing magic. Loki lit your lantern first then his. When the clock hit ten everyone started to let go of their lanterns watching them float into the night sky. You and Loki let go of your lanterns as well and marveled at this beautiful sight. The warm colors of the lanterns lit up the sky it reminded you of the stars but this time you were closer to the stars.
"Is this what space it like?" You asked Loki still looking up at all the beautiful lanterns. Loki looked away from the lanterns studying your face, he smiled never seeing you this happy before and it made him want to keep you this happy.
"No," Loki said with love in his voice, "space isn't nearly this beautiful."
You ripped your eyes away from the wonderful lights looking up at Loki. You were expecting him to say that space was much better then this but when you looked at him you saw he wasn't even looking up at the night sky filled with lanterns he was looking down at you love filling his eyes. You don't know how but Loki had gotten extremely close to you and you welcomed the feeling.
Loki's eyes flicked to your lips then back to your eyes again as if asking for permission. When you didn't move away he started leaning in. You met him half way kissing his thin, soft, cool lips. It was a nice short sweet chastite kiss then he pulled away.
You starred at him trying to get your brain wrapped around the thought that Loki had just kissed you. Your crush liked you, and that he kissed you. You must have stayed in the daze a little to long because Loki cleared his throat looking at you with concern.
"Was that not welcome?" He asked almost heart broken. You responded to that by going onto your tip toes and kissing him again which he gladly accepted kissing you back almost immediately.
"Dose that answer your question?" You asked him when you pulled away. Loki smiled down at you, a happy true smile.
"I believe it dose."
The two of you spent the rest of the night watching the lanterns cuddling up on the laid out blanket. That was until Loki decided you needed to get some sleep in your own bed after you fell asleep on him for the third time in a row.
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