Show at the Show Grounds
NOTE: this video is for anyone who dose not know what freestyle reining is, or anyone who wants to see a really cool freestyle reining pattern.
You got up super early the next morning, 4:30 in the morning. The sun wasn't even up yet and you were rushing out of the tower to go get ready for the day. You tried to keep quiet as you rushed around the tower getting the last minute supplies you needed. You really did but you accidentally managed to wake Loki up.
Loki came down to the living ready to yell at the person responsible for all the early morning racket, and possibly stab the person in offense as well. You saw him walk out of the elevator, his hair was crazy from his bed head, he still had on his pajama shirt and pants, and his blood shot eyes were an indication of how tired he was. He also looked pissed.
"I am so sorry for waking you." You apologized sincerely to the obviously angry Loki.
Loki looked over at where your voice came from and relaxed a little. He couldn't be that mad at you, sure he was still mad but not furious. "What are you doing up so early?" Loki demanded annoyed but you could hear a bit of concern in his voice. "The sun isn't even up yet, and you never get up earlier then me. Let alone this early."
"It's show day." You tried to explain to Loki, you always got up early on show days. You had to, there was so much you had to get done before the show.
"Yes I know." Loki sighed pinching the brig of his nose and looking extremely annoyed. "But why are you up this early?!"
"I need to get everything perfect before the show." You gestured around your feet to all the bags you had accidentally dropped. "I need to go to the barn, clean my tack, wash my horse, do my hair and makeup, make sure I have everything I need like rubber bands, fly spry, hoof polish, etc. in the trailer, and get to the show grounds on time to qualify. And before you ask, yes, I always get up this early on show days."
Loki looked at you and he could tell you were on edge, your muscles were tens and you looked like it was taking all of your will power to just stand here and talk if you had it your way you would already be at the barn. "Would you like me to go with you to help you get ready?" Loki asked you, though he was tired and grumpy from being woken up he wanted to make sure you didn't need any help.
"No thanks Loki." You smiled warmly at him touched by his offer, "I got this." Loki nodded excepting your answer. "Though I was wondering..." You drifted off not sure if this was even a good idea.
"You were wondering what love." Loki asked kindly after you hadn't finished your sentence, sensing your sudden shyness.
"I was wondering..." you started again shyly, "if you... of corse you don't have to, but if you would like to..."
'no' your brain thought to yourself, 'this is stupid he probably would find it extremely boring.'
"Never mind." You told Loki quickly, mad at yourself for even thinking about what you were going to ask him. You just met the guy, no way he would want to come.
"No," Loki ordered firmly yet gently, "none of that. What is it? What were you going to ask me?"
"I was just going to ask if you would... like to come see me compete?" You told him shyly, "But you don't need to." You added quickly, "No one ever comes to watch me compete, it is boring for the people in the stands. I know that."
Loki heard the heart break in your voice that you were typing so hard to hide. Your family came to see you compete once in your life, after that no one came to support you. Sure you had their support in spirit but they never actually came you knew why, it was boring if you weren't the one competing but it still didn't mean it didn't hurt when they weren't there.
"Don't be silly love." Loki cooed smiling warmly at you, "you've been working so hard. I wouldn't miss this for the world."
You smiled up at him brightly hearing the truth in his words, he really did want to come. You ran over to him and wrapped your arms around his thin waist excitedly, then before he knew what hit hint him you pulled away. "Thank you." You told him brightly so happy to have one of your friends come support you, you then looked at the clock, 4:55am, "But I need to get going. Tony knows where the show grounds are just ask him." And with that you gathered your bags and ran out the door, you needed to get ready for the big show.
You got to the barn and got everything ready, you washed Blaze, you cleaned your tack, and you loaded everything up into the trailer. Now all you had to do was wait.
"Great, I have to take you kids to the horse show?" Came a sarcastic southern accent, you looked over to see who was talking. It was Settler one of the ranch hands that worked at school. He was older then you but not by much. He had short black hair and brown eyes, he was fit, like everyone else here. You had to be fit when working with horses all day every day. But he was a little bit shorter then you.
"You know you love taking us places." Luke chimed back doing his best to look innocent. You, Luke, Sierra, and a few other kids had claimed this trailer to take you to the horse show. There were about three other trailers full of horses and students heading to that show today as well.
"Yeah, right." Settler replied sarcastically, "just get into the truck kids." You all piled into the truck, Settler really did like taking you all places he just pretended like he didn't. On the way there you all talked about horses, school, and sang to songs on the radio. You laughed at everyone's joke and were just generally having a fun time with your friends.
You got to the show grounds, got registered and got your stuff by the trailer set up. When you got back from registration you saw Luke had the picnic blanket set out between Blaze and his horse Jasmine who where tied up to the trailer.
Jasmine was a black quarter horse with some roan coloring. She was very pretty and tall. She was probably one of the fastest horses at the barn.
"Thanks for setting up our nap spot Luke." You thanked him as you laid down in your spot closest to Blaze with Luke on your other side on the blanket. You and Luke had come up with a system a few shows back, the two of you would bring a picnic blanket and two pillows with you to shows so you could take naps between events.
"No problem." Luke replied, "I needed a nap anyway."
"Well our event starts in two hours, I'll put an alarm on my phone for an hour and a half so we won't miss it." You told Luke setting up your phone to do just that.
"Sounds good." Luke replied, then the two of you drifted off to sleep.
Loki and the rest of the Avengers showed up at the show grounds an hour before your competition time. Loki was pleased everyone else wanted to come support you to and he didn't even need to convince them. They all thought of you as their friend, team mate, and even little sister. The team had adopted you as their own so of course they were going to be here.
Loki and the Avengers walked up to, what they presumed was the school's trailers. Four ginormous horse trailers with collage age kids surrounding them taking their horses from one arena to the next. Cap walked up to someone who seemed to be helping all the kids.
"Hello son," Cap greeted the stable hand kindly, who just happened to be Settler, "we are looking for (y/n), is this New York's equine college?"
Settler starred at Cap for a moment amazed
the Captain America was speaking to him.
"Umm," Cap said little unsure what to say next.
"I'm sorry sir," Settler quietly apologized, "yes this is New York's Equine College and yes (y/n) is here. She's with her friend Luke over there," Settler gestured to the trailer you and Luke where currently napping at. "I'll show you." Settler led the Avengers to the trailer and showed them where you were.
You where napping peacefully on the floor by Blaze and Luke. All the Avengers found it funny that you and your friend were just napping at a very serious horse show, everyone that was other then Loki. He couldn't help but feel a sting of jealousy as he watched so sleep so peacefully by another boy.
No you weren't cuddling or even touching but the fact that you were so close to this boy made Loki jealous.
Tony took out his phone and started taking pictures of you sleeping on the picnic blanket by your horse and your friend while everyone else was laughing at where they found you. They also were telling Tony to air drop the pictures to them so they could have the pictures to.
"Yeah," Settler said casually gesturing to the two of you, "they kinda are a handful when they get together. They decided that at shows they would bring blankets and pillows and take naps between their competitions they even bring snacks incase they get hungery. Last time the two of them had a full out tea party between their competitions, they sure are something else." Settler explained to the group who all got a kick out of the stories Settler was telling about the two of you. But the stories only made Loki more jealous.
Sure he knew you had friends but did Luke like you? Or more importantly did you like Luke?
You were awakened by everyone's voices and sat up. You were surprised to find everyone there wanting to give you support for your show. You looked up at all of them the brightest smile ever in your face then stood up hugging all of them.
"Thank you all so much for coming." You said with a such pure joy it warmed everyone's hart.
"Of corse kid." Tony said like it was nothing, but it was something, at least to you it was something.
"Yeah we all wanted to show you our support for you." Cap chimed in, "plus we can evaluate your riding skills even more."
You nodded along then proceeded to show them all around the trailers. Kids stoped and took their pictures and asked for autographs which the Avengers happily obliged to do. Loki was shocked when people wanted his autograph to but after some reassurance from you that they were also his fans he gave them what they wanted.
About thirty minutes before your gate call you started getting yourself ready, you already did your hair and makeup but you still needed to change into your show clothes.
"Loki?" You asked him a little awkwardly, "I was wondering if you could sand guard right outside the trailer door while I get changed? You see the door doesn't lock and I don't want anyone waking in on me."
"Of corse I will love." He said gently, he knew how much you hated asking for help and he felt horned that you asked him to help you. He was especially glad you didn't ask Luke to help you with it.
You led him over to the horse trailer and you climbed inside with your clothes to change. Loki stood guarded and kept everyone away from the trailer by glaring at them. Most everyone was intimidated by Loki and even if they did not know why he was guarding a horse trailer they stayed away from it not wanting to be stabbed for angering him.
You knocked on the trailer door to let Loki know you where done changing. He opened the door and you stepped out in a pair of jeans with sparkles on your back pockets, a western black riding shirt with very detailed designs on it made out of blue and white sparkles, a white cowgirl hat, a belt with a big belt buckle, and sparkly western style riding boots. Loki didn't think he had ever seen you so sparkly, and the way you looked in your show attire was stunning.
"You look lovely." Loki complimented you as you stepped out of the horse trailer.
You smiled and blushed a deep shade of red, "Thank you Loki." You replied a bit flustered.
Loki smirked down at you thinking how adorable you looked when you get all flustered.
You tried to recover quickly and addressed the group at hand, "you all should probably go take your seats." You told them, "my gate call is coming up soon. I will be in that arena over there." You pointed to the arena at hand.
They all nodded and told you good luck then started waking off to the arena you told them to go to. Loki turned to you picked up your hand bent over it and kissed your knuckles. He then dropped it and stood up smirking down at you.
"I wish you luck love." Loki said in his honey smooth accent being extra charming before he left.
You were blushing a million shades of different reds, "Thank you Loki." You told him a bit awkwardly. He then saw Luke standing up from his nap looking over at you. Loki smirked an idea coming to mined, he made sure Luke was watching and bent down kissing you in the cheek. You blushed even deeper shades of red your heart beating a million miles an hour. You already had a crush on the guy, he didn't need to be so charming.
"You will do wonderfully love." Loki bid you, and with that he left you heading to the arena stands so he could get a good seat.
You were blushing like a mad man thinking over yours and Loki's interaction when Luke came up to you.
"So that's the boy you like." Luke said finally putting the peaces together. You jumped startled that some one was standing behind you with out you noticing.
"Luke!" You grumbled annoyed that he had just snuck up on you, "what are you doing?"
"Well I just woke up from a nap to see a guy kiss you on the cheek." Luke teased smirking at you, he knew he had you cornered. "Do you like him?"
You were a blushing mess by then and you did not want to have this conversation with Luke. He was like your brother, the two of you always got into trouble together and you would amuse the college to no end with all of your guys's crazy antics. He was one of your bestest friends. But you knew you couldn't lie to him, he knew you to well.
"Yes Luke," you sighed rolling your eyes at him. "I like him. A lot actually. But that doesn't mean he likes me in the same way."
"Really?" Luke asked you confused, "because from what I just saw..."
"He's a god Luke." You cut him off abruptly, "heck he's a price from another planet! No way he would like me like I like him. Sure he may have asked me on a date, and yes, I may have said yes, but that doesn't mean anything will come out of it." You didn't want to get your hopes up that something could work out only to have it ripped away from your grasp. Luke heard the heart break in your voice and looked at you with apologetic soft puppy eyes.
"(Y/n) I'm sorry. I..." Luke said trying to tell you he didn't mean to get you upset. Especially not over a boy.
"It's ok Luke." You told him with a small sad smile, "I know you didn't mean to over step." You walked up to Blaze who was looking pissed at the fact Loki had just kissed your cheek. You undid his halter and let it fall hanging from its rope attached to the trailer. You put a hand on Blazes neck and he walked with you to the back of the truck bed. You climbed up on the truck bed and use it to help get onto Blaze's back. Blaze didn't have a bridle or a saddle on so you needed something to climb up on. You then turned Blaze around facing Luke. "We should probably get going," you told Luke in your happy upbeat attitude, "we don't want to miss our gate call.
"I'm right behind you." Luke replied, he gracefully swung up on Jasmine, he had a saddle and a bridle so he didn't need to use the truck bed. Then the two of you set off to go to the arena you were needed at.
It was time to show them what you got.
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