You and Luke showed up at the warm up arena right outside the indoor show arena. There were plenty kids your age competing in this competition and you had to admit they were pretty good.
People were riding their horses around the warm up ring practicing and warming up their horses for what was to come. Some people had bridles and saddles on, some just had saddles with no bridle, but you were the only one with heather a saddle or a bridle. It was free style, you could ride how you wanted with what you wanted to the song you picked. You also made up the pattern by yourself. The more difficult the pattern was and with less tack you had on the better score you would get. But if you fell off your horse you were automatically disqualified. That's why everyone else had a saddle on, the slide stops and crazy fast spins where enough to get even the most skilled rider off balance.
You and Luke joined the rest of the kids in the warm up ring practicing a few last minute exercises, making sure your spins, slide stops, and flying lead changes were all good to go. After a few minutes the judges started calling gate numbers and people started going in to complete one by one. You and Luke watched some of them then went back to warming up for your call.
"Rider 479." Came the voice over the speakers, "please come to your gate for your ride."
"Well that's me." You informed Luke with a little bit of nervousness in your voice. It didn't matter how many times you competed in horse shows you still got nervous when you were called.
"Good luck." Luke bid you and with that you rode to the gate.
You got to the gate in the indoor arena, which was like a thirty second ride away and waited for them to tell you to go in. There were a lot of people manning the gate, opening it up for the riders, making sure the horses weren't going insane, and telling the judges who was up next.
"Number?" One of the people at the gate asked you.
"479" you told the person.
The person took out a wacky talky and spoke into it. "Rider 479 is at the gate when ever you are ready."
You waited a few more seconds before the announcer spoke into the speakers. "Next up is rider 479, (y/n) (y/l/n) riding Blaze. She is one of the Equine College students so you better believe she will be putting on a great ride for you all today." The gate keepers opened the gate and you and Blaze walked in.
The lights dimmed when you got into the arena, multiple spot lights then fell on you.
'You got this.' You told yourself trying to calm your nerves, 'you've been practicing, a lot, you got this.' Then the music started and you began your pattern.
You picked the song 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' to ride to. It was from 'How to Train Your Dragon' one of your all time favorite movies. You picked the song because you liked it and wanted to try something new. Usually all of your songs for reining patterns or even dressage were up beat, this one was calming and relaxing. It sure did push you to challenge yourself to come up is a good pattern for it.
When the music started Loki turned to Thor, "this can't be..." Loki said amazed. The two Asgardians listened to it a little bit more.
"It is." Thor confirmed.
"How...?" Loki loved the song 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' he grew up listening to it, but he didn't understand how you knew of it. It was an Asgardian song after all.
"Hey you two." Tony hissed, "quiet we are trying to watch." Thor and Loki quieted down, Loki would have said some snarky remark but the man on Iron was right they were here to support you. Talking during your performance was quite rude.
So Loki and Thor turned their attention back to the arena watching you with interest. Not only were you riding to an Asgardian song but they had never seen reining before today. Loki has to admit it was quite cool, especially the spins and slide stops.
You rode to the song with perfect formation and timing. You got all of your flying lead changes and slide stops perfect. Your spins were fast and when you said stop to Blaze he would stop right away. Your performance was flawless and you kept your balance the whole entire time.
After you were finished you got off of Blaze in the middle of the arena and took your bow. The crowd cheered though you could hear your group cheer for you the loudest. You stood up and made eye contact with Loki, he was looking at you like your were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. That made you blush. You waved to everyone and walked out of the arena with Blaze fallowing close behind you.
"What a great ride." You heard the announcer speak into the speakers, "very beautiful. The judges are getting their score ready, we will see (y/n) at the end with everyone else as well to revile her placement."
You got out of the arena to see Luke still in the warm up ring warming up. He saw you and rode over. "Hey." He greeted you with a smile, "you did great out there."
"Thanks." You replied happily, "I'm sure you will do great to. Good luck." You bid Luke then continued waking to the trailers.
When you got there your group was already waiting for you. "That was marvelous!" Thor boomed picking you up off your feet and giving you and giving you a bone crushing hug.
"Thanks Thor." You squeaked out as Thor hugged you tighter trying to break you from his hug. Like a chilled, when they squeeze you as hard as they can to show you has much they love you, he was like that. But unlike a child Thor could actually break you. "Thor," you choked out the hug actually starting to hurt. "I can't breath." Thor Immediately drooped you, you stumbling back against Blaze from the sudden drop. You steadied yourself and stood back up, Thor was looking a little sheepish after he dropped you, he knew as well as anyone else that he could have actually hurt you without meaning to. Humans were significantly less sturdy then their Asgardian counter parts.
"I am sorry lady (y/n)." Thor said Apologetically.
"It's ok Thor." You told him with a bright smile. "No harm done." Thor gave you a smile back when he realized you were telling the truth, he didn't hurt you. The rest of the team then came up to congratulate you on a good ride.
After a while of just talking to everyone the team excused themselves to go back to the tower. They came to watch you compete their mission was done, plus they had a lot of other things to do today. So everyone left, everyone that is other then Loki. He wanted to stay with you and keep you company, which you full heatedly agreed to. Blaze on the other hand wasn't to thrilled to have Loki around he kept pinning his ears back, snoring, and glaring at Loki.
"Blaze for the hundredth time! Stop being so mean to Loki." You yelled at him after he had tried to bite Loki for the forth time in a row. "I know you can understand me just as well as any other human that can speak English so Knock. It. Off." You practically snarled the command at Blaze, sure he was your best friend but that didn't mean he could act this way. Especially to one of your other really good friends. He would have to learn to deal with having Loki around because he was becoming one of your really good friends. And if you were being honest with yourself you were hoping for a little bit more then just friends.
Blaze snorted a pinned his ears back glaring at you as to say, 'I do what I want.' You glared right back at him not caring he was ten times your size or that he was a magical being with untold power. No, he was your horse and you were the leader in this relationship, he listened to you. If he didn't want you as his rider he should have thought of that a long time ago.
"You don't get to do what you want." You snarled at Blaze genuinely getting annoyed by his antics, "you get to do what I say when we are together. I am the leader you are the follower. That's how the horse to horseback rider relationship works. And now that I know you can understand me you will have to listen to me more, especially about your attitude towards Loki, little sir." Little sir was one of your many nicknames for Blaze and they all changed depending on what was going on at the time. You and Blaze glared at each other a little bit more having a staring contest until Blaze snorted and rolled his eyes, giving up.
"Thank you." You told Blaze cheerfully, happy you won the staring contest, but then again you always won. Your parents always told you you were to stubborn for your own good, and boy were you stubborn.
You and Loki talked about nothing until you were called into the arena again to see what place you got. Loki walked with you but this time when you got to the arena Loki stayed right outside the gate instead of going up to the stands. He could see and hear everything perfectly fine so he decided to stay there.
You got first place which you were ecstatic with. You got a blue ribbon and a trophy that you were definitely going up in your room along with the other ribbons and trophies you have collected over the years of competing in horse shows. That reminded you that you had to put up your ribbons and trophies in your room, you hadn't gotten around to doing that yet.
It was getting late when Settler was able to take you and Blaze to the barn. He had to wait for everyone in his trailer to be ready to go. You got back to the barn did your barn chores then went back home with Loki. On the way back to the tower you and Loki got some dinner assuming that the team had already eaten without you.
You got back to the tower bid Loki good night and took a much needed shower before going to bed.
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