The battle at the village was worse than what you were expecting it to be.
The houses and buildings were on fire, burning to the ground. The farm animals ran around in a panic as well as the villagers.
About twenty wolf warriors rampage through the village, rounding up the villagers and separating them into groups.
There were some braver villagers that tried to fight the wolves, tried to save their friends and family, but they were no match. The only people you could see that could hold their ground against the wolves were the queen's guards. But there was only five of them.
When you left Frigga earlier that day five guards for one person seamed like overkill. Now it was hardly enough.
When you got down to the village you jumped off of Blaze's back. "You go protect the villagers bud." You told your horse. "I'm going to go find Frigga."
Blaze nickered his agreement and summoned you a whip. He wasn't going to leave you unprotected, and you knew how to use a whip.
"Thanks bud." You told him before the two of you split up.
You ran through the village, fighting off the wolves when you needed to with your whip but your one and only focus was to fined the queen.
Blaze on the other had fought the wolves, protecting the villagers the best he could. The trees that surrounded the village started to come to life, swatting and roping the wolves with their branches. Fires started up that protected the villagers from the wolves. Creating fire walls that separated the two.
Off in the distance you heard thundering hooves coming towards you that you knew belonged to the backup you had requested. Loki and Thor were on their way. You and Blaze just needed to hold your ground a little while long. Just a little bit longer.
You could do this.
You ran over to the town hall looking building, thinking that maybe Frigga would be held up in there, protected by a few guards and brave villagers.
You were not expecting the kind hearted gentle queen to be fighting off one of the wolves down by the raging river.
The rider of the all black wolf had dismounted, so both him and his wolf could fight the queen and try to take her down.
The queen, however, was not going to go down without a fight. She dodged both the man's attacks and the wolf's attacks with grace and speed you could never wish to obtain. She would slice at both of them whenever she got the chance, then rebalance herself so she was prepared for whatever attack they were going to try next.
For a moment you got lost in the beauty of their fight, forgetting what you were here to do.
That was until you saw a warrior coming up behind the man fighting the queen carrying some kind of crossbow looking thing.
You knew this man was not here to help Frigga.
So you ran.
You ran as fast as you could towards the fight. Not knowing what you would do, but knowing you needed to help.
You got to the fight just in time to be there when the second man fired his weapon at the queen.
"Watch it!" You yelled as you shoved Loki's mother to the ground, lashing your whip out at the first man, catching him off guard, leaving a big angry red mark across his face from where your whip had hit.
You looked back at Loki's mother, she looked up at you confused and dazed by your sudden appearance, but otherwise she was completely fine.
But something was wrong.
You knew something was wrong.
Maybe it was the way the world started to spin.
Or maybe it was the way your stomach started to turn.
It could have been how the sounds of the battle around you started to fade in and out.
Or how black spots started to invade your vision.
You looked down at your shoulder, finally seeing what the man had shot at the queen. What he had tried to do.
There, sticking out of your shoulder, was a small dart.
You watched dumbly as the purple liquid in the clear glass of the dart emptied into your body. Drugging you with... something.
The man closest to you, the one that you whipped across the face, grabbed you by your neck. He closed his big ruff fists around your neck as he lifted you up off the ground.
"You stupid bitch." He snarled at you angrily.
You grasped at his arm, trying to pull yourself up so you could breath.
It wasn't working.
The man let you struggle, gasping for air a moment longer. Then he took his sword and jabbed it into your side for good measure.
You yelled out in pain as there was now a gash in your side oozing out blood at an alarming rate.
The man pulled out his sword and threw you to the ground in one swift movement.
You knew you were screwed the moment your foot got sucked into the rushing river. Not a moment latter you were pulled mercilessly into its rapids.
The water engulfed you as it pulled you aggressively into its clutches. You struggled to the surface as you were whipped around like a rag doll by the rapids.
You had always been a good swimmer. Winning swim meets for your team in high school, going boating or paddle boarding with your family, you never feared the water.
If anything you always laughed at the idea that you out of all people would drown. Thinking you were much too good of a swimmer to end up in Davy Jones' locker.
Now, as you struggled against the rapids, your body and mind filling with drugs, and your side spilling blood, the thought of drowning was a very real possibility.
You don't know how, but you managed to struggle your way to the surface, grabbing a rock to prevent yourself from getting pulled further down the river.
You saw Odin, Thor and Loki brutally murdering the all black wolf and the two warriors that dared tried to harm Frigga. Odin rushed to her side, looking over his beloved wife with worry, making sure she was unharmed. Thor and Loki stood near by equally as worried as their father.
Frigga was safe.
You knew she was safe and unharmed.
That was all you could tell yourself as you felt the drugs overflow your mind and your grip on the rock loosen.
The last thing you saw before you were pulled back under the surface of the water was Blaze galloping full out down the river's bank, trying to get to you before it was too late.
It was already too late.
Your body went numb, and you let the river carry you away.
You did your job.
You saved the queen.
You saved Loki's beloved mother.
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