Not What You Were Expecting
The Elves weren't what you were expecting. At all.
You were expecting little tiny humans. With pointy hats, and candy-cane colored tights. Green and pink tunics with little pointed shoes with bells on them. You expected them to come bringing cookies and hot chocolate. Perhaps offer the king a hover board, or an X-box.
Ok, so maybe you were also expecting Santa Claus to show up as well. Pulled by a team of reindeer as he road up the the palace making it snow with Christmas magic.
That vision couldn't have been further from the truth.
Instead the elves were extremely tall and lean. Their faces were super pointy, like they could all cut glass with their cheek bones. Their hair was extremely long and flowing. All combed back. They looked a lot like humans. If all humans were super models. The one thing that was even close to the vision of the Christmas elves were their pointed ears.
All elves had pointed ears.
They look like the 'Lord of the Ring' elves." You thought to Loki. You could hear Loki chuckle in your mind, though his stoic expression and cold demeanor never changed.
A carriage, that was being pulled by two snowy white reindeer with big golden antlers, came though the gaits. Elf guards marched along side the carriage with maids and servants waking either behind or in front as it made its way around to the front steps.
The carriage seamed to have been woven out of light itself. The white glistening walls of the carriage made it extremely hard to look at. In fact the walls sparkled so much that you wondered if they crushed up diamonds and used that as paint. Golden wheels with all manor of jewels on them shimmered as they moved.
Someone really loved sparkly things.
The carriage stopped and an elf servant scurried around to the door.
"Presenting the king and queen of Alfheim," the servant announced as he opened the door. "King Freÿr and Queen Grace."
An elf man stepped out of the carriage with a golden crown placed upon his head. King Freÿr. He had bleach blonde hair that was so long it went passed his waist. His eyes were bright blue. So bright that they almost looked white. Like an Australian Shepherds dog's eyes. He wore silky white robes with golden designs of a forest covering his shoulders. Under the robe he had on golden armor, though it didn't look like battle armor. It was more elegant than it was protective. Much like the outfits Loki, Thor, and Odin were wearing currently.
The next person to step out was an elf lady. She had long hair, just like her husband's, but instead of bleach blonde her hair was dark brown. Like tree bark. Her eyes were lavender, and she had rose red lips. She wore the same robe as her husband, but instead of trees hers had golden flowers on them. He wore an elegant golden dress under her robe that sparkled like the carriage they both just got out of. And placed upon her head was a golden crown.
Fallowing the king and queen two other elves got out of the carriage. Their children. Both looked to be around the age of 20. Like Thor and Loki. Though they, like the Asgardians, were probably much older than 20.
One was a boy. His hair was like his mother's, long and brown. While his eyes were like his father's. Ghostly blue. He wore silver armor with a silver crown.
The other child was a girl. She had long blonde hair, like her father, and lavender colored eyes, like her mother. She wore an elegant purple dress with a sliver crown placed upon her head.
The whole family had super model good looks. With flawless skin and perfect jawlines.
"King Freÿr. Queen Grace." Odin exclaimed cheerfully, like he was greeting old friends. Which was something new you had never seen before.
Who knew Odin could be cheerful?
Odin and Frigga walked down the steps to go greet the royal family while Thor and Loki stayed put.
The Kings and Queens hugged and greeted one another before coming back up the stairs.
"You remember my sons." Odin said happily as they came up to were you where standing with Loki and Thor.
Loki tightened his grip on your arm, tensing up his arm and squeezing your hand against his body.
He didn't trust your safety in the safety of the palace alone without him or the guards. No way was he going to trust nobility from another realms around you.
You glanced up at him, but the rest of his demeanor stayed the same. Cold and stoic.
"Of corse I do." Exclaimed Freÿr. "Thor, Loki, it's a pleasure to see you boys again." He shook Thor's hand first before shaking Loki's.
Both boys agreed that it was, in fact, nice to see the king again. Though Thor was more warm about it than Loki was.
"I do not believe, however, that I have met these young ladies." Freÿr said, sizing you and Jane up.
Loki shifted a little, pulling you closer to his side.
"These are the two ladies my sons are currently courting." Odin told Freÿr, trying to sound pleased about it.
He wasn't.
"Asgardian nobility?" Freÿr asked.
"No."'Jane spoke up. "We're from Midgard."
A flash of disgust passed over the warm king's face at the mention of Midgard.
Apparently Midgard was like the America of the realms. No one liked us.
"Pleasure." The king said, though it sounded strained.
"Please allow my servants to show you and your people the way to your rooms." Odin offered. And just like that the elves were on their way into the palace.
You spent hours out on the steps of the palace that day greeting the realms royalty with Loki.
Just like Loki said Vanaheim was next. They came in slick robes of every color. Magic sparked around them as they came. Magical fireworks exploded into things like horses and dragons before disappearing. They came in riding on winged leopards. They had a fantasy village feel to them.
You had no doubt that if one of them told you to go on an adventure with them you would.
The last realm was Nidavellir. The realm of the dwarfs. And just like the elves they looked like they were taken straight out of 'Lord of the Rings.' With fluffy long hair and beards, little beady eyes and big wonky noses. Though their armor and weapons were beautifully made. The animal that they came riding in on were boars. Loki told you that they specialized in blacksmithing. They made the best weapons in the whole galaxy.
"I thought there was nine realms?" You asked Loki as the two of you made it back to the family wing. After everyone showed up you and Loki could go take a brake for awhile.
"There are." Loki agreed. "But not everyone is invited. Some realms are only allies with us because we forced them too."
"Isn't Odin concerned they will pick a fight?"
"No. The ones who did not show up are the ones Asgard has crippled. They simply do not have the power to pick fights with anyone."
"Then why dose Asgard still throw this Ball?" You asked. "If Asgard can just cripple entire realms why have a Ball to discuss peace?"
"Because the realms that are invited can fight."'Loki said. "If we do not keep the peace the realms will be a battle ground. More advanced and bloody than any human war."
"That would be bad." You agreed.
You spent most of the day in Loki's suit with him. The realms nobility were getting themselves settled into the palace so there was no reason for the two of you to go out socializing.
Or at least that's what Loki claimed. You had a feeling he just didn't want you in any sort of danger.
Before dinner Loki took care of your cut on your arm. He replaced the bandages and put healing salve on your cut.
The dinner was loud. With people of every kind getting drunk. Royal magicians trying to out spell one another. And Warriors trying to out eat one another, you were happy when dinner was finally over.
Loki said the first dinner was always like that. It was less formal, designed to help everyone relax and have a good time.
You didn't not feel relaxed nor did you have a good time.
"Get some rest love." Loki told you when he walked you to your door. "Tomorrow is going to be a big day for the both of us."
"Why did I ever let you talk me into coming here." You grumbled at him. You felt out of place everywhere you went. And you were tiered to the bone.
"Because, against better judgement, you decided you loved me." Loki told you with a smirk.
"What was a thinking?" You teased.
He just chuckled, knowing that you were just having fun with him, before kissing you good night.
The maids helped you get ready for bed and before you knew it you were fast asleep.
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