Not a Girly Girl
You and Blaze rode down to the beach, running in the surf, jumping over washed up logs, and finding creatures in the tide pools. It should have been fun. But it wasn't.
All you could think about was your dream.
Who was the mist king?
Who was Surtr?
What were they planing on doing?
No matter what you tried to distract yourself with it wasn't working.
Blaze nickered, turning his head around to check up on you. He could feel you weren't exactly yourself today.
"Just a bad dream." You told Blaze, patting his neck reassuringly. "I'm fine."
You and Blaze stayed out on the beach for awhile longer before you headed back to the palace.
You knew Loki wasn't joking about the guards.
"How was your ride love?" Loki asked you when you got back to the palace.
"Much needed." You told him before giving him a peck on the lips. "Thanks for letting me go. I know it was difficult for you."
"As much as I want to protect you you have too much of a wild spirit to keep locked up." Loki told you kindly. "Just try to be safe."
"Your beginning to sound like my dad." You teased him. "Always telling me to be safe and not to get hurt."
"He sounds like a smart man." Loki teased you back. "Did you listen to him growing up?"
"Eh" you replied with a shrug, which sent Loki into a fit of laughter with you joining in.
"Your poor father." Loki teased.
"I never told him everything." You defended yourself. "If I did he would have died of a heart attack years ago." Which just proved Loki's argument more valid.
"As much as I wish to hear your tells of your childhood we have things to get done today." Loki told you with a smile. Then he gestured to your hand. "May I?" He asked politely.
You didn't know what he wanted but you trusted he wouldn't put you in an uncomfortable situation, so you nodded. Loki picked up your hand bowing over your knuckles giving the back of your hand a kiss. Just like he dose when he's being formal. Green magic went over you as Loki kissed the back of your hand, changing your regular riding clothes into a green and golden Asgardian styled dress. A dress that complimented Loki's formal ware. The magic also did your hair and makeup.
"That's a useful trick." You told him as you looked over your new outfit. "Thank you. Now I don't need the maid's help today."
"There you two are." Came a calm cheerful voice. "Now Loki, you know you two can't just hide away from everyone. You are going hunting with the other princes." Frigga told her son warmly but firmly. You had a feeling this was a talk she given to her son often.
"We're going hunting?" You asked happily. "That sounds like so much fun. Though I don't actually want to kill anything. But can I shoot the bow and arrow? Clint won't let me back at home. He says I might break it."
"Not you dear." Frigga told you, linking her arm with yours before you could go running off to join the other princes on the hunt. "Only the princes go on the hunting trip. It's tradition."
"So... what do I get to do?" You asked a bit hesitantly. Based on how this was sounding you were pretty sure you were not going to like the girls activity.
"You, my dear, get to accompany the other princess and noble ladies of the realms." The queen told you happily.
"Mother I could take my lady with me on the hunt." Loki cut in, which confirmed your suspicions of doing girly things today. For all that you were a girly girl was not one of them.
"Don't worry my son." Frigga tried to reassure Loki. "Your lady will be safe here with the other ladies. They will have guards with them all day. No harm will come to her."
Loki was about to say something, probably protest that that wasn't what he was concerned about, when a booming voice came down the hall.
"There you are brother!" Thor boomed. "We are about ready for the hunt. I was sent to come find you."
"Thank you Thor." Frigga replied warmly. "Now if you are to excuse us I will be showing lady (y/n) where she is supposed to be going."
You gave Loki your best pathetic look as Frigga dragged you away by your uninjured arm. Loki gave you an equally pathetic look as Thor grasped his should and steered him away from you.
Frigga drug you to a extremely elegant sitting room where all the other noble ladies were waiting. Even Jane was there.
She was waring a beautiful red and silver dress that matched Thor's royal colors. Much like how you were waring a dress that matched Loki.
"Have fun dear." Frigga bid you at the door.
"Your not staying?" You asked confused.
"No dear." Frigga chuckled. "I will be with the other queens today." And with that she left.
You made your way over to Jane, sitting down next to her on the couch. "Thor said you went out on a trail ride this morning." Jane said, trying to start up a conversation. "See anything cool?"
You nodded. "I went down the the beach and found a crab that looked to be made out of crystals. That was pretty cool."
"Your (y/n), right?" A female voice asked you. You turned to see a slim blonde haired lady in a lime green dress that matched her lime green eyes. You recognized her in an instant, Amora, Loki's friend who all of Thor's friends seemed to hate.
"That's me." You smiled at her.
"Yes." Amora exclaimed with fake happiness. The one all girls knew. "Your Loki's little Midgardian pet."
"Uh....I don't think I'm his pet." You told Amora politely rubbing the back of your neck.
"Well of course you are!" She exclaimed in her annoying high pitched fake voice. "Loki is a god you are a mortal. You can't really be expecting him to have feelings for you."
Now you understood why Thor's friends didn't like Amora. She tried to pick fights. Make people angry, and basically be a nuisance. She wanted to rile you up in front of all the other noble ladies. She wanted you to yell and scream and get really made.
You weren't exactly sure. Maybe to get them to dislike you more than they already did? One thing was for certain. You were not going to give Amora what she wanted.
"So what are you doing here?" You asked her in the same fake happy tone. "I mean I know I don't belong here, but the queen herself told me to come, so here we are. Thor's friends told me you were a troublesome witch. Far form a noble lady if I do say so myself."
Amora's smile seemed to falter for a split second before becoming strained. Absolute hatred was in her eyes as she tried to fake a laughed. You just smirked. "I wanted to come meet the mortal who people have claimed have gentled the cold prince of Asgard."
"I didn't gentle him." You told Amora beginning to enjoy making her upset. Oh how the tables have turned. It took all your will power to reframe from saying 'well well well, how the turntables...' just to make her mad. Instead you said, "He's not a horse. I just simply became his friend."
"Yes, well." Amora said stiffly. "I have many important things to do. Have fun with the nobles."
You waved good bye to her immediately dropping your fake smile the moment she left the room. How stuck up could one be?
"You sure know how to get under ones skin." Jane smiled at you.
"It's one of my few talents." You replied with a smirk which just made her laugh.
Your day was filled with the absolute most girly girl things you could have ever imagined. You thought you would just die out of pure boredom.
First you had to stay in that sitting room for a full hour! And just talk to people. Next you and the ladies had a tea party. Which during that you discovered that tea was actually pretty good.
Then to top it all off you all went to the spa. That was the best part of the whole day because you got a back massage.
The next few days were nothing special. You and Loki would show up and socialize with the other nobility. You would dance with him at night after dinner, mostly to practice for the actual Ball. And when you could you would sneak off together to go find an alcove you could make out in.
That was your favorite activity.
The cut on your arm also healed within that time. Now it was nothing but a light scar. So light that if you didn't know it was there it was unnoticeable.
The dreams had also stopped. Now you were just dreaming the weird dreams you knew your mind made up. Like surfing a tsunami or turning into a pixie.
That didn't ease the uncertainty you felt in your gut however. If anything it made you more anxious.
You knew that dream wasn't a regular dream but you didn't know how to tell anyone about it.
Would anyone believe you?
Or would they just think you crazy?
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