Loki Meeting Blaze
The weekend finally arrived. You didn't think you've ever been so tired and sore in all your 18 years of living. Everyday you trained and practiced shooting, trying to get better. It was a lot of hard work. But not everything made you want to die.
Morgan would come down every once in awhile to play with you. She told you about her school and how Tony and Pepper wanted her to not bug you a lot while you were training. She was a sweet little girl and you liked having her around. The other person that made your daily butt kickings more bearable was Loki. Surprisingly you and him became quite good friends which surprised everyone.
Loki was dark and mysterious, always kept to himself. He hated being around anyone and never let anyone get close.
You on the other hand were fun and outgoing. You always had a smile on your face and tried to look on the positive side of things. People liked being around you because you were fun and made them feel good. Some said you had an bubbly personality.
So when you and Loki started hanging out and becoming friends no one knew exactly what to think. Thor was super happy that his younger brother was finally taking some of his advice and getting a friend in the tower, while everyone else worried about you. They would constantly tell you to 'be careful,' and "Loki can't be trusted.' The thing was, you did trust Loki. You wanted to give him a chance. He hasn't betrayed your trust yet so you didn't have a reason not to trust him.
Today was Saturday and you got to sleep in. You had no training today, no one needed you for anything, today was your day off. You got out of bed and went down to the living room to see Loki sitting on the couch, eating his breakfast, and watching the news. You walked in and Loki looked up at you.
"Humans are stupid." Loki declared. You smiled at him and rolled your eyes. He's told you almost every day about how stupid humans are. You agreed there were a lot of stupid people but that didn't mean everyone was stupid.
"What makes you say that?" You asked Loki as you walked into the kitchen to get your breakfast. Loki gestured towards the T.V and told you about some kid hitch hiking across the county because he was mad at his parents. "That is dumb." You agreed with him. "But not everyone is like that. Judging the world just based on the news is very inaccurate."
"But I was under the impression that this show tells what's going on on your planet." You sat down by Loki who was looking at you confused.
"The news tries to get views, so they only talk about what people are interested in. Like, what the government is up to, what celebrity is causing the most problems, what the Avengers are doing, and people doing stupid stuff." You explained to him.
"So not everyone is like the people on T.V?" Loki asked. It just occurred to you that Loki knew almost nothing about the modern world, all he knew was what was in the tower. Sure, he's been to earth before, but that was a few hundred years ago. The only other time he's come here was when he was trying to take over the world. Now he was trying to learn about people via T.V which was not actuate. You thought for a minute then an idea came to you.
"Why don't me and you get out of the tower and get some fresh air today?" You asked him excitedly. Loki gave you a disapproving look.
"You know why I can't do that." He said in annoyance and held up his hand so you can see the band on his wrist. It was a device Tony made that limited Loki's powers and would shock him if he ever left the tower.
"I'm sure they would let you come have a fun day with me." You told Loki happily. Loki did not believe you, he rolled his eyes and snorted.
Just then Thor and Steve walked in talking about something. "Hey, can me and Loki get out of the tower today?" You asked the boys. They both turned to you confused.
"What?" Steve asked a little concerned.
"Can I take Loki out of the tower today to get some fresh air?" You asked politely. Steve looked at you sternly while Thor looked delighted. Steve told you no while Thor said yes at the same time. Steve glared at Thor.
"No Thor." Steve said sternly. "You know we wont let Loki out of the tower until he can be trusted."
"My brother has done nothing wrong since he came here." Thor pointed out logically. "If his Lady wants to show him around her planet,
I see nothing wrong with that." You blushed a little at Thor calling you Loki's lady. You had developed a small crush on the younger price.
"(Y/n) is just a kid." Steve countered. "If he hurts her..."
"My brother would never hurt Lady (y/n). Thor cut off Steve. "They've been hanging out all week."
"But if there were any trouble JARVIS would tell us and we would come help her. How are we supposed to monitor him," Steve pointed to Loki, "when they are out of the tower?"
"I trust my brother will do nothing ill advised. And if he dose I'm sure Lady (y/n) will call us." Thor looked at Steve with pleading eyes.
"It's just for the day." You cut in. "I won't let Loki out of my sight, and if anything goes wrong I promise I will call you." Steve look at you then Thor, both of you begging to let Loki get out of the tower for the day.
"Fine." Steve sighed, finally giving up looking defeated. "But if he dose anything he will be locked up in a containment cell for weeks." Steve threatened. Both you and Thor accepted the terms. Steve then told JARVIS to not shock Loki when he's out of the tower for the next 24 hours. Loki's band made a little beeping noise that told you it worked. You said your thank yous to Thor and Steve then turned to Loki who was looking confused at what just happened.
"Lets go." You said happily and grabbed Loki's hand to lead him out of the tower. He let you drag him down to the garage and the two of you got in one of Tony's stupidly fast cars. You told JARVIS to take you to your school and the car sped off in that direction. You hated driving so you where grateful Tony's cars could drive themselves if, of course, they were programmed to get there.
"You really trust me?" Loki asked you a little while latter. He had confusion in his voice, like he couldn't imagine anyone trusting him. You looked at him, his eyes looked doubtful and sad.
"Of corse I do Loki." You told him kindly with a warm smile. "Me and you are friends after all." Loki let that sink in. He's never had a real friend before. On Asgard growing up he hung out with Thor and his friends. They would tolerate Loki and sometimes make fun of him. Now a little Midgardian girl has decided that he was her friend. His heart warmed at the thought.
"Thank you." Loki's voice had warmth in it and his eyes had a spark in them. If you had been dating you would have sworn it was love. But you weren't. You quickly got that stupid thought out of your head.
'Come on (y/n).' You thought to yourself. 'Loki is a god, a prince of Asgard. You are just some little mortal human girl. Loki would never fall in love with you. You would never be enough for him.'
"Where are we going?" Loki asked you as you left the city.
"I thought we could go on a trail ride." You answered him happily. "The city is filled with people and, if I'm being completely honest, New Yorkers kinda scare me. I grew up in the country, cities are intimidating." Loki accepted your answer, he was also grateful there would be less people around, he knew everyone hated him for what he had done. The two of you happily talked about nothing all the way to your school.
The two of you finally got there and the car parked in the parking lot. You texted your friends that you were coming to ride horses with Loki today and asked them to not overwhelm you both. Loki did not seam like he wanted to meet a bunch of new people today. The last thing you wanted was for someone to get stabbed. They told you they would let you and Loki be and not bug you, if you promised to tell them everything that had happened on Monday. You agreed to their demands.
You and Loki got out of the car and you lead him around, showing him everything. Loki watched you in amusement. He loved the way you ran around telling him about the stuff you where so passionate about. Your eyes lit up and the smile on your face was infectious. You told him you had slight case ADHD but he had never seen it in you. Now he knew it was true, you would run up to something then get sidetracked by another thing. You finally led him over to a big green pasture filled with horses. "Blaze!" You yelled happily. A chestnut horse with a flaxen mane and tail, lifted its head up and came running over.
You jumped the fence and threw your arms around Blaze's neck when he reached you. Blaze wrapped his neck around you in a horsey hug. You let go and backed up so you where face to face with Blaze and gave him a kiss on the muzzle. Then you turned to Loki who was watching you with love in his eyes. Or at least it would have been love if you were dating.
"This is my horse Blaze, and Blaze this is my friend Loki." Loki would have thought you where crazy talking to a horse like he could understand you, but then he turned his attention to Blaze and Loki finally understood why he could never read your mind. Blaze radiated magic, and his magic had been what was protecting you from Loki entering your mind. The type of magic that was powerful and hard to control. Loki then looked Blaze in the eyes. His eyes were not the eyes of just any animal either, his eyes held intelligence, like he could understand everything like a regular intelligent being. Loki and Blaze studied each other for a moment, then Blaze pinned his ears back and snorted deciding that he did not like your new friend. You patted his neck and rolled your eyes. Blaze was always very protective of you, you knew it would take some time for him to warm up to Loki.
"He is very beautiful." Loki said almost like he was not sure what to say, not sure you knew that your horse was magical.
"He is." You agreed with him. "Come on let's go get the horse you will be riding and saddle up." Loki nodded and opened the gate. You don't bother putting a halter on Blaze, sometimes you did sometimes you didn't. You knew he would fallow you no matter what. As Blaze passed Loki he pinned his ears back and glared at him snorting. Loki backed up a little. He normally was never intimidated by anything but Blaze intimidated him. Loki closed the gate and came up to walk beside you knowing Blaze couldn't hurt him if you were by him. Blaze just watched Loki not trusting the magician around you and fallowed you to the barn.
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