Loki Can be a Gentleman
"You look dead." Loki pointed out when you came up to the living room the next morning. You had gotten up super early, yet again, to train with Natasha. AKA, get your butt handed to you. All of your muscles hurt and just moving around was a chore.
"Thanks." You said with sarcasm. You went to the kitchen and got you and Loki your breakfast, banana and chocolate milk for you, and tea and a muffin for Loki. You handed Loki his food and went over to sit down on the couch. You slowly sat down, your stupidly sore muscles making it extremely difficult.
"Hard day training I presume?" Loki asked you with a smirk in his voice.
"You have no idea!" You told him sounding exhausted. "All of my muscles hate me! Even the ones I hade no idea I had!" You whined to him. Loki chuckled at you remembering his training with his brother on Asgard when they were younger. Loki would tell his mom the same thing, complaining about his sore muscles, telling her he had no idea he had that muscle, but now he dose because he can feel it. "How are you likening the books?" You asked Loki pleasantly trying to get the attention off of you.
"The story quite interesting. Thank you again for giving them to me." Loki said pleasantly, you looked at him a little confused. He's never been so kind to you. Sure you've known him for like what... three days? But still, you've gotten used to the other side of him. The side that would make rude comments and play pranks on the others. This side of him wasn't unwelcome, just something you weren't expecting.
"What's wrong?" Loki asked looking a bit concerned. You blinked shaking your thoughts out of your head.
"Nothings wrong." You reassured him giving him a bright smile. Loki didn't look to convince, he knew you weren't lying, but he knew you were thinking about something. "Its just..." You paused thinking of the right words. "You'er being quite the gentleman today."
"Is that a problem?" Loki asked, starting to put up his emotionless wall again.
"No," you quickly reassured him giving him a true genuine smile. "I like it it's just unexpected that's all." Loki looked at you for a moment trying to find a lie within your words. When he couldn't he gave you a smile.
"I can be pleasant to people I enjoy the company of." Loki said with a smirk, you smirked right back.
"Of course you can, oh god of mischief." You said the last part jokingly. Loki laughed at your antics and rolled his eyes. The two of you started talking about Harry Potter. He told you magic doesn't work like it is shown in the book, but he found it fascinating. You told him you've been Hermione multiple times for Halloween, then proceeded to tell him what Halloween was. This lead the both of you to talk about magic and Hallidays. The two of you talked for a long while just enjoying each other's company when Natasha came down to get you.
"What are you two doing?" Natasha asked when she entered the room. Loki who was laughing and smiling with you a minute ago turned stoic.
"We were just talking." Loki said emotionlessly turning to face Natasha. Natasha looked between you and Loki trying to find something wrong. It was evident that she trusted Loki as far as she could throw him.
"Loki was telling me all about magic!" You exclaimed excitedly. You knew the room was tense but you also knew how to put your own positive energy out to help everyone calm down. You thanked all of your theatre teachers who taught you how, it was really coming in handy around the tower. Natasha and Loki both relaxed at seeing you so happy and carefree. "Is there something you need me for?" You asked Natasha pleasantly.
"Yes there is. I'm taking you to the lab to show you the fancy weapons you get to learn how to use."
"That sounds a lot better than you throwing me on the floor over and over and over again and calling it training." Natasha and Loki both laughed at that. "So lets get going!" You stood up and turned to Loki. "Thanks for keeping me company, it was a lot of fun." Loki nodded giving you the slightest form of a smile. Then you fallowed Natasha out.
"This is a Night night gun." She told you holding up a little futuristic looking gun. It was black,blue, and grey with a little SHEILD symbol on it. "Some of SHEILD's agents came up with it. If you get shot by it you get knocked out, but it doesn't kill. I thought this would be a good gun for you to use." You nodded along, thankful Natasha would realize that if they gave you a real gun you would most likely chicken out and never use it. You wanted to help people, not hurt them. "These two are yours." She then handed you a case with two night night guns in it. She taught you how to use the guns and how to take care of them. "I trust you will find out how they will best fit you." You knew what she was asking, everyone in the tower had a skill that made them different from everyone else. She was asking you to find your skill.
"I will." You told her. She nodded trusting you and let you got back to your room. When you got there you stated looking up things you could practice with your new guns that would make you different and useful. After a little while of searching you finally found it.
"That!" You said happily. "Is what I need to do." Mounted shooting, a sport where you and your horse weave in and out of obstacles shooting balloons. "Hey JARVIS?" You asked the AI politely.
"Yes Mis (y/l/n)?" The AI responded.
"Is there any good mounted shooting lessons I could sign up for?"
"Let me look." JARVIS was quiet for a moments searching the internet for mounted shooting lessons. Then a lot of options showed up on your phone. "Theses are all the ones in New York." Then all but one went away. "But I suggest this be the one you sign up for. The teacher was third best in the world and she's taught multiple world champions." You looked over the teacher's website to see where she lives and what you would be getting into.
"That looks great JARVIS! Just let me look what times I have open for lessons." You had a lot of things on your plate since you joined the Avengers, school, training, a social life. You didn't want to sign up for a time and then have scheduling problems.
"If I may miss (y/l/n) you can have mounted shooting lessons Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Would you like me to sign you up?"
"Yes JARVIS That would be perfect! Thank you."
"Any time miss (y/l/n). You will start next Monday."
'This will be great!' You thought to yourself. 'I'm so exited to get this going.'
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