I'm Dating Loki
You ran down the halls of the palace with the two einherjar soldiers on your heels. They were really taking their responsibility of looking after you seriously and you couldn't blame them for it. If Loki found out that you, a little Midgardian, slipped passed them he would be furious. He was already paranoid about you being around Asgardians that were much stronger than you, even with the einherjar soldiers looking after you at all times. Well most of the time... when you weren't out gallivanting around in the woods... but Loki didn't need to know that.
You ran down the hallway were the princes rooms where, heading straight to Thor's room trusting he would be there.
"Thor!" You you yelled barging in without even knocking, which was a big mistake on your part. Thor was sitting on one of his many couches in his sitting room with Jane who was currently sitting on his lap straddling his legs while they made out. "Oh gosh." You muttered turning your back to them. You may have a boyfriend now but it was all still so knew to you. Yes you kissed Loki regularly, but you had never had a steamy make out session with him and you couldn't be more happy about that.
Growing up you were never really interested in love. You were more interested in horses and outdoor adventures. Sure you saw a cute boy every once and a while but that was as far as your feelings for any of them went. Before Loki you had never held a guys hand, let alone kissed one. Plus all of your dates always seamed to go horribly wrong. In many ways when it came to things like making out you were still very much like a child, extremely uncomfortable with it.
"Lady (y/n)!" Thor exclaimed, his embarrassment that you caught him and Jane during a steamy make out session evident in his voice. "I didn't know you would be coming." Thor told you as Jane scrambled to get off of his lap.
"I wasn't planing on it." You told them turning to face them again praying they were decent. "But Loki sent your mother a letter asking her to watch over me for a while. Apparently Odin got in his nerves." You told Thor as he adjusted his pants, as to which you pretended not to notice as you looked away finding the rug on the floor extremely fascinating.
"Then it's most likely for the best you let my brother be." Thor told you gently, "until he cools off. Loki knows his limits, either with his magic or with his emotional state. If he believes there is even a slight chance he would hurt you in the mental state he is in now then, I would listen to him and let him cool off... alone."
You shook your head, "I have an idea Thor." You told him excitedly, which only made Thor extremely concerned. You usually got too far ahead of yourself when coming up with ideas, like the time you decided to learn Roman Riding, when you ride two horse at once while standing, and broke your arm.
"And what, pray tell, is your idea?" Thor asked you warily.
"Explosives!" You told Thor excitedly, which made Thor and Jane do a double take.
"WHAT?" They demanded at the same time looking equally concerned.
"It's not a bomb." Your told them rolling your eyes at their over the top concerned reaction. "It's not used to hurt anyone. It's called a tannerite. It's a shooting target that blows up when you hit it, which makes it quite fun to hit." You explained to them. "I just need your help to get back home so I can go get some with my dad." You told Thor.
Thor looked hesitant at your brilliant idea, "and why would Loki need to blow stuff up?" Thor asked you not getting the idea that Loki could blow off steam while destroying things and at the same time cause no harm.
"It helps me when I'm mad." You told him simply. "I figured it would help him too. So either you can help me get back to Earth or I will go myself." You told Thor wanting to get this plan of yours going and not waist time talking.
Thor was about to say something to you but you turned on your heel and headed out the door. "This is a bad idea." Jane told Thor as you walked down the hall to go to the stables and get Blaze.
"Or maybe Lady (y/n) might be onto something." Thor told Jane before offering her his arm to take. "Come, let's go help Loki's Cowgirl with her plan." Thor told Jane happily, using Tony's nickname for you.
You, Thor, and Jane appeared outside of your family home in the middle of a new bifrost imprint in the middle of the street. Luckily your family lived in the suburbs so there were no cars currently on the road, unlike New Your were there were always cars in the road.
"Heimdall is really accurate with that thing. Isn't he?" You asked Thor indicating how close he got to your house.
Thor laughed jollily at you, your comment an understatement, "that he is Lady (y/n). That he is."
"This is your family's house?" Jane asked you looking over the white with red brick two story house. It wasn't amazing, just a regular house anyone could find in any part of America. The picture perfect suburban house.
"Yep." You confirmed as you walked over to the garage door punching in the code to make it open. "Shall we?" You asked them gesturing to the newly open garage door. Thor and Jane fallowed you through the garage, passing the cars, bikes, snow skis, scooters, kayaks, and many more outdoor toys.
"Your family really likes the outdoors." Jane pointed out as you made your way to the door.
You shrugged. "Yeah the great outdoors are a lot of fun. Even more so when you have the right equipment."
You opened the door to the mudroom hearing your mother call out, "who is it?" She asked just like she did when anyone came through the garage door.
"Me." You called back taking your shoes off just like you always did in your house.
You heard your mom stop what ever she was doing before, "(y/n)?" Your mom asked confusion in her voice. You were supposed to be in New York not back home.
"Yep." You answered back. Your mom came over to the mudroom to see if it was really you.
"(Y/n)" your mom exclaimed wrapping you in a bone crushing hug with you hugging her back. After a long hug she pulled away. "What are you doing here? How's New York? You're not in immediate danger all the time? What's it like living with the Avengers? You've been eating?"
"Mom!" You exclaimed with a laugh, "I can only answer one question at a time."
Your mom smiled fondly at you and wrapped you in another hug just happy that you were home. That's when she noticed Thor and Jane standing behind you. "I see you brought friends." Your mom pointed out as she released you from her hug. "Come on in."
You fallowed your mother into the the house as Thor and Jane finished taking their shoes off. Thor then proceeded to hang his hammer up with all of the coats and backpacks in the mudroom.
The four of you settled down in the living room, with Thor and Jane taking the two person couch and you and your mom taking the four person couch.
"Where are the dogs?" You asked your mom confused as to why you weren't currently attacked by love and affection from them. They usually came running anytime anyone got home. Even if you were out for only five minutes.
"At the groomers." Your mom answered. "So tell me what have you been up to? And why are you wearing a dress?"
You sighed but began you shortened explanation. You called your mom once a week to update your family on what you've been doing. You mostly told her about the team, how school was going, and the missions you've been on. You hadn't told her about Loki yet though, scarred she would disapprove of your relationship with him. She already didn't like that Loki, a war criminal, was living in the same tower as you. You doubted she would like that her daughter was dating him. It was understandable for any parent to have doubts about a war criminal dating their child. It would be irresponsible if they didn't. You just hoped your mom and dad will trust your judgment.
"I'm in a dress because I am currently attending an important Ball on Asgard." You told your mom.
"Wait... on Asgard?" Your mom asked, "like the planet Asgard?"
"That is correct Lady (l/n)." Thor told your mom ever so politely. "My brother invited her to come with us."
"Your brother?" Your mom asked concerned.
You glared at Thor telling him to stop talking. He wasn't helping. This was not how you wanted to tell your mom you were dating Loki. You were going to do it gently and by yourself. Then you were going to run and hide in your bedroom and wait for your parents rage to calm before telling them about it more.
"What is this about my daughter attending a Ball in Asgard?" Your dad asked as he came into the living room.
"Dad!" You greeted him running over to him giving him a hug.
"Bug!" Your dad said happily, using your nickname you had ever sense you were little. He hugged you back kissing the top of your head. "What's this about Asgard?" Your dad asked again once you got out of his arms.
"It's good to meet you sir." Thor said jumping up to his feet extending a hand for your father to shake. Your dad took it as Thor began to explain why you were on Asgard. "You see it is royal protocol for the royal family to have their significant other there with them during the Harvest Ball." Thor explained jollily.
Your parents looked at you then at Thor then at Jane underlying confused.
"Oh no." You mumbled to yourself face planting your head into the palms of your hands. This was not going to end well for you.
"But aren't you dating Jane?" Your mom asked Thor trying to get her head around what Thor was trying to say.
"That's is correct Lady (l/n)." Thor replies back way too happily not sure what your parents were confused about. He looked over at you as you were mentally were having a break down. Your face was red as you glared at Thor. Then it finally dawned on him.
"You haven't told your parents yet!?" Thor asked you surprised. "But you tell them everything!"
Yep you were dead. So very very dead.
"Haven't told us what (y/n)." Your mom growled at you with both of them giving you intense looks. The looks that if you lied it would be worse for you.
"I am... I'm... seeing someone?" You told them, though the sound of your voice made it ask like a question.
"Who?" Your mom asked plainly, knowing what to ask you to get the answer she wanted to know. Though you could see it in their faces, they knew who you were dating, they just didn't want to accept it until you actually said his name.
"Loki." You told them getting ready for the yelling that was yet to come.
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