I Call all Horses Baby
The moment your feet were no longer touching the ground your grip on Loki tightened. It felt like you were falling upwards. You buried your face in Loki's chest closing your eyes as the uncomfortable but fun feeling of your stomach being taken away came, like on a roller coaster. Then everything stoped and you felt the ground under your feet again.
"That was an experience." You agreed with Loki looking up at him still hanging onto him. "I'm not quite sure if I liked it." Loki chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"Well we're here now." Loki pointed out gently before he let his face fall into his well practiced stoic court mask he wore all the time before you befriended him. That was his reputation here after all, the stoic dark prince of Asgard. It made your heart sting a little to see him like this again but there was nothing you could do about it right now so you let it be.
You were in a circular golden room that looked like it could be a dome. In the middle of the room stood a man with a big helmet and a ginormous sword who you assumed was Heimdall. You let go of Loki to get a better look around.
"Welcome home my princes." Heimdall greeted Thor and Loki formally.
"Thank you Heimdall." Thor replied back politely while Loki nodded his form of greeting.
"Lady Jane it's nice to see you back on Asgard." Heimdall greeted Jane. So she had been on Asgard before. Good to know. Jane gave Heimdall her thanks then started asking him sciencey questions like how he could see everything at once and how the bifrost worked. You were hardly interested in that. If it worked it worked, no need to read into it more unless you had to. But Jane was a lot like Tony or even Loki, once they found something new they had to know how it worked.
You, on the other hand, were more interested in whatever was outside of this room. You slipped to the entrance of the dome looking out to see the biggest most sparkliest city you have ever seen in your life. The city looked to be made out of pure gold with a rainbow road leading to it. And there standing tall and proud over the city was the castle where Thor and Loki grew up.
You stood at the entrance gawking at the city until Heimdall said your name.
"Lady (y/n), it's the pleasure to finally meet the woman who has gentled Loki." Heimdall greeted you formally with a little teasing directed at Loki.
You blushed out of embarrassment, turing your attention to the room, "I didn't do anything really." You told Heimdall lightly, "I was just a friend."
"Your lady is quite humble." Heimdall told Loki amused.
"It depends on what you are praising her for." Loki replied giving you his signature smirk. Like he was the one to talk. He loved getting praised for what he did, humble was not a word someone would use to describe Loki as. You smirked back at him then turned your attention back outside. Then you saw it and you instantly got super exited.
"Horses!" You announced happily to everyone. There on the bridge were three horses. One was a big beautiful pitch black stallion, the other one was pure white, or if you wanted to use horse terms, grey, stallion, and the last... you couldn't believe it. "Blaze!" You yelled happily running up to him.
"I was wondering how long it would take for her to notice." Loki commented at Thor dryly watching you coo over your horse.
Blaze nickered hello to you happily as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You pulled away smiling back at Loki. "You brought him here?" You asked joy filling your words. "For me?" You knew they rode horses in Asgard, of corse, and you would be happily riding them all while you were here but you were happy Loki took the time to bring your horse to Asgard. It warmed your heart that he would even think of doing this just to make you more comfortable here.
"I did." Loki agreed stoically. You ran up to Loki giving him a tackle hug before standing up on your tip toes kissing his cheek.
"Thank you." You told him with true sincerity. Loki smiled down at you, like an actual true smile.
"Your welcome love." Loki told you gently breaking his stoic nature before kissing the top of your head. You gave him one last hug before turning your attention back to the other horses.
"I assume the black one is yours?" You asked Loki happily. Loki nodded back to being stoic and you walked up to his pitch black stallion. "Hi baby." You cooed at the horse calmly and happily offering up the back of your hand for him to sniff it. The horse, who didn't look at all amused to be here, perked up his ears with curiosity to see who you were. He sniffed the back of your hand gently before going back to his unamused state of being.
"Your so pretty." You informed Loki's horse stroking his soft muzzle. You cooed over his horse for a few moments then turned your attention to Thor's horse doing the same thing.
"They will warm up to me." You told Loki happily as your little group came to join you next to the horses. Both Loki's and Thor's horses were unamused with your antics and just tolerated you as you cooed over them.
"I'm sure they will." Loki replied. "They were both trained for war, I don't think they quite know what to think of you. After all I'm sure no one has ever called them baby."
"I call all horses baby." You told Loki rolling his eyes. "Especially my uncles ranch horses. It's funny to see him get all mad and tell me not to talk to his horses that way. They are work horses (y/n)," you said going into an unknown accent to badly mimic what your uncle always told you when ever you cooed over his horses. "They are not baby's. Don't talk to them like that."
Loki actually gave you a small laugh at that breaking his stoic nature once again because of your antics.
"We should get going." Thor told the two of you grabbing his horses reins walking up to Jane who was purposely standing away from the giant horses unsure about them. Everyone and I mean everyone when they first meet a horse is intimidated by them. They are giant half ton animals that people ride for fun. They can kill you without even meaning to. City people always think of horses as weak and just for girls until they stand right next to one. Jane was obviously uncomfortable with the giant animals. "Father dose not like to be kept waiting."
Loki nodded as you walked up to Blaze putting your hands on his back getting ready to jump up. "Can you give me a leg up?" You asked Loki kindly.
"Your not going to use the pendent around your stead's neck to magically saddle him up?" Loki asked a bit confused. It was easier to ride a horse with a saddle and bridle. So not using them now was a little wired, especially sense your were in a new place with new things for your horse to spook at.
You shook your head, "it's no stirrups November." You told Loki happily. "It's a mouth long challenge that the equestrian community dose where no one uses any stirrups. I just up it every year and do no tack November."
"I see." Loki replied.
"Yeah, but if you don't want to give me a leg up I can run and jump." You told him cheerfully. It didn't hurt your feelings that he didn't want to help, he probably had a reason after all.
"No love I would be honored to help I just was confused as to why you wanted to ride your horse with no tack." Loki explained coming up to you afraid he hurt your feelings, which was not the case.
"Are you sure?" You replied not sure how this whole dating thing worked. I mean if Loki didn't want to help running and jumping was always a good option.
"I'm sure." Loki told you overly patiently giving you a reassuring smile. You smiled back mouthing 'thank you' then lifted your left leg up bending it at the knee so your foot was touching your butt. Loki grabbed your knee and shin while you put your hands on Blaze's spine. You hopped on the your right foot three time before Loki lifted your leg up as you stood up at the same time swinging your right leg over finally mounting Blaze. Loki held onto your left leg a little longer while you adjusted yourself on Blaze's back.
"Good?" Loki asked looking up at you. He would make sure you felt safe and comfortable before he left even if you were with Blaze. You had started to notice how protective he was of you but it hadn't gotten too bad yet. It actually warmed your heart that he care at all. You were so used to doing things by yourself and pushing your self to do better that it always surprised you to have someone else looking out for you.
"Yep." You agreed with Loki giving him your bright smile. He nodded then went over to his horse and mounted it gracefully. "Come on Thor," you teased when you and Loki were ready to go. "We don't have all day." Thor was on his horse and was now trying to convince Jane to get on behind him.
Thor glared at you as you smiled innocently at him. "Are you sure he can carry both of us?" Jane was asking him standing back away from the horse.
You giggled at Thor's predicament because you knew after he had convinced Jane to get on with him there was going to be the awkward maneuvering of getting Jane on the horse. Especially so with Jane's duffle bag around Thor's shoulder.
"We are burning daylight." Loki agreed dryly joining in on teasing Thor. You giggled more as Thor glared at the two of you silently telling you to shut up. Jane was not having any of the teasing either. She was bright red out of embarrassment glaring daggers at the two of you already on horse back.
You knew you shouldn't be teasing Jane for being afraid of horses. They were giant animals after all that could easily kill anyone. But to be completely honest you didn't really like Jane. She kept giving Loki disgusted looks when she thought no one was looking and she looked at you like you were the strangest person to walk the planet just because you were giving Loki a second chance. So, no, you did not like Jane. Plus she reminded you of your fake friends back in high school. Extremely pretty and nice to your face but would turn around and stab you in the back for no reason then proceeded to ask you why you were emotionally bleeding from the stab wound they gave you.
Jane angrily walked up to Thor giving him her hand a silent invitation for him to swing her up onto his horse. She had had enough of yours and Loki's teasing. Thor gracefully swung her up behind him which disappointed you a little. You kinda wanted to see her struggle a little bit more.
You smiled sweetly at Thor then signaled for Blaze to walk on while the boys fallowed close behind you.
"I'm a little nervous." You told Loki as he rode right beside you at a nice gentle walk. "I mean, I knew you were a prince but it never really sunk in until just right now."
"You will do fine." Loki told you gently. He was open and friendly to you now that your little group was alone on this massive rainbow bridge with no one watching. You new Loki would go back to being his stoic self once there were more people around so you were voicing your fears now.
You nodded, "I will do fine," you agree with Loki trying to convince yourself that you would in fact be fine.
You finally made your way all the way to the palace and you decided it much bigger up close then it was when it far away. "So this is where you grew up?" You asked Loki craning your neck as you looked up at the massive building.
"Yes love this is where a grew up." Loki agreed with you as he dismounted his horse. Some servants came up to take Loki's horse back to the royal stables "You know we could actually go inside and look around instead of gawking up at it from horseback." Loki teased.
"Oh yeah." You blushed as Loki helped you down from your horse. Some more servants came up to take Blaze to the royal stables but he snorted and pined his ears back at them giving them his death glare. The servants wisely backed up giving Blaze his space.
"Now Blaze." You scolded your horse. "Behave." Blaze huffed and looked at you pathetically but finally let the servants do their job and take him to the stables. You tried to fallow them to the stables wanting to see all the pretty horses the royal family has but Loki grabbed your shoulders before you could slip away.
"Now love." Loki told you mimicking what you had just said to Blaze. "Behave. We must go see my parents first before you can go to the stables."
"But the pretty horses." You pouted at Loki.
"Will still be there for you when we get the time to go look at them." Loki said cutting off your sentence.
You huffed and looked up at him pathetically but let him lead you up the steps into the palace with Thor and Jane. Jane was happy to finally be back on her own two feet and not on a horses back. You held onto Loki's arm as him and Thor led you and Jane to what you assumed was the Thorne room.
"I feel under dressed." You grumbled to no one in particular as the four of you made your way to the Thorne room. You thought you dressed up enough when you left for Asgard this morning but walking down the hall with every girl in fancy dresses your nice hunter green shirt, brown leather jacket, black jeans, golden necklace, and nice paddock boots just weren't cutting it.
"You look lovely as always lady (y/n)" Thor told you jollily. "Isn't that right brother?"
"Yes." Loki agreed blandly as he continued to walk not giving you a second glance. His jaw was clenched and his movements rigged as he briskly dragged you along with him. You knew he was a little anxious to meet with his father again but he was acting like it was the end of the world. You wanted to make Loki happy, you wanted to take him away for a moment and tell him everything would be ok. But you couldn't. So you quieted down and let Loki drag you along as you tried to come up with a plan to not embarrass yourself and in turn Loki.
The four of you finally reach two ginormous golden doors with guards on either side. Loki and Thor stood side by side as you stood behind Loki and Jane stood behind Thor. Thor gave Loki a concerned look silently asking his brother if he was ok. Loki gave no indication that he saw the look before the two golden doors opened.
You fallowed Loki into the room focusing on not stepping on his cape. The last thing you needed was to step on his cape making Loki face plant in the middle of the throne room with his judgmental father and important court people watching.
When Thor and Loki were in front of the throne they both went down on one knee putting their right arms over their hearts bowing their heads in respect.
"My sons." The old man with one eye who was sitting on the throne said formally. "Welcome home."
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