Here Comes the Royals
The maids helped you get ready for supper. They put you in an extremely elegant, over complicated dress. You wondered how the woman without maids managed to figure out these dresses. It would take you forever to figure them out. Then you would probably just give up and put on something simpler. You still hadn't gotten used to the maids however.
They thought it hilarious whenever you would get too nervous or shy around them. They still couldn't believe that Loki fell in love with you.
He had always been so stoic and reserved. Sure he was nice to the servants and maids, much nicer than Thor had been before he met Jane. But Loki was powerful and ruthless. He only ever dated court ladies to protect his social standing. To make himself look good in the eyes of his father. And according to the maids they had all been feather brains.
You, on the other hand, were head strong and stubborn. You also didn't quite know what to think of Asgard yet. You had only just gotten here, spending a few days at most in the palace. Expected to just be completely ok with this whole palace thing that you were thrown into. Of course you would be uncomfortable with all the royalty treatment you've been getting.
As the maids worked they talked to you about the bandit that had attacked you in the royal gardens. Telling you has scared they would be if they were in that situation. Apparently the whole palace knew about the bandit incident. Even if it wasn't a bandit at all.
The dinner was the usual super fancy, out of your comfort zone, eating awkwardly with the royal family dinner. Odin pretended to be concerned over your well being. He asked you about the bandit attack and asked if you were ok. You told him you were fine.
If you could rate Odin on his acting ability you would have given him a solid three out of ten stars. Everyone could tell he didn't really care about your well being or that a so called "bandit" attacked you. He was more concerned about how he got in. You didn't answer that.
"The realm's nobility will be arriving tomorrow." Odin told the table, partway through dinner. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior."
"Yes father." Both sons replied politely at the same time. The important court people asked Odin questions about some last minute preparations and cleared up some confusion they had before you and Loki could leave.
"Are you sure your ok?" Loki asked you at your door. Loki's expression was beyond concerned, he was worried.
"Loki I'm fine, and I forgave you." You told the worried god with a warm smile. Though your efforts of calming said god wasn't working. Loki still looked worried. That's when you realized what was really worrying him. What he was scared of. "I'm not going to leave you Loki." You told him firmly. He looked at you surprised for a moment but then turned ashamed.
"I hurt you (y/n)." Loki pointed out logically, sadly. "How are you ok with that?"
"I'm not ok with it." You snapped at him. He was being so sulky and downhearted lately. You were tired of it. "But I'm also not mad at you. This was my fault just as much as it was yours. Thor told me to leave you be. Your mom told me to leave you be. You even told me to leave you be! But I didn't. I thought I could help. I was wrong. I'm not mad at you Loki. If anything an mad at myself! But if you don't want to pursue this relationship any further because of what happened I totally understand."
Loki was taken back by your words for a moment. But then he smiled, "What did I do to deserve you?" Loki asked you with warmth in his voice.
"You decided I wasn't that bad to be around." You told him with a smile. "I love you."
"I love you too." Loki replied, finally, finally, believing that you were ok. That you wouldn't leave him for what had happened. Loki bent down to kiss you and you stood up on your tip toes to meet him half way.
He kissed you long. And he kissed you well. He was the first to pull away. "We have a big day tomorrow." Loki told you gently. "We should get some rest."
You woke up the next day to maids bursting into your room loudly and opening up all your windows.
You shot up in your bed, startled by all the commotion. Once your half awake brain realized there was no threat and it was only the maids you slumped back into the soft bed, wanting nothing more but to fall back asleep.
"I'm sorry my lady." One of the maids apologized as she came up to you placing a gentle hand on your shoulder. "But Prince Loki has asked us to help you get ready this morning." When you didn't move she added, "The nobility are on their way here so..." she then pulled the blankets off of your body.
"I'm up I'm up." You grumbled knowing the maids wouldn't leave you alone for a while and to just get this over with. You had a long, draining day yesterday. Physically draining and emotionally draining. You were tired. But this was why you came to Asgard in the first place. So you slowly got out of bed. Luckily for you you brought human pajamas so you didn't have to wear the skimpy night gowns the Asgardian ladies wore to bed.
The maids picked out a dress for you, put you in said dress, and did your hair and makeup expertly.
You nearly fell asleep again during all this.
Right when the maids got done with your hair there was a knock on your suit's door.
"My prince." One of the maids greeted Loki when she opened the door going down into a low curtsy.
"Is my lady ready for today?" Loki asked the maid formally. He was wearing his traditional royal ceremony clothes along with his golden horned helmet.
"Nearly my lord." The maid spoke politely. "Just a few more finishing touches and she will be. You may come in if you would like."
Loki nodded before sweeping into the room, all prince like. "You look nice." You commented.
"So do you my dear." Loki smiles back warmly. "Though you do also look quite tiered."
"That's probably because I am tiered." You told him matter of factly. "I neglected to realize how tireding this would all be."
Loki laughed softly, then with a soft green glow he was holding a glass. "Here." He said handing you the glass that looked like a smoothie. "This will help you be more awake."
You took a sip. "Strawberry smoothie? I didn't know they made these in Asgard."
"They don't." Loki replied with a smirk.
"Then how..."
"I made it for you this morning." Loki told you with pride. "I assumed you would need something to help with your tiredness."
You told him thanks and drake it while the maids finished up your makeup. When you offered him some he denied it, telling you he already had breakfast.
"Alfheim will be the first kingdom to arrive today." Loki told you as he led you down one of the palace hall ways.
"Those are the light elves. Right?" You asked him. Loki had given you the blow down a few days ago, just to get you ready for the other nobilities to show up. But to be completely honest, you did pay much attention at the time. Now you wish you did.
"That's correct." Loki said. "They are an extremely vain species. Wanting everything to be absolutely perfect. They are even known to abandon their children if they are born with a disability. Like blindness, being deft, and being born without a limb."
"That's terrible!" You exclaimed with distaste. "How could anyone be so heartless?"
"That's their species." Loki told you. There was nothing he could do about it. "I don't agree with it but it is what it is. The next people that will come after the elves are the Vanir." Loki told you. "They come form Vanahein."
"What are they like?"
"They are a lot like us , the Aesir." Loki told you. "The Asgardians." He clarified. "Long ago Asgard was much like Earth."
"It was?" You asked surprised by that fact.
"Well, the Aesir were still stronger than humans and lived longer, but yes, it was a lot like Earth. Back then there was no magic of any kind on Asgard."
"But you have magic." You pointed out. "So dose your mother."
"Yes," Loki agreed. "But magic wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Freya."
"Your mother?"
"No love." Loki chuckled. "Not Frigga. Freya."
"Freya was the one who brought magic to Asgard. Seidr to be exact. The most powerful magic there is."
"Is that what you use?" You asked.
"Yes little one." Loki told you warmly. "If it wasn't for Freya who knows were Asgard would be."
"And she was a Vanir?"
"Yes, she was a Vanir. They had magic long before any other species in the galaxy."
You both reached the entrance to the palace where Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Jane where waiting.
"Take your places my sons." Odin ordered Thor and Loki. "The nobilities sound be arriving here shortly."
Thor and Loki both nodded. Loki led you over to the step just below the king and queen. You stood by Loki's left side holding onto his arm and Thor stood by his right side, Jane holding onto Thor's right arm. Thor was placed right in front of Odin while Loki stood in front of his mother.
You tried to look regal as you stood by Loki awaiting the royals to arrive, but it was nerve racking. This was all too new to you. It also didn't help you only knew two of the species attending. The Elves and the Vanir. Other than that you had no idea who was showing up.
"Don't worry love." Loki spoke in your mind. "I will be right here. You have no need to fear."
"How did you know what I was thinking?" You thought back to Loki. "I thought Blaze's magic was keeping you out of my head?"
"Your thoughts were calling for me." Loki tried to explain. "They could not be blocked from me nor could I ignore them. I am sorry."
"You don't need to be sorry." You thought back. "You just startled me. Has this happened before."
"No love this is the first." Loki answered.
You were about to ask Loki more questions when the trumpets sounded off, startling you from your thoughts.
"Not to worry love." Loki told you again in your mind reassuringly. "I am right here."
You gave Loki an appreciative look, then quickly turned your attention back to the gates as soldiers, servants, maids, and many other people came in. The royals were here.
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