Healing Wing
"How is she?" Loki asked his mother the moment she walked out of the healing room. She had been in there with her healers for hours as they worked to bring you back from the brink of death. Loki had been out side the doors, pacing, the whole time. Fretting over you.
"She will recover." Frigga told her son with a warm smile, cupping his cheek in her hand.
Loki breathed a sigh of relief at that.
"Though I must say, it is a miracle that she did not die. No human body can physically take that much damage. She lost 40% of her blood levels, had internal bleeding, and was heavily drugged with night shade." Frigga told Loki, she wanted him to know just how bad everything was. Yes, you would survive, but you would have to take it easy for a while.
"But she will be ok?" Loki asked, fear creeping back into his voice.
"Yes my son." Frigga smiled. "With time and rest your lady will be fine."
Loki breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you mother." Loki told Frigga truthfully, open relief in his voice.
"We should be the one thanking your lady." Frigga told her son with a smirk. "If it wasn't for her fast thinking and stupidly brave personality I wouldn't be the only victim here today."
"What do you mean?" Loki asked his mother confused.
"The royal ladies that warned you of the danger... they were also saved by your lady." Frigga told Loki with pride in her voice. Now that you were out of immediate danger there was room to be prideful of your accomplishments. "I think she will suit you quite well darling."
You woke up a little while latter with a Loki sitting next to your bed reading one of his many books. Loki loved his books.
The moment he saw that you were conscious, however, he vanished his precious book from his hands to one his dimensional pockets.
"How are you feeling love." Loki asked you gently, calmly as he took your hand in his.
You looked up at him through glazed eyes, still very much out of it. You woke up because of pain, not because you wanted to. You groaned, not realizing Loki had asked you a question, before closing your eyes and trying to go back to sleep to get away from the pain.
"Stay awake a little longer, love." Loki bid you gently as hauled you up into a sitting position, propping you up with pillows.
You groaned at him, still not aware enough to know what he was doing. All you wanted to do was go back to sleep and wake up when you were feeling better. But Loki was being annoying and not letting you go back to bed. Though that was all you wanted to do.
Loki grabbed a potion bottle off the near by bed stand and uncapped it with a pop. The purple liquid fizzed and bubbled when it came in contact with the fresh oxygen. Though it didn't seam dangerous or menacing.
"Here little one," loki bid you gently as he held up the potion to your dried lips. "Drink this. It will help you feel better."
If you were more aware you would have protested out of embarrassment. Saying that you didn't need Loki to hand feed you potions. That you could do it yourself.
But you couldn't do it yourself.
You couldn't do anything by yourself at the moment.
Your body wouldn't let you. And your mind was using all its energy to keep your eyes open.
You sipped on the potion Loki provided you, him praising you for even drinking it, saying that you must be doing better this time since you had the energy to drink. You had apparently woken up before and refused any help he would give you. Not because you were being your usual stubborn self, but because you were too weak to do what Loki was asking.
After you had finished every last drop of the purple potion Loki let you lay back down and go back to sleep. Telling you how glad he was that you were doing better as he gently stroked your hair.
You didn't know how much time had passed before you actually woke up. Not just awake but also aware.
You groaned as you stirred, waking up in a room that you did not know with people around you that you did not know.
"Where...? What...? Why...?" You started to blabber weakly, not knowing what you were asking, but knowing you were confused.
"Shhhh." One of the healers shushed you gently as she came over to you. "You're ok. You're in the healing wing. The Allfather had requested Prince Loki's presents a little while ago. He should be back any minuet now." The kind gentle healer told you calmly. You nodded before she pressed another vile of purple potion into your hands. "Drink." She told you, though not rudely, "this has been helping you heal. It's one of the strongest healing potions in all of Asgard. The queen made it herself."
You obediently pop open the vile and downed this contents. "How log have I been out?" You asked the healer curiously.
"Three days." She replied like it was nothing.
You nodded absently, not knowing anything about medicine. You didn't know if sleeping for three days straight after multiple serious injuries was normal or not. With the healer's clam and gentle attitude, you assumed it was normal. "I've never slept for that long before." You told her absently.
The healer laughed at that. "I sure hope not." She laughed. "Or else we would have bigger problems to solve."
You smiled at the kind healer, but looked to the door, hoping Loki would be back soon so you could get out of bed. Now that you were awake all you wanted to do was leave. You also hoped he wouldn't scold you too severely for the stunt you had pulled that ended you up in the healing wing.
The healer caught your gaze, knowing exactly who you were looking for. "I will send someone to alert the prince that you are awake and are feeling much better."
"Thank you." You told her kindly.
The healer asked one of the maids to go fetch Loki, and with a quick low curtsy, the maid ran off to do just that.
"You know, Loki hadn't left your side since you've been here." The healer told you, keeping up friendly chat to keep you relaxed as she examined you. You knew exactly what she was doing. Your dad told you that's why doctors and dentist seam so open, talkative, and friendly, to help their patients relax. Since most everyone is on edge when they go to the doctor's or dentist's.
"The only reason Loki had left your side today was because the Allfather summoned him."
You nodded. That seamed legit. Odin was the king, if he wanted to see his son all he would have to do is ask. Plus Loki was on some kind of probation. He wouldn't be stupid enough to deny a direct order form the king if that meant it would send him back to the prisons. Double plus, Odin was Loki's father. Even adopted, one dose not disobey ones father. Especially in front of all the important court people.
"Do you know why Odin asked for Loki?" You asked the healer curiously.
She shook her head. "He did not say." She told you. "Though, rumor has it, all the kings have been taking about recently is you."
"Me?" You asked confused, pointing your own finger at yourself to clarify it was you who she was talking about.
The healer nodded.
"Why... why me? I'm just a little Midgardian. Everyone has done nothing but look down on me since the moment I've been here. Other than Loki and Thor of course."
"You saved the queen." The healer told you dryly. "Not to mention all the other noble ladies of the nine reals. Your the talk of the Harvest Ball."
On that note Loki walked into the room, going straight over to you when he saw you up. The healer left, to give the two of you the air of privacy.
"(Y/n)." Loki said, relief flowing off of him as he wrapped his arms around you in a desperate hug, wanting nothing more than to have you in his arms and safe.
"Loki." You replied, happily retiring the hug.
The two of you embraced for a while before you finally pulled away. "How did meeting with your father go?" You asked him, hopping he wasn't in trouble for something.
"It was fine love." Loki replied with a loving exasperation. Finding it amusing you were concerned about his happiness while you almost died. "Though I'm more concerned about you. How are you feeling?"
"Better." You admitted to him, though you didn't want to tell him how your body hurt, or how tiered you felt.
You've been sleeping for three days. You shouldn't have been tired.
"I just want to get out of this bed." You whined at Loki.
"Soon love." Loki promised, kissing your temple to try and sooth you. "I want mother to come look you over first."
You huffed at that, not wanting to be a bigger nuisance than you already were. The queen was probably already super busy, there was no need for her to worry about you when she had a whole planet to look after. You also hated feeling helpless, and right now that was all you were feeling.
Along with multiple aches and pains.
"I'm not helpless." You protested, not wanting to be treated like some weak mortal, though even you could hear how weak your voice was, how tired you were.
"I know your not." Loki told you gently, trying to keep you calm. "But you did just almost die." He pointed out logically. "I'm not taking any chances with your recovery. Especially if that means losing you."
You huffed at that, angry that he was using logic against you, but softened after you saw the true concern etched onto his face. "Will you stay with me?" You asked him, your voice soft. You didn't want to be here alone, you definitely didn't want to be here alone while someone was looking over your injuries. Even if that person was the kind hearted queen.
"Of course love." Loki told you, glad you were seeing reason.
You gave him a relieved smile before pulling the blankets off your lap, wanting to cuddle up to your boyfriend for comfort.
"What are you doing?" Loki asked as you swung your legs over the side of the bed before he caught onto what you wanted. "What am I going to do with you?" He sighed, but helped you get off the bed and onto his lap.
You didn't answer him, instead you just snuggled up to him, resting your head on his chest under his chin listening to his steady heart beat. Loki held you in his lap, resting his head on yours, breathing in your sent as he held you firmly in his lap.
You hopped you didn't smell bad, but then you noticed how you were in a fresh clean soft gown and that your hair didn't feel gross and grimy. Someone must have cleaned you up when you were out of it.
"I love you." You told Loki as you were held in his arms, safe and sound.
"And I you." Loki told you gently, relief that you were alive and relatively well.
Thank you all so much for your love and support. This was my very first story and I'm so glad you liked it. As of right now I'm going to hang this story up. I've learned so much more about writing, storytelling, and horses and I feel that no matter how much editing I do to this story it will never keep up with the rest. But not to worry I'm currently working out another equestrian story filled with all the new things I've learned over the years! Thank you all so much!
End of story.
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