Halloween Cookies
It's been a two weeks since Loki left for Asgard and in that time you were extremely busy. You started learning how to trick ride and Roman ride, you also stayed on top of all of your school work. You started hang out with Peter and Ned more and you babysat Morgan quite a bit. You discovered that Peter was like Tony's adopted son, he would do anything for him and always kept an eye out for him incase he got into trouble. And on top of all that it was the beginning of one of your most favorite months of the year, October, which meant it was Halloween season. You loved Halloween! All the fun, scary, and spooky stuff was a real treat. You loved dressing up, going to haunted houses, playing Halloween themed pranks around the house and on your friends, it was one of the best times of the year only tying with Christmas.
Peter had come over today to hang out with you, he complemented on your Halloween decorations that you put up all throughout the tower before you two got to work on making Halloween cookies, you seriously went all out for this holiday. Tony had come down asking the two of you if Morgan and her friend Sara could come help you make cookies, as to which you and Peter full heartedly agreed to. As the four of you worked you blasted Halloween themed music from the speakers in the ceiling all of you singing and dancing to the music and just genuinely having a good time.
You were so busy jamming out to your music you didn't notice the bifrost open or the elevator ding as Loki stepped out. He was greeted by the sight of you, Peter, Morgan and Sara singing 'This is Halloween' all while making cookies. He smiled at the seen in front of him grateful for finally coming back to the tower after a long stressful visit to Asgard, grateful for finally seeing you again, even though he had no idea what was going on.
"Would you be so kind as to tell me what in the nine realms you are doing love?" Loki asked you pleasantly when the song ended. You looked up a bright smile forming on your face when you saw Loki standing in the living room with his signature smirk playing on his face.
"Loki!" You nearly shrieked with joy as you ran over to him wrapping your arms around his thin waist giving him a hug. Loki didn't usually like hugs and you were the only one who could get away with it, if anyone else tried to do what you just did they would have gotten a dagger in their side for the effort.
Loki hugged you back just as firmly kissing the top of your head and smelling your hair. He had missed you so such over the past two weeks, your constant joy and happiness you brought with you was something he valued deeply. You pulled away and he bent down giving you a chastite kiss.
"We're getting ready for Halloween." You answered him happily an infectious smile playing on you lips. He still looked at you confused wanting you to give a better reason as to why you were in the kitchen making sweets while listening to music, as if there needed to be one. You rolled your eyes and sighed in loving exasperation, "I've told you about Halloween before," you reminded him, "its the holiday that people go around dressed up and beg for candy."
"Candy!" Echoed the two little girls happily.
"I remember now." Loki told you thinking it over, "you told me you dressed up like Hermione from 'Harry Potter.'" You nodded happily. "So that holiday is today?" Loki asked you.
"No it's at the end of the month." You replied, "but that doesn't mean we can't get ready for it now." Loki nodded along as you led the two brothers into the kitchen, you offered them both a cookie to which they both excepted before Thor excused himself and left the kitchen. "So how did the royal meeting go?" You asked Loki as you started frosting some more cookies.
Loki sighed shaking his head, "I'll tell you later." Was all he said. He knew you were just trying to be polite and you were a very curious lady but he would rather not talk about it in front of other people.
You nodded letting the subject drop. It was quite for a few seconds before Sara spoke up. "Are you Loki?" She asked Loki who nodded absently obviously thinking about something else. "My dad said you're a bad guy." She informed him as kids do, they have no filter.
Everyone turned to Sara then Loki looking between them wording what they would do. Loki was just caught off guard by that standing there in shock not knowing what to say. Thankfully you did, "that's not very nice to say." You informed Sara overly patiently.
"But my dad said he tried to take over the world." She informed you.
"Yes he made a mistake." You agreed with her, you didn't want to go into the whole mind control thing with a little 7 year old, "but that doesn't make him a bad person. Have you ever made a mistake before?" She thought over your question before nodding, saying that she has made a mistake before, "and dose that mean you can't say sorry and try and make it better?" She shook her head no, "see Loki has already said sorry and he's here to make it better." You explained to her. She nodded in understanding and Loki looked at you thankfully. You smiled back giving him a gesture that said 'no problem' then got back to work frosting the cookies.
You sent Sara and Peter off with a plate of cookies each when they left the tower biding them fair well. You then went up to the living room finding Loki were you last left him, on his couch reading a book, he had changed into some comfortable clothes looking quite content. He looked up at you and smiled as you crossed the room to sit down by him, or more appropriately snuggle up to him as he read.
"Has the miniature humans left?" Loki asked you with a smirk when you had snuggled up to your boyfriend properly.
"Yep." You replied. "And with a plate full of cookies no thanks to you." He had been stealing cookies all afternoon as the four of you worked. It had gotten so bad that you actually had to set the little girls on him to keep him out of the kitchen.
He just smirked at you, "I was merely making sure they were proper for consumption."
"Uhm..." Your replied giving him and eye role, "and how are they for consumption?"
"Wonderful my dear. You are marvelous at baking sweets." You smirked up at him handing over a cookie as to which he happily excepted.
"What am I going to do with you?" You asked him teasingly.
"Love me." He replied as he happily ate his cookie. You smiled sitting up and kissed his cheek before cuddling up to him again just happy to have him back.
The two of you just relaxed for a while enjoying each other's company when you finally got the courage to as your question again, "how was everything on Asgard?" You asked him again. "Did you do what you needed to get done for the Harvest Ball?"
"Yes." Loki replied, "we got everything in order for the ball." He then became quieter again and you could feel him tense up. You looked up at him with questioning eyes.
"Is everything ok." You asked him concerned. Did he go back to Asgard only to have his father forbid he see you? Did something bad come to light like his home was under attack? Did he rethink this relationship and decided he didn't want it?
"It's just..." Loki started but faded out like he couldn't find the right words. You waited patiently for him to finish his thought not interrupting him. "For the Harvest Ball the royal family, me and Thor," he clarified, "are required..." he faded out again deciding that's not how he wanted to word it. "What I'm trying to ask you is... would you be my guest for the Harvest Ball?"
You stared at him trying to get your thoughts together. He wasn't breaking up with you, there was no attack on Asgard, no, he was asking you to go to a Ball. "You want me to go to the Harvest Ball?" You asked him finally in shock. "The Ball that every important people in the nine realms goes to?"
"Yes that is what I am asking." Loki said calmly.
You thought it over for a few more moments, "but I'm human." You replied in disbelief that his father would even let you onto Asgard. It was no secret that Odin hated humans if he didn't know that Loki was dating a human now he would for sure know it if you showed up at one of the most important Balls of the century.
"That you are." Loki replied pleasantly with a smirk. You didn't understand why Loki was asking you to come and it showed on your face. "The princes are required to bring their ladies with them to these kind of events." Loki explained, "Thor is bring Jane and I was hoping you would accept my invitation."
"Are you sure you want to show me to your family?" You asked him still unsure if he really wanted you there or if it was just expected of him. You have only been dating Loki for two weeks and he wasn't even here. Surly he could just leave you on earth and pretend he didn't have a girlfriend.
"I want you to come love." Loki told you sincerely understanding what was going threw your mind. "I want to show you to mother. To show her the lady that I have given my heart to."
You looked up at him a "but your a prince won't being with a human look bad for you?"
"I do not care what anyone thinks. I want you there." Loki replied touched that you would put his needs first. "Plus Thor and Lady Jane will take most of the attention off of us." Loki pointed out.
"If it's ok I would love to be your date to the Harvest Ball." You told him still a little unsure about this while development.
"If it wasn't ok I wouldn't be offering." Loki told you pulling you close kissing the top of your head.
"When is it?" You asked Loki as he still held you to him.
"At the start of November." Loki replied.
"Good because I wanted to show you all the fun of Halloween." You told him happily. You decided you could fret over going to a different planet latter, right now you had to show Loki all the fun Halloween has to offer.
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