You found yourself back at the creepy misty castle in the woods, but this time there was even more mist ghost than before. As you looked around you noticed there were mist tents set up around the castle. Like they were preparing for something.
The mist ghosts walked/floated around the clearing. Going from tent to tent gathering and making tools that looked suspiciously like weapons.
One passed you carrying a four foot long, double bladed, black sword that looked to be smoking in the ghost's hand.
"My kin." The whispering sound of the king entered your brain. "The time is nearing for our rising. No longer will we live in poverty and fear. Not when we take the jewel of Asgard."
There was chattering if agreement among the mist ghost. Some raising their swords in praise to their wise ruler.
"We strike when they least expect." The king told his people with such power and conviction in his voice that it made your brain shake in your skull, and made your eyes rattle.
Then the scene changed.
You were back in the Asgard family wing of the palace. It was dark, the only light there was was the torches that were lit on the walls next to the Valkyrie guards.
Unlike all the other times you had walked this hall it felt dangerous. You walked up to one of the guards and waved a hand in front of his face.
There was no reaction from him. He just stood there, as still as a statue. Thankfully no one could see your dream self when you wandered around. That included the mist ghosts.
You hoped.
You then felt uneasy. Like something was watching you. You and the guard both looked left, down the fire lit hall, at the same time. He apparently felt the feeling too.
"Who goes there?" The guard shouted down the hall. But no one answered him.
It was quite. Too quiet in your opinion. But the guard didn't seem to think so. He shook his head, thinking he just imagined something, before going back to his standing position.
You started down the hall, curtain there was something, or someone, there.
You only made it about fifteen feet when you heard a strangling noise then a clatter of someone dropping to the ground. You whirled back around to see the guard you were just standing with down on the ground. The back of his armored neck was melted away, and a burning blistering handprint was around the poor mans neck.
You quickly started to walk up to him when another man stepped out of the shadows, stopping you dead in your tracks.
He had ashy blonde, choppy hair and dark smokey eyes. His features were sharpe and bold. If he hadn't just killed someone in cold blood you would have even called him handsome. On the bridge of his pointed nose was a deep red scar. He wore black pants with a little human skull design right on his right hip bone and black and orange sneakers. Around his neck was a golden chain. He wore no shirt showing off his scars, muscles, and tattoos. Both of his arm had a black flame like tattoo designs going up them. Then, at the top of his shoulders the flames turned into two snarling wolf heads.
He bent down, placing two fingers on the guard's neck, checking for a pulse. "And they say the Aesir are hard to kill." The man gloated. His voice was deep, and soothing. Like the gentle sound of a roaring fire.
He stood back up, and started down the hall towards the princes' rooms.
You shot up in a cold sweat, heart beating fast as you breathed hard. You were still in your bed, still in your room.
You looked out the window. The milky white moon still hung in the sky surrounded by millions upon millions of stars. It was still night.
'What if that man is still in the palace?!?!?' Your brain practically yelled at you. 'He's coming this way as we sit here?!?!?'
'Then we have to do something about it.' You told your brain as you scrambled out of bed.
'What can I do?' Asked your brain. 'I'm only human.'
"That will have to be enough." You grumbled out loud to yourself. You padded across your room looking for something to arm yourself with. You dug into your bag you brought with you looking for your guns. "Don't tell me I left it on my night stand back at home." You grumbled to yourself. "Shit I did." You cursed. So, instead of guns you armed yourself with the next best thing that was in your bag, a blow dryer.
You carefully crept out of your room into the long dark hallways. Just like in your dream the only light came from the touches on the walls.
You padded down the hallway that contained Thor's, and Loki's bedrooms keeping your eyes out for anything suspicious.
You stopped at Loki's door having half a mind to wake him up. He was a much better fighter than you were. He would be a big help.
But there was one thing that stopped you from going in and waking him up.
Yes you forgave him for when he attacked you. That didn't mean you trusted him completely however. If you walked into his room in the middle of the night he would probably throw daggers first and ask questions latter.
You also didn't want Loki in any danger. The person that was here would probably recognize Loki on sight. You? Not so much. You were just a pathetic human after all.
Plus whoever this was in the palace you could probably take them on. You were an Avenger after all.
You also didn't know for curtain if there was anyone even here in the palace in the first place. Maybe your dreams were just going crazy. Making you think about how it could be real when it really wasn't.
So you padded passed Loki's room, the sound of your bare feet echoing off the palace walls.
You looked down the halls, behind the tapestries, heck you even climbed a stone pillar to see if the man was hiding in the elegantly carved rafters. Nothing.
So maybe it was just your wild imagination making everything up?
You were about to turn back, to call it a night and try to get some sleep when a warm soft voice spoke.
"Isn't it a little late to be wandering the palace youngling?" The voice from your dream asked you calmly, almost sweetly. You turned to see the tattooed man casually coming down the hall. He stopped a good six feet away from you. "What's a young pretty little lady like yourself doing up that this hour?" He asked with no signs of edge to his voice. Like he was supposed to be here. He wasn't. You knew he wasn't.
"What are you doing wandering the halls at this hour?" You asked him back, tightening your grip on your blow dryer.
"Hasn't anyone taught you that it's rude to answer a question with a question?" He asked just as calmly, a lazy, kind hearted smile appearing on his face.
"Hasn't anyone taught you not to sneak into someone's house?" You asked back. "That's quite rude as well."
He gave you a confused look. Like he wasn't understanding what you were talking about. "I'm here for the Harvest Ball." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "A maid, such as yourself, should know that the realms nobilities are here for that."
"Your not here for that." You snarled at the man. "I should know. I had to stand at the steps for hours greeting everyone as they came in."
The man's smile dropped as realization that he had been caught flashed over his smokey grey eyes. "You'er no maid." He supplied.
"No." You agreed with him all too politely.
He then took a good long look at you. "You're human." He smiled maliciously. "What is a human doing on Asgard?"
"That's none of your concern." You told him. "Who are you and why did you kill that guard?"
"You saw that, huh?" He asked pleasantly, almost proud of himself. "I'm Glenn." Glenn told you.
"Glenn?" You asked surprised. "Your name is...Glenn?" You asked again this time trying to hold back a laugh.
"Yes Glenn." Glenn said with offense in his voice. "You would be wise to respect the name."
"Glenn." You laughed, actual tears coming to your eyes. You stopped laughing, pulling yourself together to hold an actual conversation but when you looked back at him you started laughing again.
It really shouldn't have been that funny. But for some odd reason it was. You blamed it on the godawful hour it was. Sleep deprivation always made things more funny.
"I'm sorry." You told Glenn when you finally could stop laughing. "I just wasn't expecting that to be your name."
"Then what were you expecting? Skull Crusher maybe? Or Inferno? Or maybe even Bringer of Death?"
"Yeah." You agreed. "Something like that." Then you remembered what you were doing out here in the first place. "What are you doing in the palace?" You asked Glenn yet again.
"That's none of your business." Glenn snarled at you. "Now go back to wherever you came from and pretend you never saw me. If I'm feeling generous I may let you live."
In response to his threat you crouched down into fighting position, ready to take him on.
"Fine." Glenn shrugged. "If death is what you want I will gladly grant that for you."
Then Glenn started to grow taller until he was at least seven feet tall. That was not a good sign. He then lunged at you.
You dove to the side, doing a summer-salt the rolling back onto your feet. Glenn stumbled passed you, not expecting a little human to be so fast on her feet. As he stumbled passed you took your blow dryer and smacked him in the back with it. Hard.
He grunted and turned back to face you. "You little..." you didn't let him finish for you then chucked the blow dryer at his head, keeping the cored in your hand as you did.
The blow dryer hit him on his temple with a CLUNK then you yanked on the cored, pulling it back into your hands.
You kept up the pace, dodging Glenn's attacks and hitting him with your blow dryer. You were doing pretty good until Glenn back handed you.
You flew a good 30 feet down the hall skidding to a stop right outside Loki's door. You couldn't let Glenn get what he was here to collect. Even if you didn't know what he was here to collect you knew it wasn't anything good.
"I've had enough of you." Glenn snarled. His hands then caught on fire. The orange flames dancing in his hands. Before he threw it at you.
You managed to scramble to your feet and out of the way of the oncoming fire ball. The flames left a scorch mark on the marble floor but nothing else.
You saw Loki's door open out of the corner of your eye. He was wearing soft pajama pants with no shirt on.
If it hadn't been for the fire wilding giant you would have take your time to enjoy the view. Loki was really attractive without a shirt.
"What are you doing?" Loki asked tiredly. Like he found you sneaking into the fridge to have a late night snack.
You gave him a look that that said 'what do you think I'm doing?' Before you dogged another fire ball of death. That got Loki to wake up fast. With a flash of green magic Loki was decked head to toe in battle armor.
"Loki you can't..." you told him. He was a frost giant fire was his main weakness.
"I'm not leaving you." Loki told you firmly. You were about to argue with him but Loki grabbed your wrist pulling you to safety out of the way of another fire ball nestling you into is side.
Thor's door then opened. He, much like Loki, was only wearing pajama pants.
"Loki?" Thor asked think this was one of his brother's tricks.
"A fire giant got in." Loki quickly explained. That seamed too have been enough of an explication for Thor. He reached out his hand and not a moment later Mjölnir was in his hand. "Get your lady to safety." Thor barked to his brother running in to fight the fire giant.
"I can help." You objected stubbornly. "I can fight too. You don't need to treat me like some porcelain doll just because I'm your girlfriend."
"Fire giants are tough love." Loki told you trying to get you to see reason. That was a waste of breath. You never saw reason. "I don't want you getting hurt."
"And I don't want you getting hurt." You told him. "You're a frost giant Loki. That thing throws fire. I'm not leaving you."
Loki wanted to argue. He really really did. But he knew you wouldn't leave him to fight some fire throwing maniac without you with him. "Fine." He sighed in udder defeat. "But if you get hurt I will be quite cross with you."
"Naturally." You told him with a smile.
Then you and Loki both joined Thor in the fight against Glenn.
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