Do You Want Another Dagger in Your Side You Big Oaf?
"What?" Loki hissed glaring at his brother.
"I said you have feelings for Lady (y/n)!" Thor boomed again grinning like an idiot. Loki quickly summoned a small dagger and stabbed Thor with it. Thor made a little painful grunt but other then that he was fine. He grew up with Loki, little dagger wounds didn't bother him much.
"Keep your voice down you oaf." Loki hissed at his brother looking towards your door silently praying that you were asleep and did not hear his extremely loud and obnoxious brother. When Loki was satisfied that you did not hear anything he grabbed Thor and pulled him inside his room quickly shutting the door behind him. Loki then glared at his brother again who was just grinning at him with delight.
"So it is true!" Thor boomed even louder. "Congratulations Brother! I'm so happy you found someone you actually enjoy being around."
"Thor seriously," Loki hissed summoning another dagger, "do you what another dagger in your side?" Thor looked at the dagger and decided he did not. Sure Loki's dagger didn't do any real damage to him, but it didn't mean it didn't still hurt.
"No," Thor said quietly with a sigh, "I do not. My apologies brother. I'm just happy for you, that's all."
"Well don't be," Loki said in a huff and turned to go over to his bookshelf to pretend his books where far more interesting then this conversation. He didn't want Thor to see his face, Thor could read him better then anyone on this tower could. They've been brothers for thousands of years after all. The last thing Loki wanted was to fall for a human and have Thor know about it. "I have no feelings for that silly little mortal."
"Uh-huh..." Thor said with as much sarcasm in his voice as he could muster. "And that's why you weren't jealous of the team at dinner. Making her laugh and have fun." Loki glared at Thor mentally telling him to shut up. "And that's also why you opened your door for her when she knocked, or watched her leave with admiration in your eyes. Or when you opened the door for me without second guessing thinking it was little Lady (y/n). Or..." Loki threw a dagger at Thor and impelled him in his side to make him stop. Thor grunted but didn't stop grinning, he knew he was right.
"She is mortal!" Loki hissed at Thor, if looks could kill Thor would be dead by now.
"So is my Lady Jane." Thor pointed out trying to make Loki see reason.
"That's because you are and idiot. You trade a few happy short years for a sad long life time without her." Loki's voice betrayed him, he sounded sad for his brother and even more sad that he was falling into that same trap.
"That is true." Thor said sadly. He never wanted to think about that. That he will live longer then all of his good friends on earth. That he will have to watch them grow old and die. "But my Lady and my friends will teach me things I will never forget. It's better to have a short time with them than to not have any time at all." Thor's voice was gentle and caring, like a big brother giving hard, true advice to his younger sibling. There was a long silence before Thor started talking again. "Lady (y/n) likes you brother and wants to get to know you better." Loki would not look his brother in the eyes, Thor sighed, "just promise me that you will give her a chance and not push her away. You need a friend in the tower. She doesn't need to be your lover... just a friend." Thor looked at Loki with pleading eyes, he wanted his brother to be happy.
"Fine." Loki growled, "I will try this friend thing. Lady (y/n) isn't the worst Midgardian to become friends with." Loki then walked up to Thor pointing and angry finger at him. "If you say anything to the others..."
"I won't." Thor assured his brother with a chuckle. "Your secrets are safe with me." Loki knew Thor wasn't lying, he could tell if he was. So Loki let it drop. Thor excused himself for bed and left Loki in his room.
"I can't fall for a mortal." Loki told himself, then he looked over at the books you brought him and his heart warmed a little. "But I can become friends with one." He decided.
Loki got ready for bed by magicing on some pajamas and climbed into bed. He picked up the first Harry Potter book and began reading, content to finally have a friend in the tower.
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