Broken Trust
"You'er what?!" Both of your parents demanded when you finally told them who you were dating.
"I'm dating Loki." You told them again a little ill tempered. This was not how you wanted to tell them. But now you had no other choice but to go with it. "I have been for a few weeks."
Both of your parents just glared daggers at you, if looks could kill you would have been dead. It was understandable for them to be upset with this decision, but it was your decision to make. Not theirs.
"He's not a bad guy." You told them trying to make them see reason. "He is more of a gentleman than any other boy I have ever met. And yes mom that includes all the cowboys you've ever tried to set me up with. He gets me and I think I'm falling for him." You really liked Loki, but it was still to soon to be sure you were in love with him. Though you had a feeling you already knew how you felt about Loki, you were just too scared to admit it to yourself.
"Before you jump to any conclusions can you just give him a chance?" You begged your parents, you had always been so close to them, you just wanted them to approve. "Please trust me?" You asked them with desperation in your voice.
They both hesitated giving each other sideways glances before turning back to you. "You have never given us a reason to not trust you with something this big." Your dad told you sternly.
"We will trust you with this." Your mom finished just as sternly. They wanted what was best for you. You knew that. But they were still hesitant about your choice of dating Loki.
"Thank you." You told them wrapping your arms around them in a group hug. Your mom got out of your grip and looked you right in the eyes.
"That doesn't mean we like your decision." Your mom told you firmly, "but until we meet him we will remain open minded."
You thanked them sincerely before Thor told you that you needed to get back before his father found out all three of you were missing.
"I actually need to go to the outdoors store with you dad." You told your dad, finally making your request.
Your dad gave you a confused look, "you came back from an important event on Asgard to go to the outdoors store with me?" He asked you raising his eyebrow. He knew there was so much more to the story.
You explained to them how Loki was upset and that you were going to take him to blow up some tannerite.
"Your dangerous boyfriend is angry so your going to take him explosives." Your dad summed up sounding not to pleased with your brilliant plane. "Why?"
"It's helped me get through my anger." You reasoned with him. That, shooting, horseback riding, and axe throwing."
You and your dad had a staring contest for a few minutes before he finally relented. "Fine," he sighed, "go get into the truck." You smiled and gave him a hug before turning to Thor and Jane.
"You two are ok to stay here?" You asked them.
"Yes (y/n)," Thor answered you. "If that is ok with your mother..."
Your mom agreed it was ok and you and your dad left for the truck.
You and your dad got the tannerite and packed it up into a nice sturdy box for you to safely take to Asgard.
All five of you walked out to he neighborhood's new bifrost circle. Your parents stood on the edge seeing you off, as you, Thor, and Jane went into the center.
"Remember," your mother called to you, "we have your cousin's wedding at Christmas you need to go to. You can not miss it."
You nodded, you hadn't forgotten your older cousin, Alex's, wedding. Of course you would be going.
"Loki is invited too." Your mother told you. "Abbie and Maddie are bringing their boyfriends." She told you so you could feel more comfortable about bringing Loki along.
You nodded again waving good bye as Thor wrapped one arm around Jane's waist and one around your's. He pulled both of you against his sides as he got ready to call on Heimdall. Without Loki here Thor needed to keep both of you safe in the bifrost.
The iconic rainbow light came out of the sky, engulfing the three of you in its power, before taking you back up to Asgard.
Thor's grip tightened on the both of you as you shot into the sky. You closed your eyes, wrapping your arms around the box of explosives in your hands. You brought your knees up into fetal position as you wrapped yourself around the box clutching it tightly to yourself.
All of a sudden it everything stoped and you were all back in the bifrost room. Your feet weren't touching the floor though, your knees were still up underneath the box with Thor holding you against his side so you would not fall.
"It is ok Lady (y/n)," Thor bid you kindly. "You can open your eyes and place your feet upon the floor."
"Sorry," you told him with a sight blush if embarrassment as you jumped out of his grasp. "I'm going to go set theses up." You told the pair, "I found the perfect dirt hill for us to explode things."
"Be carful." Thor told you sternly, "do not ride recklessly with a box of explosives."
"Please." You scoffed at him. "I'm always careful. Careful is my middle name."
Thor gave you the look of compleat disbelief but let you run off to the woods with Blaze. He was patiently waiting outside on the rainbow bridge for you to return.
You got to the dirt hill late that night, you had left for your parent's house right before supper. You spent the night getting everything ready for Loki. When you were finished you looked over your work not quite pleased with it yet.
"Something's missing." You told Blaze as you tipped your head to the side, looking at the landscape from a different angle. This accomplished absolutely nothing but it was a habit of yours you had never been able to break. You learned to tip your head to the side when looking at things from cartoons when you were little. Now that you were an adult you should have been able to beak the habit. You never did.
Blaze also tipped his head to the side, mimicking you. He then nickered and stomped his foot to the ground, trying to gain your attention.
You turned to look at Blaze wondering what was up.
He pointed with his head to a nice grassy patch, a good distance away from the hill. The perfect place to set up a sitting area.
"Camping chairs." You told him with disappointment, "I forgot to get camping chairs."
Blaze nickered again, and with a warm glow of golden magic camping chairs and a nice fire place was set up. There was also a cooler filled with ice, drinks, and smore making stuff along slide one of the camping chairs.
"You can summon things?" You asked Blaze surprised at his new little trick.
He nickered happily and nodded his head looking quite pleased with himself.
"Aren't you full of surprises."
You got back to the palace when the sun was rising that morning. It was nice out, the cool morning air felt so good, and you were exited to show Loki all the hard work you up in for him.
You left Blaze at the steps of the castle and asked one of the stable hands to get Loki's horse ready for him. You didn't use Loki's royal privilege on the poor stable hand, but instead asked nicely. He agreed politely and went to go get Loki's horse.
You wondered around the castle for a good hour with no luck on finding your missing Loki.
You looked in his room, your room, the palace library, and the healing wing where his mother spent most of her time. You finally decide to seek out Frigga and asked her if she had any idea were Loki could be hiding.
You found her in her chambers and she told you about a place Loki found when he was little. She called it his secret garden. Only Frigga and Loki knew where this secret garden was. When Loki was a boy he would run off to them whenever he needed to be alone.
You thanked her for the tip before going off to where Frigga had pointed you.
You wondered the gardens looking for a lone cherry tree, by a hedge, surrounded by black rose bushes. It should be easy to find since most of the garden was made up of other worldly plants.
When you finally found it you took in all its beauty. The plants growing in this section of the garden were gifts from a king on Earth thousands of years ago.
You enjoyed the familiarity of the plants, as you went up to the black rose bushes. You had never seen a black rose in real life before. You knelt down and touched one, feeling the soft silkiness of it's delicate petals. Some of the roses were a mix of red and black, blue and black, white and black or even purple and black. While others were just straight black. What surprised you most of all was that none seemed to have thorns.
You looked up from where you were kneeling in the grass to see a hidden opening in the hedge that you would have missed if you didn't stop to kneel at the beautiful flowers. Loki must have found the black roses beautiful too if he were to find the small opening.
You crawled through the hedge. It opened up to a nice little garden with soft grass and a small pond. There were all manner of pants growing, mostly flowers. Some from earth but most from somewhere else in the nine realms. It was a place where they all lived and existed as one. It was absolutely stunning.
"How did you find me?" Came a cool, sharp voice off to your side.
You looked over to see Loki sitting on a marble bench glaring over at you. You could feel his anger and magic radiating off of him dangerously.
"I'm good at hide and seek." You told him with a warm smile, trying to bring out your happy clam energy. You learned how to set the mood you wanted in a room from all of your theater classes in high school, you prayed you would be able to do it with a pissed off god around.
"You should not have come here Lady." Loki spat at you as you moved from your knees to your feet. "It was not wise."
"I'm not wise." You told Loki simply, kindly. He was angry at his father, not at you. You just needed to calm him down. "You know that."
"I know that you are fake." Loki growled at you standing up to demonstrate his power. To try and intimidate you. He then started walking towards you a malicious look in his eyes. "You only pretend to love me." He snarled, "just like every other woman before you." He continued to come closer as you heard an unmistakable 'shing' sound. He had summoned one of his daggers and was now approaching you with it.
You then realized how stubborn you were. You knew you were stubborn but as Loki continued to get closer to you with his dagger you stayed where you were standing. Never flinching or backing down like many others would. You were running on two things for this stand off between you and Loki. Between an human and a god. Stubbornness, the the faith he would not hurt you.
You were doomed.
Loki stopped right in front of you, bringing his dagger to your throat as he glared down at you with discussed. You looked up at him with no trace of fear or intimidation. "You think you can tame me?" He asked you his voice full of anger, but never raising it. "You think you can fix me? To turn me into someone I'm not? Or are you here so you can have power over me? To make me yours? To have control and over a prince?"
You remained silent thinking these were all rhetorical questions.
"Answer me!" Loki bellowed at you, magic sparking around him.
"I thought we could be friends." You answered him simply keeping your emotions out of your voice. You were good with anger, with sarcasm, you were even good with hate towards you. But yelling? For some odd reason yelling always got your feelings hurt. "I thought we could be more than friends."
"What about now." Loki asked you, pressing his dagger to your throat. Just enough to add presser but not enough to break the skin.
"I believe you are just angry." You told him keeping your voice soft and gentle. "But That's ok Loki. You can be angry. You have the right to feel emotions. You don't, however, have the right to hurt people." You told him taking a step back, not out of fear but to free yourself from the pressure of his dagger. "Can you trust me like I trust you?" You asked him reaching out a hand for him to take. "I know how you can release that anger in a safe way. In a way that won't hurt anyone."
Loki looked at you, and you could see that he wanted to trust you, but he had been hurt so many times by the people he loved.. He asked for trust thought he could never give it. Not even to you.
"Leave me." Loki commanded you in his princely tone.
"I'm not leaving you a prisoner in your own mind Loki." You told him as if the thought was preposterous. You also didn't do too well with being told to do things. If you were told, or in this case, commanded, to do something you always did the opposite.
"I said leave me." Loki told you swinging his dagger at you. You dodged it in the nick of time, thankful for your fast reflexes and Natasha's training.
Loki didn't expect to get his dagger that close to your skin, or thought you to dodge it like an Asgardian warrior would. His mind was over come with his hurt feelings and anger towards his father. He then began to fight you like a well trained warrior from Asgard with hundreds of years of experience.
You were not a well trained warrior from Asgard with hundreds of years of experience. You were a 18 year old human with a few months of experience at most.
You dodged his daggers he swung at you while you backed away from him.
"You think you are powerful?" Loki asked you with rage.
You didn't answer as you were too busy trying not to get impelled by one of his daggers.
"You will never be more than a little mortal. Your life ever fleeting."
You dodged his dagger again, not the bolt of green magic he hit you with. You went flying landing into the small pond that was there. It was surprisingly deep, you realized as your head went under the water. Why was that your first thought?
You didn't know.
You swam to the surface breathing in air as your head broke the water. You had been on the swim team in high school. You were a good swimmer.
"You are nothing." Loki spat at you from where he had blasted you into the water.
"Loki this is not you." You pleated as you trended the water. "You have to calm down."
Loki snarled at you and with a flick of his wrist you were sent flying out of the water your back smacking into a trunk of a thick tree. The back of your head hitting the tree hard as the motion gave you whiplash.
You felt dizzy and nauseous after your head hit the tree. You groaned and opened your eyes as black spots danced in your vision. The black spots faded away and there standing above you, his daggers drawn, was Loki.
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