A Strange Encounter
The rest of the day was uneventful with Loki making sure you were resting. He would read to you and let you snuggle up to him. You never thought Loki would
ever let you get this close to him sense he hated anyone touching him. But for some reason he relaxed when you were in his arms.
Weeks passed and you were getting better and better at mounted shooting and training with Natasha. The team told you that you would be going out on a mission soon and you couldn't be more exited. Finally all of your hard work was getting recognized. There was only one thing you had to figure out. How were you going to keep Blaze safe while you were under fire from the enemy?
Saving Morgan you got off lucky, neither of the criminals shot at you, but you knew that was going to change. You looked up horse armor on the internet but nothing fit your needs. You needed bulletproof horse armor that didn't hindrance Blaze's movements. Nothing you found fit that description and you were starting to get worried you would find nothing to protect Blaze before your first mission. That was until you got a letter from a man named Doctor Steven Strange.
"JARVIS said this came for you in the mail kid." Tony said as he entered the living room one morning. Everyone was starting to come down for breakfast, Clint cooked pancakes. You looked up from your breakfast when Tony handed you the letter.
On the front of the letter all it said was (y/n) in elegant font. You opened the letter confused on who would send it to you, if your friends or family wanted to contact you they would just call or text.
Dear Miss (y/l/n),
I am writing you to invite you to the Sanctum Sanctorum, on 177A Bleecker Street, New York City, NY. I have much to discuss with you.
~ Sincerely Doctor Steven Strange
You read the letter and flip it around to make sure nothing else was written on it. It seemed pretty empty. Why, out of everyone in this tower, would someone request your presence? No one but the school and your family knew you were living with the Avengers, you hadn't officially been announced as an Avenger to the public yet.
Loki looked at the letter in your hand from his spot at the dinning table next to you while he simultaneously stuffed his face with pancakes. He loved them and could never get enough of them. He swallowed his mouth full of pancakes hard and ripped the letter from your hand.
"Do you know who this is?" He asked you sternly trying to keep the panic from his voice. You shook your head. He growled not liking the idea of you being summoned by someone you didn't even know. "You can't go." Loki told you firmly.
"Loki don't you think I'm the one who should make that decision?" You asked Loki, not liking him telling you what you can and can't do. He may be your best and most trusted friend in the tower but he was NOT allowed to run your life. You had a strong stubborn streak and whenever anyone said you couldn't do something you would do it anyway just to prove them wrong, no matter how dangerous it was. "Just because you don't want me to go I think I will." You said with as much sass as you could muster. Then you added, "Go. To the Sanctum." Just to make it clear everyone knew where you are going.
Loki had a freak out, "NO! You can't go!" He practically yelled at you, that just made you want to do it more.
"I can and I will." You told Loki firmly.
"You don't even know who this guy is (y/n)!" Thats when you knew Loki was taking this seriously, he used your real name. He usually used his pet names for you like 'love' or 'little one' he only used your real name when he was being serious or formal. And he definitely wasn't being formal right now. "It could be dangerous and your the least experienced fighter here! You don't even have powers!"
You where about to say something when Steve cut you off, agreeing with Loki. "Loki's right kid. We know nothing about this guy, it could be extremely dangerous." Loki looked pleased that someone agreed with him.
"But this guy could be a potential ally." Tony countered taking your side, "Yes, we don't know anything about him but that doesn't mean his atomically a bad guy." You looked over a Tony silently saying thank you while Loki glared at him. If looks could kill Tony would be dead.
"Then it's settled." Natasha said joining into the conversation, "we let the girl go see what this doctor wants." You celebrated your victory by pumping your fist in the air in celebration, while Loki saturated splurging.
"But we have Loki go with her, to protect her if things go south." Natasha added.
"That dose seem reasonable." Steve agreed with Natasha. "Is it ok with you two?"
"Is ok with me," then you turned to Loki, "you don't have to come if you don't want to." You told him kindly.
"Ya," Natasha said cutting in, "I just said you could go because I thought that's what you would want to do. But if you don't I would gladly go with her."
"No." Loki said a little to fast, then started collecting himself back to his regular cool calm and collected self, but you could see the relief in his eyes that you would be protected on this outing. "I will gladly go with (y/n)."
"Then it's settled." You said clapping your hands together. "Me and Loki will leave right after we are done with breakfast." You said happily, everyone agreed with that plan.
You and Loki made it the the Sanctum Sanctorum and knocked on the door waiting patently for this Doctor Steven Strange to open it. As you waited something shiny caught your attention circling around Loki's feet. You both starred at it wondering what this gold sparkly stuff was doing. It then formed a portal with Loki promptly falling through it with a shout.
'Well that's new.' You thought to yourself. You knocked on the door again this time a little harder, you needed to find out what happened and why before you could get Loki back. This time when you knocked you managed to hit the door once before you ended up on a big squishy chair in a room with a man sitting across from you.
"(Y/n) (y/l/n) thank you for accepting my invitation." Said the man sitting across from you that you guessed was Doctor Steven Strange. "Would you like anything to drink? Tea perhaps?" He asked. For a man that just magicked Loki away, and then magicked you into the building, he was quite pleasant.
"I've never had tea before." You informed Strange a little timidly.
"Well what do you want." Strange asked then waited patiently for you to answer.
You thought for a moment then answered "chocolate milk." Right when you said the words a glass full of chocolate milk was in your hands. You looked impressed at the magic trick the took a sip of the chocolate milk. It was the best chocolate milk you have ever had, rich and creamy but not to over the top. You relaxed a little more, surly this man can't be bad, he just gave you chocolate milk.
When Strange saw you relax he continued, "I have much to discuss with you." He informed you again.
"I know," you said with I bit of sass in your words, "that was like, the only thing that letter you sent me said. But before we start, I came here with my friend but then he sort of... fell?"
"Yes your friend Loki is currently falling." Strange said matter of factly, "you will get him back when you leave, don't worry no harm will fall upon him." You could tell from Strange's tone you wouldn't get Loki back until you left so you dropped it, for now. "It has come to my attention that you have a horse."
"His names Blaze." You said agreeing with Strange.
"I see, well your horse, Blaze, isn't a regular horse." You gave Strange a confused look and was about to ask him what he meant but he continued, "he is much more intelligent than other horses. Correct?" You nodded your head in agreement, Blaze has always been uncannily smart ever sense you met him. "He also can run extraordinarily fast with amazing stamina." You thought back to the car chase and again agreed with Strange. "Well that's because he's not your regular horse. In ancient times he was called Dominus Autem Feram, or Lord of the Wild. He is an extremely powerful being that's been around for thousands of years."
"So your telling me my horse is a magical horse? Like a unicorn or Pegasus?" You asked confused.
"In a lack of better terms, yes." Strange confirmed, "he protects the wilderness and has extremely strong magic. There have been a few accounts over the centuries of him picking a Sorcerer or sorceress as his rider but never a powerless human. So why did he choose you?"
"I wish I knew." You told him honestly, "I'm just happy he did." Strange studied you for a moment then gave up figuring he would find out his question later.
"Well I'm going to give you some gifts that will make things a little easier for you." You then ended up in another room full of ancient looking stuff. "Theses are called relics." Strange explained as he lead you around the room. "Relics are items that hold magic that is too straining on a Sorcerers body. This," Strange held up a super long black and silver necklace with a horse pendant on it, "is a relic specially made for Blaze." He handed you the necklace, "it goes around his neck. It makes him bulletproof and allows you to change his tack magically, all you have to to is touch the pendent and it will change into any form of tack you want it to be. But you still have to be carful, this only makes him bulletproof, any other type of ammunition can, and will, hurt him. So things like your Night Night guns can take him out." You nodded in understanding. Strange then gave you four horse shoes. "And these will protect Blaze's hooves and tendons while you are running. They also have extremely good friction so you can gallop full out on asphalt and not slip. All you need to to is put them on his hooves they should atomically lock themselves on."
Strange told you a little bit more about Blaze and the relics he was sending you off with. You then appeared by the door when he was satisfied you had enough information. "You are welcome to come back anytime if you have questions." Strange bid you farewell, the doors opened and you thanked him.
"But before I go can I get my friend back?" You asked kindly.
"Oh, right." Strange looked up and started doing circular movements in the air with his hands, a portal opened and Loki fell through. He fell to the ground with a thud, he growled, looking up from his spot on his stomach on the ground.
"I HAVE BEEN FALLING FOR THIRTY MINUTES!" He yelled with a snarl in his voice.
You took you your phone to check the time. "Actually we've been here for about an hour." You corrected Loki.
"Even worse!" Loki yelled and stood up summoning his daggers to his hands. "You think you are some kind of Sorcerer?" Loki asked angrily pointing a dagger at Strange. Before Loki could do something he would regret you stepped out in front of him.
"I agree Strange shouldn't have vanished you but he was quite kind to me. Let's not start a fight, that won't solve anything and just leave." You tried to reason to Loki he looked at you still mad. " I know, I don't agree with his methods, but please." You begged Loki giving him your best small, innocent, powerless little girl look that somehow always got him to calm down. He sighed and vanished his daggers, "he didn't hurt you?" Loki asked changing from his, 'I'm going to kill you,' mode to his, 'caring for the powerless Midgardian," mode.
"No." You confirmed with Loki looking you over for any injuries. "He gave me some tools that will keep me safer during missions." You showed him the relics Strange gave you and explained what they were. Loki could feel the powerful magic in them and knew they would work. You finally left with Strange promising not to vanish Loki again when you came back to visit and Loki finally calming down, glad that you had extra protection for missions.
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