A Missing Stark
You walked up to your horse's stall and looked in. "Hey there bud." You greeted him. Blaze was a chestnut, with a flaxen main and tail. Though you didn't know what breed he was. He looked like some type of big warmblood. He had a beautiful full blaze going down his face and long white stockings on his legs that went just below his knees. He also had big, soft, and intelligent brown eyes.
Blaze picked his head up and looked over at you. He nickered happily and came over to the stall door. You kissed his nose, and stroked his soft muzzle. "I know you want to get out of this stall and go exploring as much as I do. So let's get you saddled up." You told him. He nicked happily at that. You took his halter off it's hook, it was hanging by the side of Blaze's stable door, led him out of the stall and tied him up by the tack room. You then brushed him, picked out his hooves and saddled him up in his western trail saddle and bridle. You walked him out of the barn and gracefully swung up onto his back. Blaze waited patiently for you to get settled in the saddle. You took your phone out of your pocket and stuck it in your boot so you would not lose it on the ride. Once you were ready you signaled for him to walk on.
You met up with Sierra and Bob at the head of the forest trail. Bob was a little palomino Haflinger with a very fluffy main and tail. "Ready?" Sierra asked you.
"I am always ready to ride" you responded. She full heartedly agreed with that. Then off you both went to go explore the woods.
It was a warm day but with the shade the trees provided it felt just right. The two of you rode along the trail talking and laughing. "It's so pretty out here." Sierra said. "I don't know why anyone would want to live in the city."
"I agree." You agreed. "Though it is fun to visit big cities from time to time. But I would never live in one. I think..." You got distracted by the feeling of your phone vibrating in your boot. You looked at your boot then bent down to take it out at the same time Sierra went to take her phone out. The two of you took out your phones and then looked at each other as if to say "That's weird my phone went off the same time yours did." You looked down at your phone to see why it was buzzing.
"An amber alert?" Sierra asked you.
"For Morgan Stark. Tony Stark's little girl." You said.
"A Stark?"
"You know like Iron Man."
"I know who the Starks are." Sierra rolled her eyes. "But isn't taking Tony's little girl basically asking to be killed?"
"Criminals aren't that smart." You told her. "But I wish I could help somehow. I feel bad, no little girl should go through that. They probably just took her for ransom money."
"I wish I could help to. But what can we do?" Sierra asked.
"I don't know. Keep an eye out for her I guess? That's all we can do." The two of you continued on the trail talking about how you could possibly help look for Morgan when you came across a road and stopped your horses.
"Looks like we need to cross to continue on the trail." You thought out loud.
"Seems so." Sierra confirmed.
You looked left then right and saw a black car coming. You thought it was a little wired for a car to be all the way out here, but then again there was a road. As it passed you saw two men sitting in the front of the car and a little girl with long brown hair sitting in the back of it. The little girl looked suspiciously like Morgan Stark. "I think Morgan is in that car." You quickly told Sierra.
"What?" She asked.
"Morgan." You signaled Blaze to trot across the street. Sierra followed you telling you you were crazy, what is the possibility we of all people would find Morgan Stark. You didn't listen to her. Once Blaze's hooves hit the dirt trail you and Blaze took off galloping after the car. Sierra followed, still yelling at you to be reasonable. You saw the car in the distance and spurred Blaze to go a little faster. You and him weaving in and out of the trees. You got close enough to the window to look in and sure enough Morgan Stark was in the car looking scared out of her mind. She saw you and you saw hope flash across her face. But Morgan was not the only person who saw you, her captures saw you too and sped up.
"It's Morgan!" You yelled to Sierra. "Call the police! Tell them to track my phone! Tell them we found Morgan!" You did not hear Sierra's response, instead you spurred Blaze on, to go faster. You needed to help! Morgan needed help! And you would help her. Somehow...
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