A Gift For Loki
You were waken up super early by Natasha for training the next day, and it was death. You warmed up, then exercised till you thought you couldn't move anymore. For the cherry on top you got your butt handed to you. You were laying on the floor covered in sweat and bruises thinking that you died. 'What did I get myself into?' You questioned yourself.
"You did better then I thought you were going to do." Natasha complemented you with humor in her voice. "You'er not nearly as out of shape as most of the new agents."
"Thanks?" You sighed, "I'm still dead though." You gestured to a random part of the exercise room. "I think you can find my soul over there somewhere."
"Well, no one can say you didn't give it your all." Natasha laughed at you and nudged your shoulder with her foot. "Why don't you go eat a banana and drink some chocolate milk? It will help with the muscle soreness."
"It will?" You asked surprised, Natasha nodded her head. "Why hadn't anyone ever told me that?" Natasha helped you to your feet. Your whole body felt like jello and you knew you were going to be terribly sore. "Are you not coming?" You asked as you headed towards the door.
"No, now I have my own workout to do." You nodded accepting that she was obviously in much better shape than you and waved goodbye. You made it up to
the main living room to find the only person there was Loki. That made sense since everyone else was still training. He was on his couch reading a book.
"Morning Loki." You greeted him cheerfully even though you still felt like death. Loki looked up at you and smirked.
"I take it your training had something left to be desired?" Loki's tone was smooth and mocking. You could tell he was trying to rile you up but you smiled and shrugged.
"Let's just say I got my butt handed to me. Natasha said I did better then most new people, but I think she was just telling me that so I didn't feel too bad about myself." You went over to the kitchen to get your banana and chocolate milk. "I'm ok with bing the worst here." You called over to Loki still talking to him. "I knew I would be." You paused looking through the fridge, "have you eaten anything?" You didn't hear an answer so you looked over at him. He was giving you a look that said, 'was your question directed at me?' "Yes you." You said like it was obvious. "Have you eaten yet?"
"No." Loki said looking at you confused as to why you would care.
"Then I will get you your breakfast too." You got yourself a banana and chocolate milk then you got Loki a muffin and some tea. He just seamed like the kind of person that would like tea. You brought over both of your meals and handed Loki his.
"Thank you." He said with true sincerity in his voice. He looked touched that you would do this for him. You shrugged.
"No problem." You started to eat your food then asked, "what are you reading?" He looked over at his book with happiness and sadness in his eyes.
"One of my favorite books from Asgard. I brought it with me when my brother made me come here." His voice was bitter and hurt. You knew he didn't want to be here and was probably home sick.
"I see." You said a little awkwardly. "I'm glad you got to bring it with you." Loki nodded and there was a bit of an awkward silence for a while before you broke it. "Have you read any earthly books?" Loki thought for a minute then answered.
"I've read some of Shakespeare's work." Loki said pleasantly. You nodded along.
"I've read some of his stuff for school."
"Not surprising your Midgardian school would teach you about him. He is quite honestly the only Midgardian worth his praises. I'm sure that was most people's favorite lecturers?"
"No," you sighed "not a lot of high schoolers like to read his plays." Loki looked down right shocked at that. "They're extremely confusing and hard to fallow." You explained Loki rolled his eyes and huffed looking unimpressed.
"Of corse you humans," Loki said the word humans as if it was distasteful, "would not understand a genus like Shakespeare." You shrugged and continued eating. Loki fascinated you, he was interesting but you learned quickly not to take his hurtful words to heart. You still wanted to befriend him though, there was something in him that you just couldn't overlook. That's when you had an idea. You excused yourself to go get ready for the day.
After you took your nice warm shower to relax your sore muscles and got ready you headed out of the tower to go find a book store. You had a break before you were needed for anything else so no one had a problem with you leaving the tower. You found a nice little book store and got to work finding the book you thought Loki would enjoy.
"There you are." You said to yourself when you found it. Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Everyone loved Harry Potter you had no reason to believe Loki would hate it. It had magic and adventures, you were quite certain that Loki would like it. You studied the book in your hand then turned your attention to the rest of the series. "Loki is probably a super fast reader. I should just get him the whole series." You reasoned with yourself. You grabbed all the books and bought them, placing them in a bag.
You got back to the tower after getting turned around a little on the way back, you were never good with directions, and put the new books you purchased in your bed room. You had a meting with everyone and they gave you a rundown on how things worked around the tower. Tony even gave you a new phone that had JARVIS on it.
"How are you feeling?" Natasha asked you that night at dinner.
"I'm honestly not as sore as I thought I was going to be...but I know in the morning my muscles are going to be cursing my name." Natasha laughed at you and agreed that you will be extremely sore tomorrow.
Loki watched your interaction with the team at dinner and couldn't help but to feel a bit... jealous? No he couldn't be jealous. You were just a normal little mortal girl with no powers. He, on the other hand, was a god and a prince of Asgard, then why did he get so mad when his brother and his idiotic friends were making you smile and laugh?
Thor looked over at his brother. Something was off and Thor had no idea what it was. He knew now was not the time to bring it up so he decided he would ask Loki after dinner.
After dinner everyone helped clean up and left for bed. When you got to your room you saw the books you got for Loki. "I almost forgot." You said to yourself. You grabbed the bag and headed on over to Loki's room. You knocked on the door and heard Loki's voice.
"I'm not in the mood to talk to you now brother of mine." Loki snarled behind the closed door sounding a bit mad.
"It's not Thor." You answered him. You heard footsteps and the door opened to revile a very stoic looking Loki.
"What do I owe the pleasure to?" Loki asked pleasantly but his face showed no emotion.
"After our talk today about books I thought you would like these." You held out the bag and Loki looked down at it confused. "It's for you." You tried to explain pleasantly. Loki took the bag and pulled out one of the books. He looked down at it in amazement and something else you couldn't place. It made you wonder if he had ever gotten a present before.
"Why are you giving this to me?" He asked you almost heartbroken.
"Because I think you would like them." You said happily trying your hardest the lighten the mood. Loki looked so confused, so... lost. You smiled at him and motioned him to look at them. He gave you a small smile back and flipped through the pages of the book.
"It's new." He pointed out even more surprised.
"Of course it's new you silly. I got them just for you. I got you the whole series because I thought you may be a fast reader. I've read the series before and I thought they were really good, I hope you like them." Loki just stood there awestruck for a while with out saying a word, he just stared at the book in his hand. "I will see you tomorrow then?" You asked Loki your voice gentle. He looked up at you with happiness in his eyes and nodded, you turned to leave when Loki called to you.
"Thank you Lady (y/n). This means a lot to me." You could tell he really meant it.
"Your welcome Loki, have a good night." You smiled at him, happy you could make him feel a bit more welcome. Even though you were the new person around the tower you had a feeling Loki was the least welcome here. "I hope you like them." And with that you left to your room closing the door behind you. Loki watched you leave he felt something he hasn't felt in a long time. He felt loved by you, unjudged, accepted. He went back into his room smiling, and closed the door.
Little did either of you know Thor was in the hallway and saw the whole thing. He wanted to ask his brother what had been bothering him, now he knew. His little brother, Loki god of mischief and lies, had feelings for a little mortal girl. He went over to Loki's door and knocked. Loki thinking it was you, for some reason, came to the door and was met but his oaf of a brother grinning at him like he knew something.
"What do you want brother." Loki sighed not in the mood to talk to Thor. "I would like to get some sleep before the sun rises."
"You like lady (y/n)." Thor boomed still grinning like and idiot.
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