Loki/Vampire II
That night the team was sitting in the lounge watching a movie when Y/N walked in.
"Mind if I join you?" she said from the doorway
"Have a seat" said Steve
"You get settled okay?" asked Tony
"Yeah Thanks" replied Y/N who sat on the floor next to Tony.
"Shhh" said Bruce who was trying to watch the movie
Seconds later the glass windows were blown out. Everyone scrambled for cover and to find their weapons.
"What the hell was that?!" shouted Clint
Y/N looked up over the top of the over turned sofa that they were hiding behind.
"I count ten, all armed"
Y/N's eyes were becoming red and her fangs were extending from her mouth.
The fight between the Avengers and the assailants ensued, sometime during the Fight Thor was knocked unconscious and thrown out the window. Y/N jumped out the window after him, she caught up to him and wrapped her arms around him and flipped him over so she would hit the ground and that's exactly what happened.
The team ran out of the building and up to Y/N and Thor who was starting to come around.
"What happened?" he said as he got off of Y/N
"She saved your life"
"Get her inside" said Bruce
Steve carried Y/N into the medical wing and placed her on the bed, Bruce hooked her up to morphine and blood, her body would do the rest.
"How could she have survived that?"
"She's a Vampire that's why" said Fury from the doorway
Everyone turned round to see him there with a man in a well tailored suit and combed back hair.
"Vampires don't exist Fury" said Tony
"Your wrong Mr Stark, My siblings and I are the originals, the first Vampires in existence"
"And you are?"
"Elijah, Elijah Mikaelson, Y/N is my sister"
"How old are you?" asked Natasha
"We have been around for over a millennia"
"A thousand years?!" exclaimed Clint
"Yes, Y/N was only twenty three when she was turned"
A couple hours later Y/N was still unconscious and Elijah was sitting at her bedside. After a while Y/N was starting to wake up.
"Elijah?" questioned Y/N as she turned her head to look at him
"Hello Y/N"
"What are you doing here?"
"Rebekah called"
"Of course she did" she retorted as she she stared at the ceiling.
"She was worried when you just up and left like you did"
"I couldn't stay in New Orleans anymore you know that"
"I do, She and I just wanted to know you were safe"
"Have you heard from him?"
"What happened anyway?"
"You jumped out of a window"
"Thor....Is he okay?"
"A little winded but he's fine"
"Your new friends have been worried about you"
"Really? I got the feeling they didn't like me very much"
"Well it seems you have proved your worth"
"Indeed she has" said Thor as he walked in "You saved my life and for that you have my thanks"
"Some fall you took kid, you alright?" asked Bruce
"Yeah....Owww!" screamed Y/N as her back raised off he bed.
"I think your back just realigned itself" stated Elijah
"No shit Elijah"
Elijah chuckled
"Its seems you made quite the impression on my brother, he has been quite worried about you" stated Thor
About an hour later Elijah had left and Loki was yet to visit Y/n as she still lay in the medical room trying to get the bottom half of her legs to move. Her fall caused her back to break so she had become paralysed from the neck down until it healed. The only thing that was still to regain movement was her legs, from her knees down to her feet.
"Knock knock, any sick vampires about?" Joked Loki from the doorway
"Ha ha very funny" said Y/N sarcastically
"I know wasn't my best"
"Thor said you were worried about me, wouldn't happen to be true would it?" said Y/N with a sly smile
"Of course not, don't be absurd"
"Right, That's what I thought" she said with a smile, she knew he was playing the tough guy, he was worried about her and he knew that she knew
"How's the legs?" he asked
"Still can't move them from the knees down"
"How long until you can walk again?"
"Couple of hours"
" If you tell anyone this I will absolutely deny it"
"Thank you for saving my brother"
"Elijah is some character"
"Yeah, he's....protective"
The next day Y/N was up and walking about she had fully healed but she was still weak. She walked into the kitchen and saw the team having breakfast.
"Morning, feeling better?" asked Steve who was the mother hen of the group
"Yeah, much"
Y/N walked over to the fridge and opened it there was blood in the fridge.
"We got Fury to stock the fridge for you"
Y/N took out a blood bag and poured it into a glass and downed it, everyone just sat at the table and watched in amazement.
"What? I was hungry"
Everyone went back to their breakfast when Y/N received a text from the Post office where her P.O box was, her packages from New Orleans had arrived.
"I have to go out"
"Why?" asked Clint
"My sister sent my things from New Orleans they just arrived at the post office"
"Have fun"
"Where are my car keys by the way?" she asked
"There's a box on the wall next to the elevator in the garage, they're in there and so are you motorbike keys" replied Tony
Y/N returned to her room and put on the same clothes she has been wearing for days and got into the elevator. She got off in the garage and saw the amount of cars and bikes in the garage, it seemed just about everyone had their own vehicle. She opened the box and grabbed her keys, she walked over to her baby and got in, she revved the engine a couple times.
"Oh I missed you" she said kissing the steering wheel.
She took off out the garage door and down the street, she stopped outside the post office, she collected her boxes and put them in the trunk. Y/N decided she needed some new clothes and some toiletries. She stopped at a mall and walked into the clothing store she tried on hundreds of outfits and compelled the lady working there, so Y/N didn't have to pay for a single thing.
After a while it was getting dark so she put her bags into the trunk and got in. She started the car and headed back to the tower. She pulled into the garage to see Steve and Tony talking while Steve cleaned his war era bike.
Y/N got out and said "That your bike Steve?"
"Yeah straight from 1942"
"Nice" said Y/N as she opened the trunk of her car.
"Did some shopping did you?"
"Yeah needed some new stuff"
"Need a hand?" asked a familiar voice from the elevator.
"Sure thanks"
Loki walked over to Y/N and she gave him the boxes while she took the bags. She locked her car and got into the elevator together.
"They are so going to be a thing" said Tony
Y/n opened the door for Loki and he placed the boxes on the floor next to Y/N's bed.
"Thanks for the help"
"No problem, what's in these anyway?"
"Old clothes and some memories I didn't want to lose" she said as she opened the top box and inside were old photos.
"Is this you?" asked Loki who was looking at the old black and white photo.
"Yeah and that is my brother Niklaus and my other brother Kol"
"How many siblings do you have?"
"Four brothers and two sisters, although it used to be five brothers"
"I'm sorry"
"Thanks...wanna give me a hand?"
About an hour and a half later the room was decorated with old photos and Y/N's wardrobe was full with her clothes which were all either black or grey although she hadn't noticed.
"You have a lot of memories" said Loki
"Yeah a thousand years worth"
"Come in"
"Y/N I need to borrow my brother" said Thor
"Have fun"
Loki walked out with Thor and Y/n took a shower it had been almost three days since she had one and since she changed her clothes.
Y/N walked into the lounge to see everyone on edge.
"What's up?"
"The sky" retorted Loki
Y/N gave Loki a look like he had made her laugh but it didn't seem like everyone was in the mood for funny right now.
"My father is coming" said Thor
"Your father?"
"Yes Odin, King of Asgard"
"Don't ask" said Clint
Suddenly there was a loud boom from outside on the helipad and Y/N saw a tube of colours coming from the sky, when the colours returned there stood a man and a women. The women seemed relatively normal but the man looked very intimidating. He had one eye, a golden staff and golden armour. This man was defiantly a king.
"Father" said Thor who perked up "Mother"
"Thor how are you?" asked The women
"I am well mother"
"And you Loki?"
"I have been exiled from my home and am living in the same place as the people who I attacked several months ago, how do you think I am doing mother?"
Y/N was surprised she had never seen Loki so angry before, let alone towards his own mother.
"Welcome to earth" said Steve
"Thank you Captain" said The women
The women looked at Y/N like she was inspecting her.
"Your new around here, aren't you?"
Loki seemed to tense up when Frigga walked over to Y/N and she had no idea why.
"I am Frigga and this is my husband Odin"
"Y/N here is a mighty warrior, she saved my life not three days ago" said Thor
"Really, How?" asked Odin
"Thor fell out the window unconscious and I jumped after him"
"You survived a fall that far down?" he questioned
"I did"
"Enough with your questions Odin" said Loki
Loki walked over to Y/N took her hand and teleported away.
They landed in a meadow full of yellow daffodils.
"How did you...?"
"On Asgard some are born with the ability to use magic"
"And your one of them"
"I was not born on Asgard but I do posses the ability"
"What do you mean you were not born on Asgard?"
"I was adopted"
"Oh.....why did you bring me here?" Y/N looked away from Loki inspecting her surroundings.
"I didn't like where Odin's questioning was going"
"You brought me here to protect me, why?"
"Because you mean a lot to me. I know we have only known each other two weeks but I feel like I've known you years and the truth is, I think I'm in love with you Y/N"
Y/N looked back at Loki and he seemed to be having a difficult time with his emotions. She walked up to him and she took his hands and he looked at her.
"I thought it was just me" she said with a smile
"You mean...?"
"Yes I feel the same"
Loki leaned down and kissed Y/N on the lips and she kissed him back, they stayed like that for about a minute, they were so in love even if they had only know each other for two weeks.
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