"We've been compromised, we can't go back to the tower" stated Natasha
"I know of a place" said Thor
"Where?" asked Steve
"It is a secret and for good reason"
"Take us there" replied Steve
Thor walked out the back of the jet and flew in front, guiding them to his secret and safe location.
Meanwhile Zoey and her husband were trying to rein in there three kids for lunch.
"Freya! I will not tell you again get down here!" shouted Zoey at her five year old daughter who had followed in her footstep and sprouted valkyrie wings.
"Comming mama" Freya landed roughly in front of her mother and tucked her wings away.
"What am I going to do with you?" chuckled Zoey
Zoey and Freya walked into the kitchen, Freya jumped up on the barstool waiting for her lunch which was being prepared by her father who had her two year old brother on his hip.
"Whats for lunch Papa?" asked Freyas twin sister Frigga as she walked into the kitchen.
"Pizza bagels" he replied
"YES!" squealed Frigga, Pizza bagels were her favourite.
Zoey felt a disturbence in the forcefield she had up around the property and it seems she was not the only one who felt it.
"You felt it too?" asked Zoeys husband
"Yeah, I'll check it out"
"Mama?" questioned Freya who had a worried look on her face.
"Its okay, its probably a lost hiker, stay here with Papa"
Zoey kissed Freya and Frigga on the forehead and left the house heading towards the disturbance. She unfurled her wings and flew up into the air and through the barrier, she flew for a few seconds when she saw it, a SHEILD jet.
The group of people emerged and she landed in front of the blonde one and held him with the tip of her wing at his neck. One good movement and he would've been dead in seconds.
"What are you doing on my property?" demanded Zoey
"Lady Zoey, it is alright, the captain is a friend" said Thor who had appeared out of the brush behind her.
Zoey turned round "Thor?"
"Hello Zoey"
Zoey removed her wing from the captains neck and ran up and hugged Thor.
"Its has been too long" said Zoey who had tucked her wings away.
"That it has"
"Why are you here? And why did you bring them?"
"We need to lay low, may we stay here?"
"Thor theres nothing here" stated Clint
"Its cloaked dumbass" stated Natasha as she slapped the back of Clints head.
"I like her" said Zoey "I have two rules"
"Of course" said Steve
"No weapons are to be used and that includes giant green rage monsters, Hammers, bows, sheilds, guns and suits of armour"
"Of course"
"And when you see who else is here you will want to kill him, please dont"
"Kill who?" asked Tony
"Just promise"
"We promise" said the man Zoey now knew as Steve.
"Then follow me"
Zoey walked through the woods but when they reached the boundary everyone felt like something was off. Zoey's hands began to glow white and a hole in the forcefeild opened up and everyone stepped through.
Zoey and Thor were leading the group up to the house, everyone was tired and lagging behind Zoey and Thor.
"Are you sure this was a good idea?"
"Its was our only choice and besides he's changed and they will see that"
Freya and Frigga ran out of the house. "MOM!" Shouted the girls in unison.
Freya ran straight into Thor's arms "Why don't you come and visit anymore?" she asked
"Sorry little one, work has been busy lately"
The group came to a hault ouside the house, Zoey saw her husband walking towards the door and turned to face the team.
"Remember your promise"
Loki walked ouside with Torin on his hip.
"Brother" he stated
"It has been a long time Loki, you look well and so does the family" said Thor
"Not some lost hikers then?"
"Avengers" he said as his eyes landed on the battered team watching with shock as he half hugged Thor because he still had Torin on his hip.
"May I?" asked Thor
Loki handed Torin over to his brother.
"Thor how could you not tell us he was still here?" asked Natasha
"Because you would not have aproved, not even Fury knows he is here, let alone that he has a wife and kids"
"Come on in guys I'll put on the coffee"
"Come on Uncle Thor I wanna show you my drawings"
"Alright" Thor handed Torin over to Loki as he was dragged away by Freya.
Everyone walked up the steps and into the house which was relativly spacious but cosy at the same time.
Zoey went into the kitchen and put on the coffee when Loki walked up behind her and snaked his arms around her waste.
"Where's Torin?"
"Playpen" he said as he kissed Zoey "They still hate me"
"When they see how much you have changed they won't"
Suddenly they heard a scream coming from outside. Loki and Zoey ran outside to see what was wrong.
"Whats wrong?" asked Zoey who knew exactly what it was, Frigga had gotten her wings.
"Oh Frigga look at you" said Zoey beeming with pride.
"They're heavy Mama"
"I know but you'll grow into them, I promise"
Frigga ran up and hugged Zoey and Loki, Then Torin was crying, Its seems the universe was not having a good day, everything was happening at once.
"I'll go check on Torin" said Loki who hugged his daughter and said "I am so proud of you sweetheart" He walked past the Avengers who were standing on the porch watching them and into the house. He lifted Torin out of the playpen.
"Whats wrong kiddo?" asked Loki who noticed Torin was unusually cold "Your cold, here you are" he said wrapping Torin in a blanket, after a few seconds he stopped crying.
"Your staring Brother" he said, he turned round and sure enough Thor was standing there watching.
"Your a good father Loki, mother would be proud"
"Thank you" he replied as Torin fell asleep with his head on Loki's shoulder.
"Torin is sleeping Papa" said Freya who was standing behind her father.
Loki turned around and said "Its time for his nap"
"Can I help?"
Loki took Freya's hand and walked up the stairs to Torin's room and placed him in the crib and truned on the monitor
"Night Torin" said Freya
Loki picked up the portable monitor and took Freya's hand and left the door closing the door quietly and walked back down to the living area where everyone was resting.
"Where's Frigga?"
"Outside with Zoey" replied Bruce
"Sweetie why don't you go join them, I'm sure you could give Frigga some tips"
"Okay Papa"
She ran outside and joined her mother and sister. An awkward silence fell upon the group.
"How long have you been here?" asked Clint
"Six years"
"How did we not know?"
"Odin sent me back here with Zoey..."
"Wait Zoey is Asgardian?" asked Tony
"She is a Valkyrie, a group of female warriors sworn to protect asgard, but things changed after Ragnarok, Zoey no longer had a mission"
"You had feelings for eachother?" questioned Steve
"Yes and we started a life"
"So no plans to take over world?" asked Tony
"No, I have all the world I need right here" he said as Zoey walked in with the girls.
That night
Loki was leaning on the porch railing with a hot chocolate in his hand. All the kids were asleep and the avengers were sitting in the living room talking.
Clint came outside and leaned on the railing next to Loki.
"I forgive you"
"For what you did, to me, to New York, all of it"
"Why?" asked Loki
"I know what its like to have a bad past but then to turn around and have a change of heart. And beside anyone who could raise three kids has earned my forgiveness"
"Thank you"
"Just don't screw it up" said Clint as he patted Loki and the shoulder and went back inside.
"I won't" whispered Loki into the air.
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