"Let's dance"
Prompt from oitommothetease: Hii I was wondering could you do a one shotabout drunk loki?
A/N: I very much enjoyed writing drunk Loki, so thank you for this ask:) I hope you enjoy it, lmk if there are any spelling errors or anything I didn't proof read beacuse it's 3am yet again oops-
Tony's parties are the best. You've attended quite a few now, and there hasn't been one yet that you haven't enjoyed.
Tonight, however, you're not feeling up to the raging party that is bound to go on until the early hours of the morning. You're tired and aching from a week of training and you want nothing more than to just have a nice warm bath and an early night.
You are fully aware that that's a pipedream.
When you finish training with Nat, instead of relaxing into your oversized bath tub like you so desperately want to, you find yourself having a quick shower and are then faced with the prospect of pulling a dress on and doing your hair and make-up.
This is made slightly more bearable by Nat's arrival. You deliberate over dresses with her for a while (you don't have the same problem: your chosen dress is black and simple) and then do each other's hair and quickly put some make up on. Then you pull your heels on and head to the kitchen, telling Nat you'll meet her down there.
"You're late." Tony reprimands you as you enter the kitchen.
"You're not even ready." you scoff, darting past him to get to the fridge.
"Not the point." Tony scowls, leaving the room to presumably go and get ready. You can already hear the music thudding from downstairs, and can practically feel the headache it's going to give you even now.
As you're rifling through the fridge looking for something to eat you feel a pair of cool hands on your waist, and you spin around you look up at Loki.
"You look beautiful." he tells you with a small smile.
"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." you tell him, returning his smile as you reach up to straighten the collar of his shirt.
"It's just a shirt." he says, looking over your head to see what's in the fridge.
"It's a nice shirt." you say appreciatively, before also turning back to the fridge.
"Come on you two, it's started already." Nat's voice beckons you from the corridor.
"Coming." you call, before shutting the fridge in resignation.
"You're tired." Loki observes, and you smile wearily at him.
"I'm fine. Just not overly in the mood for a party." you tell him. He pulls you towards him and you rest your head on his chest, sighing heavily as he puts his arms around you.
"Shall we escape at the earliest possible opportunity?"
You pull back and smile up at him.
"Yes, please."
Two hours later.
You're sat at the bar alone, the same drink in your hand that has been there for an hour and a half. No one has yet noticed your unenthusiasm for the evening, not even Tony. Everyone is too busy dancing and having fun.
You're not a total killjoy; you had danced with everyone for a while earlier on and done some shots, but it's been almost two hours now and you're still thinking about having a bath.
You could leave. But where is Loki? You haven't seen him in a while... surely he hasn't abandoned you down here. So much for escaping at the earliest possible opportunity.
"Y/N- Y/N! Come onnn!" Tony is shouting over the music and waving at you from the dance floor. You do your utmost to ignore him, but then he comes over to accost you and drag you back into the crowd of dancing people.
Maybe one or two more dances, and then you'll be free to go. You must find Loki first though.
An hour later.
You've danced a lot, and had enough drinks to make you pleasantly tipsy, rather than drunk. Which is more than can be said for most of your friends. Bucky and Nat are having an arm wrestling match on a barstool, Clint was last seen passed out behind a large plant pot and Tony can hardly stand up.
Loki is still nowhere to be seen. You decide to scout the room for him and leave the dance floor, scanning the place. It's hard to see; there are so many people and the lights are flashing unhelpfully in your eyes.
Finally you spot him sat with Thor, and make a beeline for the two brothers. Thor spots you first and waves cheerfully. Loki follows his gaze, and when he sees you his whole face lights up with such a profound happiness that you almost stop in your tracks.
He's expressing emotion in public. Something's wrong.
It immediately becomes clear to you what the problem is as he stands up and sways dangerously, flinging out his hands for balance and almost knocking his drink over. Thor chuckles in amusement as Loki staggers towards you.
"Hi." he says happily, catching hold of your shoulders.
"You're drunk." you say, holding on to his arms.
"Pfttt, no." he scoffs, before enveloping you in a tight hug. You stare at Thor over Loki's hunched shoulder, and he just laughs. It's quite clear to see what's gone on here.
Loki would have been far too proud to back down from any competition Thor challenged him to, but no one can outdrink Thor.
Loki whispers something to you, but the music is so loud you can't hear him.
"What?" you ask, your voice slightly raised.
"I love you." Loki shouts into your ear, almost deafening you.
"Christ." you mutter, wincing as you push him back on to his bar stool.
"I suppose you think this is funny, do you?" you ask Thor appraisingly. He shrugs, smirking. It's obvious that he's quite drunk too.
"It is not my fault that my brother is a lightweight-."
"I am not a lightweight." Loki protests, almost knocking his drink over yet again.
"Loki," you say in despair, moving his drink away from him. "I think it's time for bed."
"Nooo." he says, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. A smile starts to creep its way on to your face, and Thor gives you an 'I told you so' look.
"Yes, come on. I'm tired. I need you to help me." you tell him, suddenly struck by a stroke of genius.
"Okay. Okay." Loki replies, suddenly wide awake and very eager to help, so eager that he almost falls over on his way off of the bar stool. Thor chuckles again, sighing happily.
"Enjoy this." you tell him, shooting him a look.
"Oh, I am." he tells you, wiping a happy tear from the corner of his eye. Loki takes your arm and then charts a very unsteady course straight through the middle of the dance floor. It's futile trying to point him in the right direction.
"Let's dance." he announces suddenly, dropping your arm and starting to throw some questionable moves. You can't hold it together this time, and burst out laughing.
"Loki, stop it." you laugh, trying to catch hold of his arm.
"Yeah! Reindeer Games!" Tony shouts, joining you on the dance floor. You can hardly breathe for laughing, tears obscuring your vision. Nat and Bucky are there now too; you have to get Loki upstairs.
He's going to kill Thor tomorrow.
Finally you manage to persuade Loki off of the dance floor and across the room into the lift.
"I was having fun." he tells you sadly.
"I know." you say sympathetically, fighting not to laugh at him anymore. He thankfully pulls you towards him for a hug, allowing you to hide your smiles in his shoulder.
You manage to get him down the hallway to his room and he collapses on the bed almost immediately.
"I hate Thor." he mutters angrily into his pillows. You bite back a laugh as you dim the lights.
"No you don't." you say to him, sitting down on the bed next to him.
"No, I don't. I love him. But he is annoying."
You don't reply, smiling widely. It's the first time you've heard him say that he loves his brother.
"Don't tell him I said that." he says, turning over so that he's facing the ceiling.
"I won't." you assure him, moving your hand to his hair; running your fingers through it gently. Loki closes his eyes and hums in appreciation, and you smile once more.
You sit like that for a while, in silence. Loki breaks it first.
"Sorry for embarrassing you." he says, keeping his eyes shut.
"You didn't." you tell him, and he frowns slightly.
"Okay. Good." is his only response. A few minutes later he's snoring gently.
You gingerly remove your hand from his head; he doesn't stir, so you stand up and quietly sneak out of the room, turning the light completely off and closing the door.
Time for that bath.
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