Disneyland (part two)
Loki was intrigued by you. He couldn't tell why, but he'd known that there was something about you the minute he had seen you. He'd been about to jump in and save the day when that cart had come flying out of nowhere, but no need, you'd just caught it with your power like it was a tennis ball. Now you'd made these creatures angry, and Loki had felt a weird protectiveness over you. He'd immediately chided himself for being so foolish, he'd only met you two minutes ago; you were just a simple Midgardian... with unknown powers.
Perhaps he should protect you. Only because you had powers though.
Of course.
Loki could sense your disbelief and panic behind him as he began fighting, sending cold, blue blasts of magic from his hands towards the attackers, who seemed to be focused on him, or maybe it was Y/N because she hadn't been squashed by the cart. Whatever the reason, he wished they wouldn't.
"Y/N, try and channel your emotions into your hands." Loki suggested – he could really use some help right now, although he would never admit it. A few seconds later he heard a small gasp from behind him, and dared to turn his head for a second to look at you. You were staring at a ball of purple, glowing magic in the palm of your hand. Loki flashed you the smallest of smiles and then turned back to the fight.
"See what you can do."
Later, he would not regret suggesting the idea. Thinking that you would maybe take out one or two monsters with a couple of well-aimed shots Loki moved his focus to more attack than defense, until he felt a searing heat against his back. He turned around just in time to watch you obliterate at least half of the monsters with one hand gesture, and then look at the damage you'd done in surprise. You looked at Loki in shock and he couldn't help but stare: your eyes were a vibrant shade of purple, and they were glowing.
"Yeah... that was good!" Loki reassured you, and watched you let out a shaky breath. The others were still on the attack, but it would be an easy win now, he thought, Y/N had just wiped out the biggest threat.
Just as Loki was about to move forward to help clear up the last monsters, he heard a faint "Loki" from where you were stood, and turned back around, instantly guessing what was about to happen. He teleported to your side and caught you just before you hit the ground, catching another glimpse of purple beneath your eyelid before your eyes shut.
He sighed and hoisted you up into his arms, turning towards the rest of the group who, having finished off the rest of the monsters, were approaching warily.
"That was some powerful magic she just did." Wanda observed, peering at your face in interest.
"What did she say her name was?" Tony asked.
"Y/N." Loki answered.
"Well, I think we better get Miss Y/N here on the Quinjet and back to the compound." Tony continued.
"Uh, is that such a great idea? I mean-"
"Steve, she's just exploded a load of dangerous purple magic out of her hands and passed out, we can't just leave her here!" Nat insisted, looking up as the Quinjet circled overhead with Bruce in the cockpit, looking for a place to land.
"We're not leaving her." Loki nodded, and then frowned when everyone looked at him.
"What, she might be dangerous, we can use her." he quickly insisted.
Clint gave him an appraising look and Thor grinned.
"Whatever you say brother."
"The police will be here soon, and I'm not in the mood to argue with them about how this mission was more important than keeping a theme park open and running smoothly."
"Uh, we did destroy a ride..."
"Okay, that wasn't us, that was..."
"Quit arguing you two, let's go." Nat said firmly, and Clint and Wanda obediently filed on to the Quinjet, which Bruce had successfully landed without any damage.
Just as Loki was carrying you on to the aircraft, there was a yell from behind him. He turned to see a huge crowd gathered around the jet, which wasn't a surprise, but there was a girl about the same age of Y/N running up to him and looking defiant .
"What are you doing!? You can't take her away!" Y/B/F yelled, stopping at the base of the ramp.
"I'll handle this." Steve said, walking past you and Loki towards Y/B/F. Loki continued into the Quinjet with you in his arms, trying not to hear the yells of the girl outside. He placed you on the recovery bed gently and straightened up, wondering what Steve was saying to your friend outside.
"We need to get going! I hear sirens." Clint said urgently. Steve jogged up the ramp into the jet and the ramp shut behind him.
"What did you say to her?" Thor asked curiously.
"Not a lot, but she understood that we're going to help her." Steve replied.
The Quinjet took off just as the police arrived on the scene, and Loki looked out the window to watch Y/N's friend become smaller and smaller until he couldn't see her anymore. He looked back over at you and felt a weird sensation in his chest, noticing small details like how a strand of your Y/H/C hair had fallen over the side of the bed, and how your eyes were darting around under their closed lids. This was new – he tried to listen to the conversation the others were having about the purpose of the mission, but his eyes kept flicking back over to you. You were really quite pretty...
Loki stood up abruptly, what was happening to him?
"Brother, what is it?" Thor asked, and Loki realized that everyone was looking at him.
"Oh, I was just..."
Loki was eternally grateful to you that you chose that exact moment to wake up. You sat bolt upright and scanned your surroundings in a panic.
"What... where am I, wh-"
"Hey, Y/N right? I'm gonna need you to calm down just a tad, can you do that for me?" Tony asked, walking over and kneeling at the edge of the bed. You let out a shaky breath, and then made the mistake of looking down at your hands.
They were glowing purple. Your whole body was shrouded in a shimmering, purple light.
"Y/N, Y/N, you're about to freak out, and I need you not to do that okay? We're currently a few thousand feet above the ground and it's not ideal for you to be doing magic up here alright, just do some deep breaths and you'll probably stop glowing." Tony said to you.
Loki watched as you let out an uneasy laugh, unsure if Tony was joking or not. Your eyes scanned the interior of the Quinjet (you were inside the Quinjet!) and saw the other Avengers watching you too, before looking directly at Loki. He really wished you wouldn't; your eyes were still a gorgeous shade of purple. As your gaze returned to Tony the purple glow died down, and your eyes started to return to their normal Y/E/C.
"Okay, good job." Tony breathed, sounding a little less tense.
"I didn't, hurt anyone? Did I?" you asked nervously.
"No, don't worry, the tourists were well away." Tony reassured you.
Loki was glad when the Quinjet landed back at the compound, he needed to collect his thoughts. He was the first off the jet, and just about to enter the building when:
"Hey, Loki?"
Damn. He turned around to face you, forcing himself to make direct eye contact. Your eyes were an interesting mixture of purple and Y/E/C, and despite looking pale and shaken up Loki still struggled to look at you without thinking that you were stunning.
Seriously, what had gotten into him?
"Thank you, for, y'know, looking out for me." you said, smiling slightly.
"You're welcome." Loki replied, turning to retreat quickly indoors to escape your inexplicably beautiful self. He practically ran indoors, leaving you wondering what you had done to annoy him.
"Oh don't mind him, he's an odd one is Loki." Thor told you, guiding you inside.
"Do you want a pop tart?"
Later, everyone (including Loki) was sat in the kitchen drinking tea and coffee, apart from Thor who didn't care for 'Midgardian beverages' and was drinking a pint of something that looked like beer.
"So, Y/N, we have a proposal." Tony announced, causing the room to fall silent.
"You've proven that you can control your powers, and we could use some new blood around here..."
Loki swore that Y/N's jaw actually hit the table.
"You want... you want me to be...?" you stuttered.
"What do you say?" Tony asked, raising his glass with a wink.
Loki clenched his jaw as he watched you become an Avenger and the others congratulated you. You grinned across the table at him and he forced a smile back, feeling that unfamiliar tight feeling in his chest again.
Things were about to get complicated.
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