Chapter 76
Years passed and you and Loki split your time between working on Midgard with the Avengers and spending time on Asgard. Loki was being groomed to take the throne officially, though he still denied that he was even being considered to be named proper heir. You let him have his delusions. Thor didn't want the throne and Loki had done such a good job while Odin was in the Odinsleep. Such a good job in fact, that every year you and Loki assumed the throne for a couple of months so they could tour the realms. Thor didn't have to do that. Loki still tried to believe that it was punishment. Or so he whined at you, but you knew he was being groomed to be named official heir.
He and Odin were both too proud to admit it.
So you kept your suites in the palace of Asgard and your apartment at the Avengers tower and were welcomed eagerly in either place.
One morning while you were living at the tower you frantically got out of bed way too early in the morning. "Sig?" Loki asked groggily, his arm tightening around you as you tried to get out of the bed. It had been a long night, he'd gotten back late from a mission he'd been on. You'd stayed behind since you were without your powers and promised Loki not to leave the nice safe tower. He'd trusted you here with Stark's protections and the repulser watch you took to wearing when you were without your powers.
But that was neither here nor there.
"Go back to sleep, love. I'll be home soon," you told him, pressing a kiss to his forehead and stroking his hair to soothe him back to sleep.
Your words had the opposite effect as his eyes snapped open and his grip tightened around you. "Sig, it's four in the morning, where could you possibly need to go out of the tower at four in the morning?" He asked, still tired, but paying attention now. He knew you well enough to know you didn't go wandering around the city at 4am for no good reason.
"The drug store," you said a little sheepishly. There was an item there that you desperately needed.
Loki gave you a look and pulled you back against his side to go back to sleep. "The drug store will still be open at a reasonable hour of the morning, witchling," he told you quite logically, if sleepily. You didn't blame him for wanting to go back to bed, but your task was urgent. You huffed and pushed your way out of Loki's arms. He woke properly at that, knowing for sure now that something was wrong. "Darling? What is it? What do you need from the store that can't wait until morning?" He asked, sitting up in the bed and giving you his proper attention. He knew something was wrong. You wouldn't be so insistent to leave the tower at 4am otherwise.
You looked up into his eyes so you could watch his reaction to your words and your phrased your response carefully. He would know what you meant without you having to spell it out for him. You weren't sure how he would take the news, even the possibility, and he was so good at hiding his feelings. You had to watch him carefully.
Your voice was soft and small and scared when you finally spoke.
"It's been four days and my powers haven't returned,"
THE END (...for now)
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