Chapter 64
Your days fell into a rhythm. Loki spent his days in meetings and on the throne while you worked in the healers' wing. You sent fewer and fewer illusions to check on him thorugh the day as he and the people gained confidence in his ability to rule. You did still have to interrupt to remind him to eat lunch nearly every day. He was doing it on purpose, to remind the people of your presence, to show them his softer side so they could see his was more than just a harsh ruler. Odin had used Frigga's presence in the same way, since she was adored by the court. It took you a long while to realize that you, Loki's tiny adorable healer, were equally adored by the people, especially for your effect on the reserved king.
"Ladies, don't forget I won't be in the healing wing for the next three days," you reminded the healers before you left one evening. "Healer Ingris is in charge in my absence. I will still be in the palace if there is an emergency,"
"Yes, Lady," the healers replied.
With that taken care of, you slipped down to Odin's healing room. The guards let you pass without quesiton or pause. "How is he doing?" you asked Frigga when you entered. She had scarely left her vigil. You knew Loki checked on her all the time through illusions if nothing else, and you made a point to check on her daily. She'd also insisted on drop in formality recently.
"No change, I'm afraid," she told you just as sad and concerned as usual.
"He will wake again," you reassured her, just as you had every time you'd been to see her.
"It is just a matter of time," she agreed and reached up, placing her hand against your cheek. "I am proud of both of you," she told you warmly. "Even here I have gotten reports of how great a king Loki has turned out to be and it has not escaped my notice that you have done spectaluarly acting as head healer in my absence,"
"You're too kind, Queen Mother," you replied. Ok, maybe not all of the formality was gone, especially when you were faced with unexpected praise. "I couldn't hope to fill your shoes,"
"But you have, darling. You are both doing an excellent job and the people respect you. A mother could not be prouder." She told you gently, kindly, in her calm caring way. You had tears in your eyes at that. You'd been a foster kid with a rough journey through the foster system until you'd landed in the Avengers' lap. You'd never had a mother. And now? Frigga had adopted you as one of her own. It was what Frigga did, but it touched your heart all the same.
"Thank you, Lady Mother," you replied softly, tentatively, using the term of address Loki and Thor did when they were being formal. You saw her bright smile and unshed tears glistened in her eyes as well. She was pleased and touched by your response. "Though if you'll excuse me, I need to make sure your son stops working long enough to eat dinner." You broke the tense mood before it could get even more tense, before tears could actually shed.
"Of course, Daughter," she bid you warmly and let you go find your wayward Loki. Unsurprisingly, he was on the throne. He nodded to you when you entered the throne room and finish with teh noble he was dealing with. He dismissed and court and came to you, greeting you with a kiss.
"Ready for dinner?" you asked him warmly.
"Ready to spend an evening with you, my love,"
Loki wrapped his cloak firmly around you the next morning before he let you leave the suite with him. He was extra overprotective that morning. You were without your powers, and while you didn't have any duties in the healing wing while you were unwell, you still had to appear in front of the people. You had to let them see that you and Loki were both unafraid for you to appear in front of them in your current condition.
It was even more important since you were acting King and Queen.
If it hadn't been so important, you would have gladly let Loki bundle you in blankets with tea and fluffy novels until you felt better. Instead, you went to breakfast with Loki and sipped on your tea while he tried to cajole you to eat something more substantial than chocolate cake.
He failed.
He sighed in exasperation. "What good is being king if I cannot even get one little witchling to listen to me?" he grumbled, though you could hear the amusement and whining in his voice.
"There's more to being king than getting your way all the time," you reminded him with a laugh in your tone.
"There's more?" he asked with all the excitement of Simba.
You rolled your eyes and smacked his arm for being so silly. "And I'm your fiancee, of course I'm going to tell you 'no'. It's good for you," you reminded him and laid your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head.
"Yes, dear," he replied obediently.
"Loki, would you like for us to watch over your lady?" Sif asked, stepping up to your table. "She would be safe in our care while you attend your duties," she added. She and the warriors three were slightly more polite to Loki since he had taken the throne, but only slightly, except during actual formal functions where they worked a little harder at it. They'd been friends with Thor forever and Loki by extension, so it was hard on them to switch from seeing him as Thor's annoying kid brother to their ruler.
You were just grateful you didn't have to try. At least not most of the time.
"Thanks, Sif, but Sig promised to spend the day with me." It was for the court's and councils' safety. Loki could be homicidal at the best of times. If he thought you were threatened, he would be even worse and in your current condition, he wouldn't trust that you were safe without seeing it with his own two eyes. He'd reassured you that Odin had done the exact same with Frigga as long as anyone could remember so they'd be perfectly used to it and would actually be grateful you were there keeping Loki calm.
So after breakfast you went with Loki to the throne room, his arm wrapped protectively around your shoulders. He walked you all the way up to the throne while the people gathered bowed and curtsied. You heard the whispered murmurs of warning to be careful. Whether they noted Loki's cloak and arm around you, sensed your lack of powers, or some other clue, they knew you were without your powers, which would make the king more stabby and homicidal than usual. They didn't seem overly concerned. Sure, they were concerned, more cautious than usual, but not scared. Loki must have been telling the truth that Odin was the same way for eons.
It wasn't until you were tucked safely beside Loki on the giant throne before he would finally turn his attention to the business waiting for him. His arm was around you, while your legs were tucked under you so you could lean comfortably against him. He tucked his cloak better around you and placed a warming spell on it as he pressed a mug of tea in your hands. You smiled up at him and he kissed your forehead, finally relaxing again once you were safe and happy.
The meetings waited patiently for him to get you settled to his exacting specifications. They were all careful not to appear like this behavior was out of the ordinary. To them it wasn't. This was just like Odin and Frigga. You listened to the boring meetings and proceedings for awhile until you laid your head on Loki's shoulder, zoning out because of the boring meetings and the relief of Loki's healing tea.
When you were nearly asleep, Loki lifted you from beside him and settled you in his lap, his arm around you and let you rest your head on his shoulder, properly safe and warm in his arms.
"Just like the queen," someone in the crowd commented... adoringly? That was the closest you could get to the emotion in their voice.
Loki's lips pressed against your forehead when you stirred at being moved. You shifted to settle more comfortably in his arms. You should have been embarrased to be in his lap on the throne of Asgard in front of the court, but you were safe, content, and his healing tea was doing it's job. When he spoke, his voice was so soft that even you could barely hear it."Rest, my queen,"
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