Chapter 48
You were bright red in embarrassment and had hidden your face against Loki's neck as he carried you to breakfast the next morning. He had positioned your dress strategically so everyone could see the bandage on your leg. That didn't stop it from being embarrassing. "You're just doing this to punish me for getting hurt," you whined at him.
He kissed your forehead. "No, darling. I am doing this because I love you and you need to eat breakfast. There's no reason to be embarrassed. You were injured fighting for our people. They're honored a member of the royal family, especially our healer, would risk such an injure to protect them,"
You were surprised when there were cheers from those gathered at breakfast and you knew those cheers were for you.
The bedrest nearly drove you crazy. You hadn't thought it would be so bad, a couple days of staying curled up in your room with books. But no you were royalty now and had to be seen in public. At least Loki kept some of his patience somehow. You were out of it. He also had an uncanny ability to distract you from embarrassment over being carried and taken care of with kisses.
You were tired of being carried by the end of the first day, though Loki never seemed to mind. Except when Thor had to once when Loki got called to help Odin consult on a spell. He didn't like that Thor had carried you back to bed for a nap while he worked, since you hadn't been invited to help. Healing Asgardians were sleepy creatures.
You all ended up frustrated and upset when the maids insisted on helping you bathe. Loki, help! you thought across the hall at him. Telepathy wasn't one of your best abilities and you were really just learning how to use it, but Loki must've caught the drift and came to your rescue. He somehow politely, but firmly, shooed the maids away, insisting that you were too polite to tell them that you didn't held and you were too Midgardian to be comfortable with the comforts of palace life yet (aka annoying maids who tried to do everything for you).
"How do you do that?" you whined when he had gotten them to go away.
He chuckled and sat on your bed next to you. "I grew up as a prince, darling. You'll get used to it. Now what were they trying to help you with that got you so riled?"
"They insisted I needed help bathing," you growled, still annoyed enough to have your temper up instead of your embarrassment. You realized a moment too late that you probably shouldn't have told Loki that, though.
Because he would insist on helping in three, two, one... "Of course," he said with a mischievous smirk and lifted you from the bed.
"Loki!" you shrieked, indignantly. "I'm capable of bathing on my own!" you told him firmly.
"Sure you are. And how, pray tell, were you intending on getting in the bath without standing?" he asked.
"Magic," you replied grumpily. He chuckled and carried you to the bathing room.
"How about your betrothed helps instead?" he purred in your ear, making your heart race.
You sighed. "Well...if it means that much to you," you finally relented. He smiled and kissed the top of your head.
"Wise decision, darling," he purred and kissed you. It started as a perfectly chaste kiss, but that only lasted a moment until you were lost in the kisses. You did finally pay attention again when you realized Loki was walking into the tub with you. The bathing tubs were more like hot tubs, plenty of room for more than one, and there were steps down into the water.
"You're getting wet," you told him. He was just supposed to set you in the bath, silly trickster.
He rolled his eyes. "That is generally what happens when one takes a bath, witchling," he teased. "You said I could help," he reminded you. You then also realized that all of the clothes had vanished. While you were still flushed and spluttering he had got you both settled in the bath and began the work of thoroughly washing your hair, you melted against him as he worked, his fingers expertly massaging your scalp. He chuckled when you melted against him and leaned down to place a light kiss on your neck.
You were both very thoroughly clean and very thoroughly relaxed before the bath had ended and curled up to take a nap afterwards.
On the morning you were finally cleared from bedrest, you woke to find yourself curled around a very female Loki. She flushed in embarrassment, hesitant, unsure that you'd be ok with the sudden change. "Morning Lady-Love," you greeted her with a smile, kissed her, and curled yourself more comfortably around her for more cuddles. She sighed happily and relaxed at your unquestioning acceptance.
The day passed as usual, you brushed out and braided Loki's hair while she melted and purred in delight. You went through light weapons training with Sif (with a lot of care taken for your newly healed leg and side). You spent time visiting with the warrior boys and Sif. The warriors greeted you both with kisses on the hand. Thor kissed your cheek and Loki's hand with the greeting of "Little sisters", which made Loki smile. You popped into the healing wing to make sure your services weren't needed there. Frigga greeted you both with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Loki returned the greeting in like manner. It warmed your heart how open and accepting everyone was.
No one questioned Loki being female. The questions were all at your blatant acceptance of it and how you were instantly ready to fight anyone who made a derogatory comment. Only one person dared say anything remotely negative. He ended up with a chest full of your daggers for the insult. He'd live, but you weren't healing him. You let the guards explain to Frigga and the healers why he was so injured. He was informed that he was lucky to be alive after insulting the princesses and left to suffer his injuries without healing. Frigga was setting up some awful punishment for him as well. There were no consequences for you for defending your Loki besides a proud kiss from Loki at your dagger skills.
The other issue that day came at dinner when Odin made a comment, glaring at Loki. "You're still playing these childish nonsensical games? I thought you had grown past this when you finally accepted your path, when you accepted the betrothal, when you've worked on Midgard to make amends," Odin stormed off before Loki could reply.
You glared daggers at Odin, but didn't dare do anything against him, not here in the crowded dining hall and not against the king. You were angry at him, but not stupid enough to commit treason. Though it was close. Instead, you wrapped your arms around Loki to soothe her hurt at the disapproval. With a nod to Frigga that you'd take care of Loki, you teleported the two of you back to your suite and held Loki soothing her while she cried out the hurt and pain of Odin's rejection.
When her tears slowed, you placed your fingers under her chin, tilting her head up so she had to look in your eyes. You saw her pain and fear. "Odin's an ass. Ignore him. I'm here for you love and I love you, no matter your form. You're always my Loki," you told her with a smile and kissed her. She finally relaxed after the application of a few of your kisses.
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