Chapter 38
The suite was gorgeous and perfect, soft and comfortable with plenty of bookshelves all over. It had obviously been decorated for you. You found the hot bath waiting for you like Loki said it would be. Once you were clean you fell into the overly soft bed to recharge for a few hours.
The maids did wake you for dinner and insisted on helping you dress and doing your hair. You couldn't figure out how to politely tell them that you were perfectly capable of managing on your own. Especially since you had magic. You'd have to ask Loki how to get rid of them later.
Loki was waiting outside of your suite and you hugged him when you saw him. "Did you sleep well, witchling?" he asked with a smile.
"The beds are so soft," you purred. It had been the best you'd slept in maybe ever. He chuckled.
"That they are. Mother said she had a collection of books that she thought might interest you sent to your suite,"
"It's full of books!" you told him. You grabbed his hand and tried to pull him inside so he could see. He planted his feet.
"We must pretend to care about propriety until after tomorrow's ceremony," he reminded you.
"Propriety is so tedious," you grumbled, but let him lead you to dinner instead of showing off your suite.
"It is pretense, love," he reminded you softly.
Dinner was a giant feast of an affair. At least you could sit between Thor and Loki and talk about familiar things with them. Frigga kept glancing over at the three of you and smiling at how well you were all getting along. She also made a comment during the evening about your impressive healing abilities for managing to heal an entire village in one afternoon. That got you a lot of credit from the court.
There was dancing after the feast. Thor stole you for the first dance, despite Loki's protests. You laughed and swung with him to the cheerful rowdy song. It was a wonderful evening of dancing. Each of the Warriors Three claimed you for a dance. Fandal was by far the best of the three of them. Finally, you were swung into Loki's arms for a dance with him. It was even one of the more formal court dances that he preferred. He moved with such grace and joy that it warmed your heart to see him so happy.
As soon as you could, you and Loki escaped from the frivolity. He showed you to one of the gardens. "This one is my favorite," he told you as you strolled arm in arm through the paved walkways between the flowers. He summoned a cape for you and draped it over your shoulders.
"It's gorgeous," you told him, admiring all of the foreign flowers.
"It is even better for this," he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He darted between a gap in two hedges, pulling you with him. The gap couldn't be seen from the path and was barely big enough for you to slip through. Inside was a little alcove with a bench, surrounded by tall hedges. Loki pulled you to him and kissed you deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck automatically. You kissed in the alcove for a long time, stopping and hiding your giggles when you heard people passing by the gap in the hedges. No one could find you here to interrupt your fun.
The next morning you found Sif at breakfast. "Morning, Sig," she greeted you.
"Morning, Sif," you replied, wary as to why she was so excited this early in the morning. Loki looked equally wary.
"I'll show you some tricks after breakfast. There's nothing for you to do until the ceremony tonight anyway." You nodded and sat down with Loki at the table with Sif, the warrior boys, and Thor to eat a quick breakfast.
"Loki, are you sure you want your lady to train in weapons with Lady Sif?" Fandal teased.
"My desires are irrelevant here," Loki replied, sounding put upon. "Besides, my lady is a healer at heart. Even training with Lady Sif will not be able to change her nature," Loki kissed the top of your head before you could grumble at him that you were in the room and could hear him.
You used magic to summon your armor, kissed Loki goodbye, and went with Sif to the training yard. She showed you a lot of dagger tricks and worked with you for most of the morning. There were other women practicing as well, so you weren't alone, but they also seemed impressed that the healer was learning a bit of the warrior's arts as well.
All too soon you had to get ready for the ceremony. You were dreading it, but at least you'd be with Loki through the whole thing. The maids helped you dress again and did your hair, despite your ever so polite protests that you could do it yourself. Apparently that would be unseemly and they ever so politely told you no and insisted on doing it for you. The dress was gorgeous, dark green with golden sparkles throughout.
The maids walked you down to the throne room. Loki would meet you down here right before the ceremony began. Thor was already waiting in his formal finery. "Lady Sigyn," he greeted you with a bow. You offered him a curtsy in reply, which seemed so strange and formal that you instantly gave up on formality and hugged him instead. He laughed and returned the friendly familiar hug. "You look lovely, little sister. Loki's colors suit you." You realized that you were dressed in the colors Loki usually wore.
"I'm nervous, Thor," you admitted softly. To anyone else, you never would have dared to express your fears or doubts, but Thor had adopted you as a sister on the day he rescued you and brought you to the tower.
"It will be fine. You have been preparing for this for months. The people love you. Loki loves you with everything that he is. I have never seen him so happy in all of my days. And you will have a year and a day before you must stand before Odin again," he added with a smile that was supposed to be reassuring, but instead was terrifying.
"Brother, kindly unhand my beloved," Loki's voice came from behind you. He wasn't jealous, just amused. You let go of Thor and turned to face Loki, who was also in his more formal finery, even including his golden horned helmet. You were glad you didn't have to wear anything so ridiculous on your head.
Thor kissed your hand, clapped Loki on the shoulder, and then made his way to his place for the ceremony.
Loki bowed over your hand to kiss it. "You look lovely, witchling," he told you with a warm smile.
"You clean up nicely yourself," you teased. He laughed in reply. You both still had smiles from laughter when the doors to the throne room were opened by the guards for you to proceed. Loki held your hand in formal escort and the two of you made your way to Odin's throne together. You held his hand a little too tightly out of nerves, but he didn't let it show if it bothered him.
Odin banged his staff on the floor for silence as soon as you were in place. He was standing in front of his throne with Frigga at his side, Thor stood on the stair below them. You and Loki moved so you were facing each other, your hands held. "Today we acknowledge a commitment made nearly a score years ago. Today's is the first step towards fulfilling the commitment that will bind the House of Odin with the House of Njord. Loki...Odinson" you caught the hesitation and slight stumble over Loki's name. It just sounded like formality to most, though, but you heard the stumble for what it was. "My son, will you honor the commitment you made to take Freya's daughter as your bride?" Odin demanded formally.
"I will," Loki replied, smiling warmly and reassuringly at you. This wasn't a wedding, just a betrothal ceremony.
"Sigyn Freyadottir, will you accept the commitment made on your behalf to take Loki as your husband?"
"I will," you answered, not looking away from Loki.
Odin nodded to Frigga who stepped forward with a golden cord in her hand. She wrapped it gently around your and Loki's joined hands.
It was she who spoke next. "As your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in the commitment of love and trust. For always you hold in your own hands the fate of this union. Above you are stars and below you is earth. Like stars your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow.
May these hands be blessed this day. May they always hold each other. May they have the strength to hang on during the storms of stress and the dark of disillusionment. May they remain tender and gentle as they nurture each other in their wondrous love. May they build a relationship founded in love, and rich in caring. May these hands be healer, protector, shelter, and guide for each other.
Let your year and a day of courtship officially begin on this day. We look forward to gathering again at the end of that time to celebrate your union in marriage. I bid you now to seal your commitment to this courtship with a kiss," Frigga ended her speech warmly. You could hear the love she had for Loki and how delighted she was to see him so happy. Loki leaned down and you met him halfway, for a very perfect kiss to end the ceremony. The kiss was so perfect you could almost drown out the cheers from the gathered crowd. Almost.
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