Chapter 36
You were ecstatic the day your cast came off. It happened to coincide with the day Fury let Loki off the hook on his house arrest. The second your cast was off you ignored the doctor's warning to take it easy and went to glomp Loki, running the fingers of your right hand through his hair. He laughed and swung you around. "I'm trying to tell you to take it easy on that arm," the doctor grumbled. You and Loki both put on polite expressions to listen to her, but she sighed and gave up when she realized that neither of you were actually listening and insisted she'd tell Bruce what you were supposed to do instead.
Thor grabbed you both by the back of your shirts to stop you from escaping the tower to find an adventure the second you could. "Don't forget we have to return to Asgard tomorrow," he told you both when you stopped to look at him and see what he wanted.
"Thor, I've been studying for the trip for two months straight," you whined. "I just got my cast off and Loki's finally off house arrest. We're going out tonight," you informed him. You had even changed into a dress for the occasion. Thor just sighed and mumbled something unflattering, calling you children again. "If we were being children, we'd go to dinner and movie in our costumes," you reminded him with a glint of mischief in your eyes.
"That does sound like fun, witchling," Loki added innocently. Thor sighed.
"Don't you dare. You know we are supposed to keep a low profile,"
"Fine," you pouted. Thor gave you a look, like he didn't believe you. You grinned and stood up on your toes to kiss his cheek. "See you later," you promised. You took Loki's hand again and left with him before anyone else could stop you.
The next morning after breakfast, you used magic to change into the lovely blue Asgardian dress and the darker blue cloak that went over it. "Why can't I go in my armor?" you whined at Loki again as he and Thor used their respective powers to change into their Asgardian clothes too. The floor-length dress you wore was not designed for combat.
Loki rolled his eyes at you over dramatically and answered overly patiently. "Darling, we've been over this. You're presenting as a sorceress, not a warrior. You're a healer and the people will expect to see you as such,"
"And healers do not dress like Lady Sif," you grumbled the rest of the argument, but didn't argue with the logic. He was right. You knew he was right. It was his culture after all. Besides, you could summon your armor at will if you really needed it. You were still going to miss pants...
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Loki asked you again.
"We don't have much of a choice. Besides, this is just a ceremony to acknowledge the betrothal and announce the official start of the year and a day of courtship before the official wedding," you recited. You'd been over this quite a few times already. "We can go through the ceremony, continue to live our lives. The year and a day is intended to make sure the match will work. As for after that..." you shrugged. "We'll jump off that bridge when we get to it." You still weren't sure you were ok with finding out that not only were you Asgardian, but also betrothed to the prince of Asgard. It was a lot of news very quickly. You had decided to just take things as they came, one day of love and joy with Loki at a time.
"We will jump off that bridge?" Loki asked, unfamiliar with the expression. You laughed.
"It's a bad Earth idiom. Please don't learn English from me," you continued laughing.
"Thank you for going through this," Loki whispered against your hair when the laughter died.
"Anything for you," you replied and kissed him lightly.
"Come along, children. Heimdall is waiting for us," Thor grumbled.
You, Loki, and Thor said your goodbyes to the others, promised to be safe, and return soon, and finally made your way downstairs to where the Bifrost could safely be opened. Loki wrapped an arm firmly around you. "Travel by Bifrost is an experience," he explained. You didn't think it was dangerous, but Loki held you tightly against his side anyway. "And you are not used to travelling this way yet, witchling," he added. You'd only been on the Bifrost twice.
Thor raised his hammer and called to Heimdall. The Bifrost appeared around you and you clutched onto Loki, forgetting for a moment just how disconcerting it was to fly along the rainbow bridge. It only lasted for a moment before you stepped into the room with Heimdall and his giant sword.
"Welcome back to Asgard," he greeted you all. Thor and Loki both inclined their heads politely and you offered him a small curtsy, the exact depth due to his station. Loki had been drilling you on curtsies for weeks. That was the bonus of a boyfriend who spent time as a girl and had all of his life. He knew perfectly well how to function as a female at court.
"Thank you, Heimdall," you all answered him. He looked impressed that you had used Asgardian instead of English. You gave him a grin in reply. Loki offered you his arm in escort and you placed your hand on his arm so the three of you could leave the Bifrost chamber to head to the palace. There were two horses waiting for you.
"Why can't we teleport?" you whined at Loki.
"Because the people need to see their princes return," Thor replied overly patiently this time. "We will have to teach you to ride soon," he commented when he caught your expression at the giant hoofed creatures.
"Not a common activity in the middle of the city," you grumbled, but didn't pause on the way to the horses. Loki swung up into the saddle of his horse gracefully, the movement obviously well practiced. You stuck your tongue out at him. "Showoff,"
He reached down a hand to you. You clasped it automatically. "No, this is showing off," he commented with his Cheshire cat grin and hauled you up in front of him effortlessly. You shrieked and giggled at his antics as he wrapped his arms firmly around you, holding you safely across his lap.
"That is showing off," you agreed. He kissed the top of your head in reply. "Aren't I supposed to ride behind you?" you asked. That's how you'd expected this would work.
"Were you used to riding, especially side saddle, which is what you would need to do while wearing a full-length dress, yes you would ride behind me, however, this is safer," he replied. "Plus, I enjoy you in my lap," he whispered in your ear, making you blush.
The trip to the palace was much calmer than the headlong gallop you'd taken last time while you were hiding your presence. Thor and Loki strolled the horses, waving and nodding to the people, letting them see their princes had returned. You were uncomfortable with the attention and tried to convince yourself it was just for Thor and Loki, but you heard the whispers of 'Sigyn' through the crowds too and saw how the people reacted when Loki did little things like kiss your hair or settle his arm more firmly around you. They noticed the little things and the change in the usually sullen quiet prince.
Servants met you at the palace gates to take the horses. Thor dismounted first and reached up to hand you down from the saddle. He lifted you effortlessly down to your feet. "Thanks, Thor," you replied as you straightened out your skirts. Loki swung down as gracefully as he'd swung into the saddle. Your hand was on his arm as you walked into the palace and through the familiar halls of Thor's and Loki's childhood.
The first thing you did was present yourself to Odin and Frigga and announce your return. The boys bowed and you dipped into the proper curtsy. Thor as the eldest made the official announcement to Odin that you all had returned for a visit and Odin welcomed you all. Frigga stepped down from her place to hug her sons. You stepped back a pace to let them have their moment. You saw Loki's happiness at the hug from his mother, for all that he was adopted. He may hate Odin for the things he had done in the past, but he would always love Frigga and saw her as his real mother, no matter what he said.
"Welcome back to Asgard, Sigyn," Frigga greeted you with a polite formal nod once she had hugged both of her sons.
You dipped yet another curtsy. "Thank you, your majesty," you replied in proper formal Asgardian. You had been practicing.
She and her sons spoke for awhile, catching up on things they'd all missed. Finally, she added. "Loki, Sigyn has been given the suite across the hall from yours, if you would like to show her the way. I'm sure you would all like to freshen up from your travels." You all knew a dismissal when you heard one. The boys both kissed Frigga's hand before they left.
"Lady Sigyn," Loki said to you with a smile, offering you his hand. You placed your hand in his and he lifted it to his lips to place a soft kiss on your knuckles. He smiled softly and placed your hand on his arm so he could escort you through the halls of the palace.
"He loves her truly," you heard Frigga comment softly enough that all three of you could pretend you hadn't.
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