Chapter 35
You spent most of the rest of your recovery time, and Loki's grounding, studying with Loki and Thor. You had to be prepared for court before you returned to Asgard. You learned court dances from the boys, practiced your Asgardian nearly constantly, and crammed as much history and culture into your brain as was possible. It was exhausting.
The team often found the three of you passed out in the early hours of the morning in the living room in a pile of limbs, books, and blankets. Thankfully they all knew better than to wake any of you, or let Loki know they had seen him in such a compromising situation. Especially the night you were both using Thor as a pillow.
Loki denied it happened even though you had printed off the picture from Jarvis' security files and had it stuck to the bulletin board above the desk in your room.
You were just grateful that Loki wasn't jealous of Thor. Yes, you were close to Thor, but it was a brother/sister relationship and nothing more. Thankfully, Loki recognized that, and didn't throw a fit. It helped that you could both commiserate over Thor being an annoying older brother. You both yelled at him one night when he had decided you had both worked too hard and threw you one over each shoulder to carry you to bed.
Tony laughed and took pictures of you, Loki, and Thor the entire trip back up to your suite. Loki was so concerned with throwing daggers at Tony that he didn't think about stabbing Thor for the indecency of being carried to bed thrown over Thor's shoulder. Or it was something he was so used to from when they were younger he hadn't even thought it strange. Thor set you both down on your feet outside of your suite. "Get some sleep, children. You have both been working too hard. Our family will love you no matter what, little sister, and you should know better than to let your kærasta work herself to death, brother,"
"I don't let her do anything," Loki grumbled in reply. Thor boomed a laugh, kissed your hand, clapped Loki on the shoulder, and left to go find his own bed.
"C'mon, love, Thor's right for once. We both need sleep." You grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him into your suite before he could somehow get mad at Thor. You tried to remember when the suite had become both of yours and not just yours alone. You gave up quickly. It was impossible to know exactly and it didn't matter. Loki slept here now, most of his stuff was here, and his room had become your overflow library and dagger vault.
"Loki, I have to go, I promised Doctor Strange," you protested again when Loki wanted you to stay home. You had even bribed him with pancakes and he was still being this difficult.
"I can't go with you," he reminded you. Again.
You rolled your eyes. "You don't need to come with me to visit a friend," you reminded him patiently.
"You're still injured. I dislike you going alone," his voice was scared, concerned, worried. The last time you'd gone out without him, you'd been hurt.
"I know, love, but I'll be fine. You know I'm spending the next three days entirely in your company. Today's the best day to help the Doctor," you reminded him overly patiently.
"I still dislike it," he grumbled. You kissed his cheek.
"I love you too. I'll see you this afternoon. Doctor Strange will give me a ride home," you reminded him. On impulse. "Can I have a dagger?" you asked. He smiled and summoned one for you in a very impressive looking sheath. You tied on the sheath obediently and he seemed more relaxed at your leaving when you were armed while you were gone. "Thanks," you told him with a smile and teleported away after one last kiss.
You tapped politely on the sanctum's door and it swung open for you. There was a portal to Strange's study waiting for you inside. You stepped through without a second thought. "Sorry I'm late. And armed," you greeted Doctor Strange sheepishly.
"You're a sorceress, you're always armed," he replied pleasantly as you took your usual seat across the desk from him and picked up the cup of tea that was sitting there waiting for you.
You nodded your head in agreement. "Well, until tomorrow anyway," you added.
"Where's that boyfriend of yours? Please tell me he's not scaring Wong in the library again." Strange was amused by Loki's antics most of the time, as long as Loki wasn't destroying anything. Wong didn't like Loki messing with his library.
You laughed and shook your head. "No, he's kinda...grounded, so he's stuck at the tower,"
Strange just gave you a look. "Seems like you have a couple stories to share today," he commented dryly, also looking over your cast. You sighed heavily, but told him about Loki leaving, your near arrest by the world security council, and the mission where you were injured.
"We've had a busy month," you concluded.
"So it sounds. And you didn't take care of that yourself, because?" he gestured toward your arm.
You huffed. "Because I can't heal myself, only others," you grumped at him, setting your teacup down a little too hard. You hated discussing your weaknesses. "Believe me, I would've healed it if I could,"
"You know I had to check. I can't very well allow you to burn power on me if you need it for yourself, and we all know how healers are..."
"Apparently we are incorrigible," you replied with a smile. He caught you up with the things the sanctum had been up to, which was mostly monitoring threats to the Earth. "Ready to get started?" you asked after he'd caught you up on events and you had 'finished' your cup of tea. The tea refilled itself. He stripped off his gloves and you got to work. His hands were better than they'd been last month, but it was still going to take a long while to heal all of the damage. You placed your glowing blue hand over his hands, focused on where you'd left off the last healing, and got to work.
Your power levels flickered late that afternoon. It took all of your willpower to lift your hand from his and break the healing spell. Healers really did not like leaving healings unfinished. You were no exception to that rule, and this was the third time you'd had to leave his hands unhealed.
"Thank you as always, Miss Y/N," Strange told you when the connection had broken. You blinked away the healing trance, dazed since you had dumped more power into it than you should have. You nodded in reply. "Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.
You nodded again. "Sorry, that takes a lot of power. There's a reason I only do this healing when I'm about to lose my powers anyway," you reminded him. He knew all of this already. You'd explained it to him last month.
"I can still worry when you drain yourself this much on my account," he replied. You gave him a smile. It seemed everyone had a soft spot for the healer.
"It's no trouble, though I would appreciate a ride home," you reminded him. You teleported here and didn't have the power left to get back home.
"Of course." With a quick circle of his hands a portal opened. He came over to your side of the desk and offered you a hand to pull you to your feet. You let him without a protest.
"I'll see you soon," you bid him and stepped through the portal with a wave.
Loki was waiting on the other side and wrapped his arms around you the second you stepped through the portal. He waved to Strange on the other side before the portal snapped shut behind you. "I was so worried," he whispered as he held you to him.
"I'm fine," you reminded him.
"You have no magic left," he told you dryly.
You shrugged in reply. "Duh? Strange's hands are really bad. Besides, I'm going to be without my powers for three days anyway, might as well do something useful with them today,"
"Healers," Loki grumbled half-heartedly.
"I love you too," you replied and stood up on your toes to kiss him.
"LOKI!" Tony shouted at breakfast the next morning. You had made the mistake of joining your family and Tony had made one too many quips about you and Loki and it had grated your nonexistent temper. Especially when he had commented on your lack of powers. Which is how you found yourself standing over him, pinning him down with your casted arm, the other holding a dagger to his throat. It would have been amusing that he was calling Loki to save him, had you not been holding an extremely sharp dagger to his throat.
"Tony, what did you do to upset the healer?" Cap asked calmly. He trusted that you wouldn't actually hurt Tony. You were still a healer no matter what Tony had done, and he occasionally needed scared into remembering to be nice to people. Loki was still sitting on the couch, reading a book with one hand, sipping on a cup of tea with the other.
"I don't know who this is, but it's not our healer!" Tony exclaimed, trying to get out from under your dagger while you glared at him. "Our healer is a shy little ghost of a girl. This is a bitchy Asgardian changeling who is way stronger than she should be,"
"You were warned, Stark," you snarled at him.
You shrieked in rage and fear when a strong warm muscled arm wrapped around your waist and hauled you off of your feet and away from Tony. "Hush, sister," Thor told you softly. You continued glaring at Tony, but didn't fight Thor. Thor took the dagger from your hand and tossed it to Loki, who caught it without looking up from his book. "Brother, aren't you supposed to be protecting your betrothed?" Thor asked calmly as he set you on the couch next to Loki.
"There was no need," Loki replied pleasantly, handing you the dagger back. You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, before you resheathed the dagger. "My lady is perfectly capable of protecting herself. It is not my fault shell-head antagonized her after he was warned that she was without her powers and would be extra defensive because she is injured." Everyone glared at Tony. It was one thing if he was just making stupid jokes. It was another if he'd been warned against making stupid jokes and had done so anyway.
"Tony, maybe you shouldn't piss off Y/N," Nat commented as she brought you a plate of breakfast. You gave her a smile and thanked her, especially when you saw that it was a plate of chocolate chip pancakes. Tony stormed off, pouting that no one was taking his side even though he'd had a dagger to his throat. "Sorry, Loki, Clint only made enough pancakes to appease the angry healer," Nat added when Loki looked sad that he hadn't gotten any pancakes. You offered him a bite off of your fork. He grinned and you shared the plate of pancakes companionably. Wisely, no one commented on your change in mood.
"These are even better than normal pancakes," Loki told you delightedly, making you laugh at his glee over something to simple as pancakes. "They're dessert and breakfast." Desserts were one of Loki's weaknesses.
"I'll have to show you how to make them sometime," you replied.
"Chocolate always works," Clint commented softly enough that you could pretend you hadn't heard him. Instead of replying, you finished your half of the pancakes you were sharing with Loki and sipped on the healing tea he'd given you.
Somehow you ended up lying on the couch, your head in Loki's lap and your feet in Thor's, a blanket draped over you, never feeling as safe as you did with your boys. You were half-watching, half-dozing while they tried to kill each other in some kind of video game.
"See? She's perfectly reasonable when you aren't antagonizing her," Cap commented when Tony dared to come back into the room. Everyone else jumped to agree that he needed to play nice with the healer.
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