Chapter 31
You pulled out your phone and held it nearby with your magic to snap a picture of yourself and Loki. You sent it to Fury and video-called him about thirty seconds later. "Hey, Fury, guess who's back?" you greeted him when he answered. You showed him Loki on the screen.
"'Bout damn time," Fury grumbled.
"Can you tell the council to stop trying to arrest me now? Loki and I just beat up a bunch of their thugs, and he's starting to get annoyed," You panned the camera for Fury so he could see all of the passed-out soldiers around Clint's field.
"We wouldn't want your precious boyfriend annoyed," Fury continued to grumble sarcastically. He seemed to have forgotten that he really didn't want Loki annoyed. Annoyed Loki was chaotically destructive. Happy Loki with his girlfriend safe was so much better.
"No, you really don't," you replied pleasantly. Your pleasant tone got Fury's attention.
"No, I really don't," he agreed, finally seeming to remember who your boyfriend was and the consequences of him being upset. You cared who you hurt. Loki didn't. "You two get your asses back to the tower. Now. I'll get the council off of your tail. Tony, Cap, make sure they go back to the tower and stay there," Fury's voice came through the comm devices for that last sentence. He hung up as soon as he gave the order.
"Good job, you two," Cap said as they team made their way over to you.
"Brother! You have returned!" Thor exclaimed, rushing over to hug Loki. You stepped between them, saving Loki from Thor's squishing hug.
"Thor, don't scare Loki away again. We just got him back," you reminded Thor while Loki breathed a sigh of relief behind you. He wasn't ashamed to use you as a human shield against Thor's bone crushing hugs.
"But you got to hug him," Thor pouted.
"He won't stab me for hugging him," you replied quite logically. Thor continued to pout.
"You almost let Y/N get arrested, Reindeer Games," Tony told Loki grumpily. Loki raised your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles. The gesture just seemed to piss Tony off more, which make Loki smirk.
"I am quite sure my lady was perfectly capable of taking care of herself,"
"Maybe we'll leave her fend for herself next time you decide to skip town," Tony grumbled.
"Tony..." you warned. It wouldn't be good if Tony got Loki riled up.
"He up and left you, kid. You think we're not all upset with how he treated you?" Tony glared at you. "I know Thor threatened to kick his ass when he got back for leaving you like that, and you act like nothing happened,"
You shrugged. "He's back. I love him. He helped keep me from getting arrested. We'll discuss the rest when we're home,"
"You two should get back before Fury calls back and yells at all of us," Cap said. "Can you teleport that far?" You and Loki both nodded. With his powers unbound he could teleport wherever he pleased. Together you had more than enough power to get back to the tower.
"You guys are ok taking the jet back?" You felt bad that they had to take the long way home. Cap nodded.
"Get out of here. Fury can't call off the council until Loki's safely back in custody. Regardless of the fact that he's not actually in custody. We have to pretend for the council." You nodded, understanding what Cap was getting at.
You wrapped your arms around Loki's waist and his arm went automatically around your shoulders. "Come on, love, let's go home," you bid him softly.
"That, my darling, sounds like an excellent idea. Your chambers or mine?" you had to agree where you were teleporting if you were teleporting together. It ended up poorly if you didn't.
"Mine," your suite was nicer than Loki's room. Tony made fake retching noises at your adorableness. You flipped him off in reply, making the rest of the team laugh.
"Go home," Cap told you firmly.
You sighed and rolled your eyes dramatically, but disappeared with Loki to reappear in the livingroom of your suite. The second you were safely back, your arms were back around Loki's neck. "You act like you missed me or something," he commented with a smile in his voice.
"I did miss you, silly Trickster. I'm sure you know that perfectly well," you replied. You took a step back and looked him over. It had only been two weeks, but you had to make sure he hadn't changed, hadn't gotten injured while he was away. He looked just the same as usual. His magic shimmered around him and he was back in normal clothes, instead of his battle armor.
"You got new armor," he commented, looking over your outfit. You looked down and realized that he hadn't seen your costume yet, so you twirled for him so he could see it.
"Like it?" you asked.
"Lovely as ever, witchling. Though I hope the outfit is the only trait you got from Sif. I much prefer my healer to her company. You've already knocked me out and tied me up once," he joked, earning a laugh from you. You used your own magic to return back to normal clothes too.
"I only knocked you out. Sif tied you up. Then Frigga ignored that she saw the three of us like that. It was very kind of your mother to help me smuggle you back to Earth," you explained with a smile. He grinned.
"My apologies, I was unconscious during that part of the story," he gave you a regal bow and you giggled at him.
The mood turned serious after that. "You're really back?" you asked him softly, afraid he'd just come back to help with the battle. You weren't surprised to learn he'd been keeping an eye on you, not really.
He nodded, a sad look returning to his eyes. "I'm back, darling. I know saying I'm sorry isn't nearly enough to make it up to you, but I am sorry I left. I never should have and I was a moron to do so, a moron to risk your love with my own selfish hurt feelings. You were right. About everything. I should never have let Odin get in my head. Our decisions are ours to make, Asgardian betrothal or no."
He surprised you then by dropping to one knee, his right hand in a fist over his heart, his head bowed. "My love, my Sigyn, my darling witchling, I pray with every fiber of my being that you can find it in your heart to take me back after the horrible decision I made and the terrible way I treated you. I know I do not deserve the second chance, but I swear to you that I will never do anything like that to you ever again, and I will spend every moment making it up to you. I love you with all of my heart and wish to stay with you for all of our days, if you will have me." He looked up at you with a hopeful, pleading expression in his eyes before he bowed his head again, waiting for your decision. You saw the brief glimmer of fear in his eyes.
"Of course I'll have you. I've been waiting for you to come home, love," you told him softly. His look of relief nearly broke your heart. He hadn't been expecting you to take him back, you realized. He'd been expecting rejection. He jumped back to his feet and pulled you into his arms to give you the very best kiss you'd ever had, which was a very impressive feat, since all of his kisses were fantastic.
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